Learning Part 2 Flashcards
The initial stage of Conditioning in which the new response is established and then strengthened
Closeness in time between CS and UCS
The shorter the time, the stronger the learned association
Classical Conditioning with an extra conditioned stimulus
High Order Conditioning
Turning on the light before ringing the bell and bringing out the food
High Order Conditioning
The weakening of the CR when the CS is no longer followed by the UCS
When a response is no longer reinforced
The reappearance of an extinguished CR
Spontaneous Recovery
For stimulus close of the CS to evoke a CR
The ability to distinguish the CS from similar stimuli
Unique conditioned aversion that is accompanised rapidly by a single pairing of an illness
Taste Aversion
Sometimes called the Garcia Effect
Taste Aversion
Who conducted research for Taste Aversion
John Garcia
Behavior is strengthened in followed by reinforcement or dimished if follwed by punishment
Operant Conditioning/Discrimination
Sometimes called instrumental conditioning
Operant Conditioning/Discrimination
Behavior is strengthened is followed by reinforcement and diminished when followed by punishment
Operant Conditioning/Discrimination
Occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus
Respondent Behavior
Behavior the organism emits that operates on the environment to produce reinforcing/ punishing stimuli
Operant Behavior
Any behavior followed by pleasant consquence is likely to be repeated
Law of Effect
Law of Effect was proposed by who?
E.L. Thorndike
Actions that are only incidentally tied to good results
Superstitious Behaviors
Operant Chamber is also known as what?
Skinner Box
Experimental chamber for operant condition of an animal by controlling the environment
Operant Chamber
Operant Conditioning procedure for establishing a new response by reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior
Rewarding your dog after they jump over a bar in an obstacle course
After shaping has been successful and specific, then reward is provided when learned behaviors are combined
Rewarding your dog after they run the entire obstacle course