Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 Flashcards
Who said, “During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination…” and when?
Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s nationalist leader, first uttered these words in 1964 at his trial for treason, sabotage, and conspiracy
How long did Nelson Mandela spend in prison, sometimes working at hard labor in a stone quarry?
27 years
IN 1994, South AFrica held its first election in which blacks and whites alike were able to vote, and through that who was the country’s first black African president?
Nelson Mandela
What is decolonization also known as that carried an immense significance for the history of the 20th century?
struggle for independence
The first major breakthrough towards independence occured where?
Asia and the Middle East in the late 1940s - Philippines, India, Pakistan, Burma, Indonesia, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Israel
The period from the mid 195-s through 1970s was an age of what where colony after colony, more than fifty, emerged into what was then seen as the bright light of freedom?
African independence
During the 1970s, what island societies of Pacific Oceania joined the ranks of independent states, almost entirely peacefully and without much struggle?
Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, Kiribati
Who sought to incorporate as a state within the United States, rather than independence, attracting opposition from some American conservatives who were not easily persuaded that this multiethnic society was genuinely American?
What Caribbean societies achieved independence during the 1960s and 70s, informed by a growing awareness of a distinctive Caribbean culture?
the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Tobago
In Oceania, the idea of what, sought to articulate a style of political action in keeping with what were held to be “traditional” principles?`
Pacific Way
What was one of the outcomes of the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910?
one outcome was the nationalization in 1937 of Mexico’s oil industry
IN the beginning of the 21st century few observers were predicting the collapse of these empires, and the idea that what is the only legitimate government?
national self-government
why did the “fatal flaw” of European colonial rule lead to independence in the post-World War II decades?
world wars weakened Europe; world wars discredited Europe’s moral superiority; US and Soviet Union oppose colonial empires; United Nations provided a platform for anticolonial agitation
Deliberate planning for decolonization included what?
gradual political reforms; investments in railroads, ports, and telegraph lines; the holding of elections; and the writing of constitutions
Who were the “fathers” of these new countries where independence dawned?
Gandhi and Nehru in India, Sukarno in Indonesia, Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, Nkrumah in Ghana, and Mandela in South Africa
How long did it take the Belgian Congo to gain independence?
4 years
Where did nationalists rely on peaceful political pressure-demonstrations, strikes, mass mobilization, and negotiations - to achieve independence?
West Africa
In Indonesia, an early nationalist organization known as what, appealed on the basis of religion to achieve independnce?
Islamic Union
Who was indonesia’s primary nationalist leader who sought to embrace and reconcile these various outlooks saying, “What is _________?” “A nationalist? An Islamist? A Marxist?…__________ is a mixture of all these isms
Who was among the first colonies to achieve independence and provided both a model and an inspiration to others?
How were people identified in India rather than as “Indians”?
caste, village, language, region, tribe, and religious practice
What was the most important political expression of an all-Indian identity took shape in what often called the Congress Party, which was established in 1885?
Indian National Congress (INC)
Who was the INdian National Congress an association of?
English-educated Indians - lawyers, journalists, teachers, businessmen
Who was Mohandas Gandhi?
born in the province of Gujarat, married at 13, who developed a concept of INdia that included Hindus and Muslims in a political philosophy known as satyagraha(truth force)
What is satyagraha, the political philosophy of Mohandas Gandhi?
(truth force) it was a confrontational, though nonviolent, approach to political action
Gandhi became the what which means the Great Soul?
Who was Gandhi’s chief lieutenant who thoroughly embraced science, technology, and industry as essential to India’s future?
Jawaharlal Nehru
As early as 1906, the formation of what that contradicted the Congress Party’s claim to speak for all Indians?
All-India Muslim League
in Hindu religious terms, hailing their country, as a goddess known as what?
Bande Mataram (Mother India)
What was the written in a Persian script and was favored by Muslims?
Who was the leader of the Muslim League who argued that those parts of India that had a Muslim majority should have separate political status?
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
How was India divided in 1947?
as two countries with a Muslim Pakistan and a mostly Hindu India
What term reflected their image of themselves as “white Africans,” permanent residents of the continent rather than colonial intruders?
What was established in 1912 which sought not to overthrow the existing order but to be accepted as “civilized men” within it?
African National Congress (ANC)
By 1948, what came to power on a platform of apartheid, it was clear that peaceful protest had produced no meaningful movement?
Afrikaner-led National Party
The government of South AFrica responded with repression, including the shooting of 69 unarmed demonstrators where in 1960?
Opposition in South Africa was now primarily expressed by student groups that were part of what movement, an effort to foster pride, unity, and political awareness among the country’s African majority?
Black Consciousness
A protest in 1976 in a sprawling, impoverished black neighborhood called what outside Johannesburg, in which hundreds were killed, triggering uprising?
To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Soweto uprising, who orchestrated a general strike involving some 2 million workers?
the Congress of South African Trade Unions
What smaller group rejected cooperation with other racial groups and limited its membership to black Africans?
Pan Africanist Congress
Most threatening to the unity of the nationalist struggle were the separatist tendencies of what party and its leader?
the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party and its leaders, Gatsha Buthelezi