Unit 9 & 10 Flashcards
A Brain Tumor that could result in obesity would be most likely located where?
If a kid comes home from school really hungry and goes to the fridge for a snack, that relates to what motivation?
Drive Reduction
If amanda puts on a sweater because she’s cold, her discomfort causes her to be motivated by what?
a Drive
Which states that physiological needs create aroused psychological states that cause us to try to satisfy those needs?
Drive Theory
Alicia believes in her skills and ability to carry out the tasks required of her. Albert Bandura would refer to Alicia’s sense of confidence as which of the following
Cathy drinks a bunch of water after a long race. This situation best shows what?
Students A changed their facial features when an authority figure walked it, but Students B keeps their emotions the same regardless of who walked in. This demonstrates:
Display Rules
If mark is in a bad mood, but then after his shift, he’s in a good mood, what might have happened
Because he has to be nice to people, he has to repeatedly smile to them
The Term for a genetically programmed action pattern
Believing that you are going do really good in your game this afternoon is an example of self-________
When given a happy drug, people felt happy, and when given an angry drug, people felt angry, what theory would most relate to this
What theory is most related to homeostasis
Drive-Reduction Theory
In the James-Lange theory, what change is after emotion
physiological change
Incentive theories explain the desire of people to achieve goals in the terms of what stimulus affecting behavior
external stimuli
Believing that your fate is determined by your own actions relate to what?
Internal Locus control
Not wanting to do something because you believe that trying to change is ineffective is an example of what?
What is a situation that relates to the immune system not having the ability to fight off illness
Being around someone with a serious case of the flu
Respect for ourselves and others belows on what hierarchy
Esteem Needs
Optimal arousal for performing relates to what type of task
difficulty of the task
The Overjustification Effect leads some people to question the value of what motivation?
Extrinsic Motivation
If students are rewarded for doing puzzles, but then start to play with them less, this relates to what?
The students in the paid group spend less time doing puzzles in their break
Who emphasizes that cognitive appraisal of physiological arousal
Doing dangerous activities because of the thrill that follows
Schachter two-factor
This is the best example for who’s theory?
Joseph LeDoux
Which relates the most to the hierarchy of needs?
Drive Reduction