Cognition & Learning Part 3 Flashcards
Begins around 3-4 months
Characterized by spontaneous utterance of speech sounds
Children around the world sound the same
Typical of a one year old but may occur between 1-2
One Word Stage
Language of a 1 year old where one word expresses an entire idea
Holophrase Speech
Typical of a 2 year old
Two-Word Stage
Telegram like speech of children who are in the 2 word stage, most nouns and verbs are normally in the correct order
Telegraphic Speech
Showing that child has learned some language syntax rules
Telegraphic Speech
Application of grammar rules in instance where they don’t apply
Language Determines the way we think and views the world
Language Determinism
Hypothesis that assumes that language and thought have influences on each other
Linguistic Relativity
The language one speaks influences how one thinks, but language doesn’t determine thought
Linguistic Relativity
Specific time in which a landmark is developed that will not or cannot occur
Critical Period
Believed to be around age 13-adolescence
Critical Periods for Language
Neural Pruning is active at this age
Critical Periods for Langauge
Provess of removing neurons that are no longer necessary and will not be removed
Neural Pruning
Neural Pruning is active at this age
Critical Periods for Language
Critical Period for Learning a Second Language is around what age?