Therapy Perspectives Flashcards
Develop feelings for analyst that represents feeling of someone in their life
Allows you to develop insight into the problem, increased self-awareness, decreased problems, and behavior change
Treatments are shorter, client is sitting up and talking, therapist is actively listening
Psychodynamic Therapy
Client is the center of the therapy
Humanistic Perspective
Creates and unconditional positive regard atmosphere: ultimate goal is self actualization
Humanistic Perspective
Uses nondirective counseling and active listening
Humanistic Perspective
Bringing together individuals in conflict under conditions where they can understand each other bettwe
Encounter Groups
Treats family as a system of views of the other individual’s unwanted behavior
Family Therapy
Bereavement support, Alcoholics Anonymous
Self-Help Groups
Therapy that teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking
Cognitive Therapy
People’s problem stem from irrational thinking and help with anxiety disorders
Rational-Emotional Therapy
Stuck in irrational, bad thought process and can’t stop
Identify the clients automatic thoughts and habitual put downs and challenge them
Depressions Therapy
Learn the elimination or reduce maladaptive behaviors through learning and personality theories
Behavior Therapy
Used for smokers, anorexics
Behavior Modification
Behavioral techniques that treat anxieties by exposing people to things to avoid fear
Exposure Therapy
Anxiety treatment that progressively exposes people to electronic simulation to their greatest fears such as flying in a plane or public speaking
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
Person is taught to relax and image feared objects or situation and move them to the most frightening images
Systematic Desensitization
Systematic Desensitization is also called what?
Counter Conditioning
Commonly used to treat phobias
Counter Conditioning
Not desirable due to the use of force
Patient is guided to visualize what they fear and learn to deal with it using relaxation
Use punishment to teach patients a dislike
Aversion Therapy
People are not responsible for their actions is they were unable to control their actions at the time of the crime (would have done it with an officer nearby)
Irresistible Impulse Rule
People are not responsible for their crimes is they were unable to recognize the difference between right and wrong
M’Naghten Rule