Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 Flashcards
What democratic powers were victorious in World War I?
Britain, France, and the United States
What cahllenged the democratic powers political ideals and cultural values of individual freedom?
communism, which was initiated in the Russian Revolution of 1917
When was communism first initiated?
in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and expressed most fully in the cold war during the second half of the 20th century
In the 1920s and 1930s, the more immdediate challnge to the victors in the Great War came from highly authoritarian, intensely nationalistic, territorially aggressive, and ferociously anticommunist regimes from where?
Italy, Germany, and Japan
The common features of authoritarian, nationalistic, aggressive, and anticommunist regimes, allied Italy, Germany, Japan in a political alliance against who?
by 1936-1937 in a political alliance against the Soviet Union and international communism
In 1940, how did Italy, Germany, and Japan solidify their relationship?
in a formal military alliance, creating the so-called Axis powers
Between 1919 and 1945, what new political ideology found expression across much of Europe?
At the level of ideas, what did fascism compare to?
nationalism, seeking to revitalize and purify the nation and to mobilize its people for some grand task
What did fascist condemn?
individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary democracy, and communism, arguing that they weaken and divide the nation
Small fascist movements appeared in what Western European countries?
France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands, but had very little political impact
Where did the most substantial movements of fascism appear?
Austria, Hungary, and Romania
In what country was the rise of a fascist movement that led to a bitter civil war (1936-1939) and a dictatorial regime that lasted into the 1970s?
Where did the fascist alternative first take shape?
In Italy, under the conditions, what person, a charismatic orator and a former journalist with a socialist background, took power in 1922?
Benito Mussolini
With the help of what private army of disillusioned veterans and jobless men did Mussolini sweep to power in 1922, promising an alternative to both communism and ineffective democratic rule?
Black Shirts
What was the symbol of Mussolini’s movement?
fasces, a bundle of birch rods bound together around
Mussolini embraced the Catholic culture of Italy in a series of agreements with the Church known as what?
the Lateran Accords of 1929, making the Vatican a sovereign state and Catholicism national religion
Under what party did the German expression of European fascism take shape?
the Nazi Party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
After Germany’s collapse of its imperial government, it was left to the democratic politicians of a new government known as what?
Weimar Republic
Paramilitary groups of veterans known as what, assassinated hundreds of supporters of the Weimar regime?
Under what context did Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist, or Nazi, Party gain growing public support?
The Great Depression left large numbers of middle-class people jobless, allowing them to desert moderate political parties in favor of conservative and radical right-wing movements
When was Hitler legally installed as the chancellor of the German government?
What is another name to describe the Nazi regime?
Third Reich
According to Hitler and Nazi propaganda what people became the symbol of urban, capitalist, and foreign influences that were undermining traditional German culture?
In what book written by Hitler, it outlined his case against the Jews and his call for the racial purification of Germany in vitriolic terms?
Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
In 1935, what Laws ended German citizenship for Jews and forbade marriage or sexual relations between Jews and Germans?
the Nuremberg Laws
On the night of November 9, 1938, known as what, persecution gave way to terror when Nazis smashed and looted Jewish shops?
What did fascist regimes in both Italy and Germany generally oppose as they were associated with feminist thinking?
abortion, contraception, family planning, and sex education
In Nazi rule Hitler was the mystical leader, the _______, a mesmerizing orator who would lead Germany to national greatness and individual Germans to personal fulfillment?
What were young women known as who sported short hair and short skirts?
moga (modern girls)
What were modern boys called?
What in happened in 1918 that brought more than a million people into the streets of urban Japan to protest the rising price of that essential staple?
Rice Riots
Who was a well-known poet, feminist, and social critic who said: “All the sleeping women are now awake and moving.”
Yosano Akiko
What were the Labor-Farmer Party, the Socialist People’s Party, and a small Japan Communist Party, known as?
proletarian parties
Who were part of the elite circle in Japan?
bureaucrats, landowners, industrialists, military officials
What was enacted in 1925, promising long prison sentences, or even the death penalty, to anyone who organized against the existing imperial system of government or private property?
Peace Preservation Law
The conditions of the Great Depression in Japan energized a growing movement in Japanese political life known as what?
Radical Nationalism or the Revolutionary Right
What society in 1930 expressed their disproval with how the Great Depression is being handled by politicians and business leaders?
the Cherry Blossom Society
What replaced independent trade unions in Japan with factory-based “discussion councils” to resolve local disputes between workers and managers?
Industrial Patriotic Federation
In 1937, the Ministry of Education issued a new textbook known as what for use in all Japanese schools, which proclaimed the Japanese to be “intrinsically quite different from the so-called citizens of the Occidental [Western] countries.”
Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan
Private property was retained in Japan and the huge industrial enterprises called what continued to dominate the economic landscape?
An initial problem that led to World War II beginning in Asia, was the rise of what?
Chinese nationalism, which seemed to threaten Japan’s influence in Manchuria, acquired after the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05
In 1940-41, Japan extended its military operations to what French, British, Dutch, and American colonies of Southeast Asia?
Malaya, Burma, Indonesia, Indochina, and the Philippines
What was a decisive step in the development of World War II in Asia in December 1941?
The Japanese attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
The attack on Pearl Harbor joined the conflict into a single global struggle that pitted Germany, Italy, and Japan,(___ ____ _______) against the U.S., Britain, and the Soviet Union (______ _______)
(the Axis Powers) (The Allies)
Hitler consistently stressed the importance for Germany of gaining what in the east, in the lands of Slavic Poland and Russia?
lebensraum (living space)
The second world war used what German tactic which coordinated the rapid movement of infantry, tanks, and airpower over very large areas?
blitzkrieg (lightning war)
How many deaths occurred during the Second World War making it the most destructive conflict n world history, with some six times of deaths than that of World War I?
about 60 million
What new technologies of warfare were used during the Second World War that contributed to the horrendous death toll?
heavy bombers, jet fighters, missiles, and atomic weapons
During what in 1937-1938, some 200,000 to 300,000 Chinese civilians were killed and often mutilated, and countless women were sexually assaulted?
infamous Rape of Nanjing
In the U.S. who represented those women who now took on heavy industrial jobs?
Rosie the Riveter
What were the death camps that Germans used to slaughter and “purify” their nation?
Auschwsitz, Dachau, and Bergen-Belsen
What other people whom the Nazis deemed inferior, dangerous, or undesirable perished in Germany’s efforts at racial purification?
Russians, Poles, and other Slavs; Gypsies, or the Roma; mentally or physically handicapped people; homosexuals; communists; and Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Soviet victory over the Nazis gave immense credibility to that communist regime and to its leader, _______ ________.
Joseph Stalin
What is May 9 known as which saw elaborately orchestrated celebrations?
Victory Day
What was establsiehde in 1945, as an international effort to maintain the peace in a world of competing and sovereign states?
United Nations, a successor to the moribund League of Nations
In 1941, what publisher proclaimed the twentieth century as “the American century.”
Henry Luce
The United States’ intention to exercise global leadership took shape in its efforts to rebuild and reshape shattered European economies known as what plan, an effort that funneled into Europe some $12 billion?
the Marshall Plan
A process to cooperate began in 1951, when Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg created what to jointly manage the production of these critical items?
the European Coal and Steel Community
In 1957, Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg established what?
the European Economic Community (EEC), more widely known as the Common Market
In 1994, the EEC was later renamed to what and later in 2002 twelve of its members increased to seventeen, adopted a common currency, the euro?
the European Union
The American commitment to Europe soon came to include political and military security against the distant possibility of renewed German aggression and the Soviet threat, causing what military and political alliance to be made?
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949
The American commitment to Europe soon came to include political and military security against the distant possibility of renewed German aggression and the Soviet threat, causing what military and political alliance to be made?
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949