Chapter 15 Part 1 Flashcards
What Nigerian pastor is a missionary to the United States, with his mission field in the Bronx?
Daniel Ajayi-Adeniran, representing the Redeemed Christian Church of God, which began in Nigeria in 1952.
In 1500, the world of Christendom occupied where?
stretched from Spain and England in the west to Russia in the east, with small and beleaguered commmunities of various kinds in Egypt, Ethiopia, southern India, and Central Asia
How was the Christian world divided?
Between the Roman Catholics of the Western and Central Europe and the Eastern Orthodox of Eastern Europe and Russia
In the early 16th century, what reformation shattered the unity of Roman Catholic Christianity, which fort the previous century, had provided the cultrual and oranizational foundation of an emerging Western European civilization.
Protestant Reformation
When did the Protestant Reformation begin and how?
It began in 1517 when a German priest, Martin Luther, publicly invited debate about various abuses within the Roman Catholic Church
What did Martin Luther, issue to debate the Roman Catholic Church?
he issued a document, known as the Ninety-Five Theses, allegedly nailing it to the door of a church in Wittenberg
What are indulgences?
said to remove the penalties for sin by paying for them
Why did some people criticize the Roman Catholic Church?
the luxury life of the popes, the corruption and immorality of some clergy, the Church’s selling of indulgences, and other aspects of church life and practice
What did Luther believe?
that understanding and a relationship with God came through faith alone, and that neither the good works of the sinner nor the sacraments of the Church had any bearing on the eternal destiny of the soul, for faith was a free gift of God, graciously granted to his needy and undeserving people
What did Luther’s ideas provoke, without his intention?
provoked a massive schism within the world of Catholic Christendom, for they came to express a variety of political, economic, and social tensions as well as religious differences
What was the Protestant idea?
that all vocations were of equal merit, middle-class urban dwellers found a new religious legitimacy for their growing role in society
As the Protestant movement spread to France, Switzerland, England, etc., it also splintered, amoeba-like into a variety of competing Protestant churches known as what?
Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, Quaker, Anabaptist
For more than thirty years, French society was torn by violence between Catholics and the Protestant minority known as what?
On August 24, 1572, What did Catholic mobs do in Paris?
They massacred some 3,000 Huguenots, and thousands more perished in provincial towns in the weeks that followed
What monarch issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598, granting a substantial measure of religious toleration to French Protestants, though with the intention that they would return to the Catholic Church?
Henry IV
The culmination of European religious conflict took shape in what war, beginning in 1618, where a Catholic-Protestant struggle that began in the Holy Roman Empire eventually engulfed most of Europe?
Thirty Years’ War
During the Thirty Years’ War, what percentage of the German population perished from violence, famine, or disease?
15 to 30 percent
What brought the Thirty Years’ War to an end, with some reshuffling of boundaries and an agreement that each state was sovereign, authorized to control religious affairs within its own territory?
the Peace of Westphalia
The Protestant breakaway provoked what?
a Catholic Reformation, or Counter-Reformation
In what council, were Catholics clarified and reaffirmed their unique doctrines and practices?
Council of Trent
What new religious order provided a dedicated brotherhood of priests committed to the renewal of the Catholic Church and its extension abroad?
Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
What people planted a distinctive Protestant version of Christianity in North America, with an emphasis on education, moral purity, personal conversion, civic responsibility, and little tolerance for competing expressions of the faith?
New England Puritans
How were Portuguese missionaries organized?
in orders such as the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits, spreading the word to Africa and Asia
Where did the Spanish and French missionaries spread the Bible?
in the Americas
Where did the Russian Orthodox Church spread the Bible?
with the expansion of the Russian Empire across Siberia, they spread to settlers and trappers
Where did missionaries have great success which were areas that shared two critical elements beyond their colonization by Spain?
Spanish America and in the Philippines
By 1700 what people had been baptized and saw themselves in some respects as Christians?
Native American peoples
In 1535 what did the bishop of Mexico proudly claim?
that he had destroyed 500 pagan shrines and 20,000 idols
During the 17th and 18th century, church authorities of the Andean region launched movements of what designed to fatally undermine native religion?
extirpation - destroying religious images and objects, urinated on “idols,” desecrated the remains of ancestors, flogged “idolaters,” and held religious trials and “processions of shame” aimed at humiliating offenders
What native Peruvian nobleman in 1600 wrote on the posture of native women toward Christianity: “They do not confess; they do not attend catechism classes…nor do they go to mass…and resuming their ancient customs and idolatry, they do not want to serve God or the crown.”
Guaman Poma de Ayala
What was the religious revivalist movement in central Peru in the 1560s known as?
Taki Onqoy (dancing sickness).
What are the spirits of local gods called?
Within the Andean Christian communities, women could offer what to strengthen a village church?
offer the blood of a llama or make a cloth covering for the Virgin Mary and a shirt for an image of a huaca with the same material
What is the church-based association of laypeople, organized community professions and festivals and made provisions for proper funerals and burials for their members?
How were Saints imagined?
as parents of the local community and the true owners of its land, and their images were paraded through the streets on special occassions
Who was Mexico’s saint who neatly combined both Meso-american and Spanish notions of Diving Motherhood?
Virgin of Guadalupe
Who was the leader of the church staff, who was native Christian of great local prestige, who carried on the traditions and role of earlier religious specialists?
When did China encounter European Christianity?
Between the 16th and 18th century during the powerful and prosperous Ming and Qing dynasties
Who was the most famous missionary of the Jesuits?
Matteo Ricci
What were Jesuit missionaries appointed to head for a century?
the Chinese Bureau of Astronomy
The Jesuits missionary efforts over the course of 250 years resulted in how many conversions of a the Chinese population approaching 300 million by 1800?
200,000 to 300,000 converts
In 1715, an outraged Emperor Kangxi wrote what?
I ask myself how these uncultivated Westeners dare to speak of the great precepts of China…As from now I forbid the Westerners to spread their doctrine in China; that will spare us a lot of trouble?