Motivation & Emotion: Sexual & Social Motivation Flashcards
Consist of 4 stages of bodily reaction from arousal back to normal state
Sexual Response Cycle
Name the 4 Stages in order of the Sexual Response Cycle
Excitement, Plateau, Orgasm, Resolution
Resting period after orgasm, during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm
Refractory Period
Sex Hormone secreted in a greater amount of females than males
Levels peek during ovulation and trigger sexual receptivity
Person’s enduring attraction to members to either the same and/or opposite gender
Sexual Orientation
State of focused consciousness on a task that optimally engages a person’s skills, often accompanied by a diminished awareness of self and time
Subfield of psychology that studies and advises on issues relates to optimizing behavior in work places
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Desire for significant accomplishment, mastery of things, people, or ideas
Achievement Motivation
Goal oriented leadership that set standards, organizes work, and focuses attention on goals
Task Leadership
Group oriented leadership that builds teamwork, mediates conflict, and offers support
Social Leadership
Manages assume that employees are basically lazy, error-prone, extrinsically motivated by money, and should be directed from above
Theory X
Managers assume that employees are basically intrinsically motivated to achieve self-esteem and demonstrate competence and creativity
Theory Y
Choice between 2 desireable options
Approach-Approach Conflict
Choice between 2 undesirable options
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict
1 choice that has both desirable and undesirable features
Approach-Avoidance Conflict
2 or more choices that have both desirable and undesirable aspects
Multiple Approach-Avoidance Conflict
Those that value the group over the individual and encourage group success
Collectivistic Societies
Encourage and reward individual success
Individualistic Societies
Internal sense of satisfaction and enjoyment of performing a task
Intrinsic Motivation
Drive to perform tasks by being pushed or pulled by rewards or punishments
Extrinsic Motivation