Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 Flashcards
What democratic powers were victorious in World War I?
Britain, France, and the United States
What cahllenged the democratic powers political ideals and cultural values of individual freedom?
communism, which was initiated in the Russian Revolution of 1917
When was communism first initiated?
in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and expressed most fully in the cold war during the second half of the 20th century
In the 1920s and 1930s, the more immdediate challnge to the victors in the Great War came from highly authoritarian, intensely nationalistic, territorially aggressive, and ferociously anticommunist regimes from where?
Italy, Germany, and Japan
The common features of authoritarian, nationalistic, aggressive, and anticommunist regimes, allied Italy, Germany, Japan in a political alliance against who?
by 1936-1937 in a political alliance against the Soviet Union and international communism
In 1940, how did Italy, Germany, and Japan solidify their relationship?
in a formal military alliance, creating the so-called Axis powers
Between 1919 and 1945, what new political ideology found expression across much of Europe?
At the level of ideas, what did fascism compare to?
nationalism, seeking to revitalize and purify the nation and to mobilize its people for some grand task
What did fascist condemn?
individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary democracy, and communism, arguing that they weaken and divide the nation
Small fascist movements appeared in what Western European countries?
France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands, but had very little political impact
Where did the most substantial movements of fascism appear?
Austria, Hungary, and Romania
In what country was the rise of a fascist movement that led to a bitter civil war (1936-1939) and a dictatorial regime that lasted into the 1970s?
Where did the fascist alternative first take shape?
In Italy, under the conditions, what person, a charismatic orator and a former journalist with a socialist background, took power in 1922?
Benito Mussolini
With the help of what private army of disillusioned veterans and jobless men did Mussolini sweep to power in 1922, promising an alternative to both communism and ineffective democratic rule?
Black Shirts
What was the symbol of Mussolini’s movement?
fasces, a bundle of birch rods bound together around
Mussolini embraced the Catholic culture of Italy in a series of agreements with the Church known as what?
the Lateran Accords of 1929, making the Vatican a sovereign state and Catholicism national religion
Under what party did the German expression of European fascism take shape?
the Nazi Party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
After Germany’s collapse of its imperial government, it was left to the democratic politicians of a new government known as what?
Weimar Republic
Paramilitary groups of veterans known as what, assassinated hundreds of supporters of the Weimar regime?
Under what context did Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist, or Nazi, Party gain growing public support?
The Great Depression left large numbers of middle-class people jobless, allowing them to desert moderate political parties in favor of conservative and radical right-wing movements
When was Hitler legally installed as the chancellor of the German government?
What is another name to describe the Nazi regime?
Third Reich
According to Hitler and Nazi propaganda what people became the symbol of urban, capitalist, and foreign influences that were undermining traditional German culture?
In what book written by Hitler, it outlined his case against the Jews and his call for the racial purification of Germany in vitriolic terms?
Mein Kampf (My Struggle)