Sensation & Perception Part 5 Flashcards
Ability to see objects in 3 dimensions although the images that strike the retina are 2 dimensional
Allows us to judge distance
Laboratory device for testing depth perception for infants
Visual Cliff
What 2 people found that depth perception is some part innate
Gibson & Walk
Depth cues that depend on information from both eyes
Binocular Cues
Differences between the images received by the left and right eye because of viewing the world from slightly different angles
Retinal Disparity
Neuromuscular binocular depth due based on the extent to which the eyes converge or turn inward when looking at near objects
Depth cues that depend on information from either eye alone
Monocular Cues
Parallel lines that appear to converge in distance
Linear Perspective
Blocking of one object by another
Perceive something farther away as being smaller
Relative Size
Objects higher in visual field appear farther
Relative Height
Clear objects that appear closer than blurry or fuzzy obejcts
Relative Clarity
Nearby objects reflect more light in our eyes than distant objects
Light & Shadow
Closer the object is, the clearer the amount of detail
Texture Gradient
Makes objects closer to us appear to move faster than those farther away
Motion Parallax
Illusion of movement created when 2 or more adjacent lights blink on and off in succession
Phi Phenomenon
Series of pictures shown at a fast rate of speed suggest motion
Stroboscopic Movement
Perception that objects have consistent lightness, color, shape, size, even as illumination and retinal images change
Perceptual Constancy
Our ability to adjust to an artificially displaced or even inverted visual field
Perceptual Adaptation
Perceive things accordingly but soon adjust by learning the relationship between our distorted perception and the reality
Perceptual Adaptation
Mental Predisposition to perceive one thing and not another
Perceptual Set
Organized body of information or framework the enables us to organize information
Explores how people and machines interact and how machines and physical environment can be adapted to human behaviors
Human Factors Psychology
Study of ESP, Psychokinesis and Paranormal forms of interaction between the individual and the environment
Controversial claim that perception can occur without sensory input
Extrasensory Perception ESP
Included telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition
Extrasensory Perception ESP
Mind Reading
Ability to speak with the dead
Ability to foretell the future
Ability to move objects with one’s mind
Studied the relationship between stimuli and Sensation
Gustav Fechner
What 2 people discovered feature detectors
David Hubel & Torsten Wiesel
Neurons in the visual association cortex that focus specifically on edges, lines, angles, curves, and movements
Feature Detectors
What two people completed their experiment with cats
David Hubel & Torsten Wiesel
German physician whose study of sensation using strict experimental techniques brought scientific credibility to psychology
Ernst Weber