States of Consciousness Part 1 Flashcards
Our awareness of ourselves and our environment, existence, sensations, and thoughts
Includes all biological processes that are taking place internally & constantly without you noticing
Includes things like heart rate, breathing, and digestion
Stored information within our self or your environment that you are currently not aware or thinking of, but can easily call to mind when asked
Hidden memories that influence behavior, but can never be known to the conscious mind
Periodic fluctuations in our bodies physiological state
Biological Rhythm
Include variations in appetite, 90-minute sleep, cycles, 28-day menstrual cycle, & circadian rhythms
Biological Rhythm
Regular biological rhythm, such as body temperature and sleep-wakefulness, that follows a 24 (25) hour cycle
Circadian Rhythm
Sleep Hormone that is secrete from the pineal gland into the bloodstream
Production increases naturally at night as darkness falls and then decreases during the day when light returns
Pair of cell clusters in hypothalamus
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Controlls Circadian Rhythm
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
In response to light, it causes pinal gland to adjust melatonin production
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Modify’s our feeling of sleepiness
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Sometimes called the master clock
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Natural, periodic, reversible loss of consciousness
Which on the body and mind depend for healthy funciton
How long does one sleep cycle last?
90 minutes