States of Consciousness Part 2 Flashcards
Wave: Brain waves emitted while awake, alert, anxious
Beta Waves
Wave: Admits 15-40 cycles per second
Beta Waves
Stage: Relaxed wakeful sleep that last up to 5 minutes
Stage 1
Stage: Sleep talking and body jerking
Stage 1
Stage: Hypnagogic state, hallucinations like a sense of falling
Stage 1
Stage 1 start to emit what type of waves?
Alpha Waves
Waves: Emits 9-14 cycles per second
Alpha Waves
Waves: Relatively slow brain waves of when awake and relaxed
Alpha Waves
Stage: High Frequency, Low Amplitude
Stage 1
False Sensory experiences that occur without any sensory stimulus
Stage: Clearly asleep and relaxed with burst of activity
Stage 2
Burst of activity
Sleep Spindles
Stage: Last for about 20 minutes
Stage 2
Stage two transitions from alpha waves to what other type of waves?
Theta Waves
Wave: Slower wave moving to restful sleep
Theta Waves
Waves: Between 4-7 cycles per second
Theta Waves
Slower paced waves with spikes comparable to low amplitude theta waves
Sleep Spindles
Associated often with sleep spindles
Sleep Talking
Stage: K-Complexes, 50% of Overall Sleep, Sleep Spindles, Sleep Talk
Stage 2
Large, high voltage waves that often appear in response to outside stimuli like sounds
Waves: Emits 1.5-4 cycles per second
Delta Waves
Stage 3 emits what type of waves
Delta Waves
Stage: Bed Wetting, Teeth grinding, Night Terrors, Sleep Walking
Stage 3
Stage: Low Frequency, High Amplitude
Stage 3
Stage: Last for about 30 minutes
Stage 3
Stage: Short in length, growth hormones start to be emitted and immune system is replenished
Stage 3
Stage: Night terrors, sleep paralysis, paradoxical sleep
Stage 4
Stage: Hormone growth continues to be emitted
Stage 4
Stage: Deepest sleep stage with delta waves creating restorative sleep
Stage 4
Stage 4 emits what type of waves?
Beta Waves