Unit Three: Muscles of the Face and Neck Flashcards
Where is the origin for muscles of facial expressions? (2)
- Superficial fascia (hypodermis). Or 2. Skull bones.
Where is the insertion for muscles of facial expression?
Superficial fascia (hypodermis) of the skin.
What are most muscles of facial expressions innervated by?
Cranial nerve XII (the facial nerve).
What are the two bellies of the occipitofrontalis?
- Frontal. 2. Occipital.
What is the function of the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis? (2)
- Elevate eyebrows. 2. Wrinkle scalp.
What is the function of the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis?
Retracts scalp.
What does the epicranial aponeurosis (occipitofrontalis) do?
Connects the two muscle bellies of the occipitofrontalis.
What are the two muscles of the nose?
- Procerus. 2. Nasalis.
What is the function of the procerus? (2)
- Depresses medial eyebrows. 2. Wrinkles skin over nose.
What is the function of the nasalis? (3)
- Compresses the bridge. 2. Depresses the tip of the nose. 3. Elevates corners of the nostrils.
What is the function of the buccinator? (3)
- Compresses the cheek. 2. Draws the corners of the mouth laterally. 3. Hold food between teeth when chewing.
Does the buccinator open or close the jaw?
What is the function of the depressor anguli oris?
Draws the corner of the mouth inferiorly and lateraly.
What is the function of the depressor labii inferioris?
Depresses lower lip.
What is the function of the levator anguli oris? (3)
- Widens oral fissure. 2. Elevates corners of the mouth. 3. Assists with smiling.
What is the function of the levator labii superioris? (2)
- Opens lips. 2. Elevates and furrows the upper lip.
What is the function of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi? (2)
- Elevates upper lip. 2. Dilates nostrils.
What is the function of the zygomaticus major and minor? (2)
- Raises lateral corners of the mouth. 2. Smiling.
What is the function of the orbicularis oris? (3)
- Closes lips. 2. Purses and protrudes lips. 3. Kissing.
What is the function of the risorius? (2)
- Draws corner of the lip laterally and down. 2. Tenses lips.
What is the function of the mentalis? (2)
- Elevates and wrinkles skin of chin. 2. Protrudes lower lip.
What is the function of the platysma? (2)
- Tenses skin of inferior face and neck. 2. Depresses jaw.