Intelligence Part 3 Flashcards
Degree to which different versions of the assessments yield similar results
Alternate Forms Reliability
Degree to which 2 halves of an exam have equal difficulty
Split-Half Reliability
Degree to which graders of the exam agree on a score
Interrater Reliability
Test samples the content, subject, or behavior that is of interest
Content Validity
Test is valid to the test taker
Face Validity
The behavior the test is designed to predict
Extent to which a test forecasts performance on a future measure
Predictive Validity
Indicate the percentage of people who scored at or below an individuals score
Percentile Rank
IQ has increased over time so test must be renormed so more questions need to be answered correctly to earn the same score
Flynn Effect
A person’s concern that he or she will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype is followed by lower performance
Stereotype Threat
Result of extra chromosome in person’s genetic makeup
Down Syndrome
A common cause of severe impairment and associated with physical disorders
Down Syndrome
Inherited disorder in which the enzyme defect causes amino acid build up in the body causing and IQ of or below 20
an IQ below 70 and difficulty adapting to the normal demands of independent living
Intellectually Disabled
70-50 IQ:
Learn academic skills to 6th grade level, self supporting social skills
50-35 IQ:
Progress to 2nd grade level, adults support
35-20 IQ:
Learn to talk and perform simple task under close supervision
Below 20 IQ:
Require constant aid and supervision