Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 Flashcards
South Africa’s first black African president, also famous for spending 27 years in prison
Nelson Mandela
Why Mandela was freed from prison in 1990
Growing domestic and international pressure on South African government
struggle for independence
Oceania’s attempts to keep traditional principles, including decision making with consensus (where no one’s feelings are hurt)
Pacific Way
Austrian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, Japanese Empire, German Empire
Empires that fell rip
Nationalization of Mexico’s oil industry
Outcome of Mexican Revolution
Reasons behind end of colonial empires
Contradictions between Enlightenment, Christian, and material progress morals and the unfairness of colonial exploitation (basically they were being hypocritical pieces of trash); Rise of National self-determination (Europe played themselves); Democratic values
coming together of separate developments at a time aka coincidences
reasons behind why “fatal flaw” of Europe led way to independence
- world wars weakened Europe; world wars discredited Europe’s moral superiority (genocide, that’s why!); US and Soviet Union oppose colonial empires (they were being hypocritical tho); United Nations provided platform for anticolonial agitation (basically a place for them to protest against colonies)
Social and economic circumstances that allowed material for anticolonial movements
Elite INTELLECTUALS from colonies; NON-INTELLECTUALS who were resentful of Europe’s privileges
ways colonial rulers created political relationships with their Asian/African subjects (only cuz they were being threatened)
Investments in public works; holding of elections; writing of constitutions
activist leaders or “fathers” of countries
- Ghandi and Nehru in India *lawyer dude; Sukarno in Indonesia *isms dude; Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam *asian dude; Nkrumah in Ghana *hero dude; Mandela in South Africa *jailed dude
problems within anticolonial movements
intellectuals tired of non-intellectuals, power struggles
Place that only took 4 years to get independence unlike the other countries that took decades
Belgian Congo
weird Indonesia guy who talked about himself in third person and said “_______ is a mixture of all these isms” about himself
Sukarno (I memorized it as: Sue-car-no)
what promoted Indian identity
. British rejecting Indian assimilation; British putting in technology that made communication easier so that Indians could communicate better #played themselves again; Movements to reform Hinduism
political party of well educated Indians from elite Hindu families (originally not popular with common people)
Indian National Congress (INC) also known as Congress PArTy
Babus, what British called the Congress Party when they asked for more inclusion
semi-literate native with only a thin layer of modern culture (basically half-savages)
Peaceful lawyer dude who experiences racism in South Africa, was educated in England, married at 13, and wanted equality between Hindus and Muslims. Thought best way was by rejecting industrialization and pursuing social reform. Killed by Hindu extremist. Disappointed by the division of Hindus and Muslims.
Mohandas Gandhi (if you don’t know who Gandhi is by now then shame on you)
truth force; Gandhi’s political philosophy
Great SOUL
Mahatma (what they called Ghandi)
what Gandhi viewed women as
people with virtue, self-sacrifice, and endurance :) ; still supported traditional female roles and passiveness :(
Gandhi’s chief lieutenant who embraced modern industrialization unlike Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Opposition to Gandhi within India
- Hindus hate on Muslims; Congress party hates on women and untouchables; Castes hate on other castes
muslim version of congress party who were worried about being a minority
All-India Muslim League
Muslim persian script
Hindus started calling India a goddess by the name of ______________________________________
Bande Mataram (Mother India)
what hindus did that antagonized muslims
Called India a goddess (Bande Mataram), tried to protec cows, enforced teaching of Hindi language in schools
Leader of Muslim League
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
land of the pure
bloody division of Pakistan and Hindu india that made them two separate countries about 1,000 miles apart
Percentage of white humans in South Africa
less than 20 percent
whites in South America
economically dominant white guys were british dudes; politically dominant white guys were Dutch descended dudes called Boers/Afrikaners; both disliked black majority rule despite not really liking each other either :\
white Africans, also go by the name of Boers
mature industrial economy of Africa
gold, diamonds, steel, rubber, automobile
Muslim Pathan dude who was the “Frontier Gandhi” and came from British mission school.
Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Khudai Khidmatgar, established by Muslim Pathan Khan guy
Servants of God movement in Pathan
Badshah Khan; what Abdul Ghaffar Khan dude was called
king of khans
islamic holy war
Why Abdul Ghaffar Khan was so successful
Related nonviolent protest to jihad, Prophet Muhammad’s mission, and Pathan male virtues
why Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the Muslim Pathan guy, was all dramatic and felt betrayed (hint hint he later sided with pakistan tho)
the partition/ division of India
Why Pakistani authorities didn’t trust Servants of God (supporters of Abdul Ghaffar Khan)
they were against military, formation of pakistan, and was for working with Hindus
overwhelming prominence of race/ segregation/ basically racism
pass laws
laws that monitored movement of Africans into cities
native reserves or Bantustans
ethnic homelands in africa that were very unhumane
African version of Congress PArtY who only wanted to be accepted as “civilized men” and denied full membership to women :(
African National Congress (ANC)
What women in south africa did to help despite the African National Congress being v sexist
catering, entertainment , boycotts, protests, wage demands
opposition to African National Congress cue dramatic music
Afrikaner-led National Party; It made people realize that peaceful protests wouldn’t work
South African government’s v unfair attempts at repression
shooting of 69 unarmed people in Sharpville, banning of African National Congress, and imprisonment of Nelson Mandela
civil disobedience kind of reminds me of people in Borgeson’s class
freedom struggle in South Africa turned to mostly illegal activities after formations of the Afrikaner National Party and government repression; underground nationalist leaders, sabotage, assassinations, guerrilla warfare (smaller nontraditional army uses tactics to defeat larger army)
student groups effort to foster pride and unity among African majority
Black Conciousness
protests at this impoverished black neighborhood was where people in the Black Conciousness movement were gunned down; they were originally protesting cuz the government was going to made them learn in the Afrikaner language rather than English
black labor movement
Congress of South African Trade Unions
international pressures to end apartheid (racism)
exclusion from Olympics, refusal of entertainers to come to South Africa, withdrawal of private investments, boycotts
compromises between white South Africans and African Nationalist Leaders
Ending of apartheid practices, release of Nelson Mandela from prison (only after 27 years there tho), legalization of African National Congress, negotiations that led to fair election
Gatsha Buthelezi (probs won’t need to know this but whatever)
leader of Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party in South Africa; this party received funding from apartheid state
Three political groups in Africa that were not friendly with each other (were all founded by black Africans tho)
Black Conciousness, African National Congress, and Inkatha Freedom Party
group that limited membership to black Africans
Pan Africanist Congress
Kwame Nkrumah (I memorized this by dividing it into: N-Kru Mah)
Africa’s first modern nationalist HERO of Ghana; thought that winning the “political kingdom” was give them everything they needed (spoiler alert: haha no it didn’t)
??????question that arises after independence??????
whether freedom was really a chance to improve life ; these newly freed countries all called the third world/ developing countries/ Global South
differences b/w India and South Africa
- Africa had no religious conflict; India didn’t have severe racism; Africa didn’t have as much violence as India (when India separated, remember that it was very violent); One starts with an “I” and one starts with a “S”