Cognition, Learning & Intelligence People Flashcards
Linguist that proposed a nativist theory of language acquisition
Noam Chomsky
People are born with that is termed language acquisition device
Noam Chomsky
All people have an inborn capacity to learn language with which they are raised
Noam Chomsky
Behavioral Psychologist who proposed that people learn language through conditioning and observational learning
B.F. Skinner
Identified Linguistic Determinism
Benjamin Whorf
Documented the insight method of solving problems when they studied chimps trying to get bananas that were out of reach
Wolfgang Kohler
Believed intelligence is inherited, can be quantitatively measured and popularized
Sir Francis Galton
Nurture vs. Nature
Sir Francis Galton
2 People: created separate norms for students per their chronological age suggested that intelligence is relative age
Alfred Binet
Theodore Simon
Father of modern Intelligence Testing
Alfred Binet
Founder of Stanford-Binet Testing
Lewis Terman
Derived intelligence quotient
William Stern
Used Factor Analysis
Charles Spearman
Identified G Factor
Charles Spearman
Created a series of age based intelligence test (WAIS)
David Wechsler
Used twin studies to investigate the similarity between identical twins raised apart
Thomas Bouchard
Stressed the importance of emotional intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Battery of social skills from reading emotions in other to manage and express emotional responses
Daniel Goleman
Believes that traditional test are not good at assessing overall intelligence
Robert Sternberg
Proposes Triarchic Theory
Robert Sternberg
Expanded on the idea that intelligence is made up of more than a single factor
Howard Gardner
Criticized traditional intelligence test for placing too much emphasis on skilled that were associated with academic success
Howard Gardner
Coins multiple intelligence theory and identifies 8 different types of intelligence
Howard Gardner