Neuroscience Part 6 Flashcards
Located in the front part of the parietal lobes
Somatosensory Cortex
Registers and processes body sensations
Somatosensory Cortex
Located throughout the corext, involved higher level mental functions such as learning, remembering, and abstract thinking
Association Areas
Involved in associating information from different parts of the brain
Association Areas
What Lobe is located at the back and base of the brain
Occipital Lobes
Contains the visual cortex which receives information from the eyes
Occipital Lobes
Located at the sides (temples) of the brain
Temporal Lobes
Contain auditory areas which receive information from the ears
Temporal Lobes
Located in the left frontal lobe
Broca’s Area
Involved in controlling the moto ability to produce speech
Broca’s Area
Impairment of language because of damage of any several cortical areas including Brocas/Wernike’s Area
Condition where familiar objects are unrecognizable
Also called face blindness
Can see various parts of the face but can’t identify the person who’s face it is
Brain’s capacity for modification
Large band of neural fibers that links to the right and left cerebral hemisphere without band of fibers
Corpus Callosum
WIthout this, the 2 hemisphere’s can’t interact
Corpus Callosum
Condition which the major connections between the 2 cerebral hemispheres (corpus callosum) are severed
Results in Split Brain
Body’s slower chemical communication system
Endocrine System
Consist of glands that secrete hormones into the blood-stream
Endocrine System
Chemical messaangers, mostly manufactured by the endocrine system
Produce Epinephrine/Norepinephrine hormones that prepare the body to deal with emergency stress
Adrenal Glands
Master gland that control growth and other endocrine glands
Pituitary Gland
Hypothalamus controls this glane
Pituitary Gland
Secretes thyroxine which affects body metabolism
Thyroid Gland
Releases melatonin which regulates sleep and body rhythms
Pineal Gland
Invented phrenology
Franz Gall
What two people places electrode in the hypothalamus discovering that it is the pleasure/reward center
James Old
Peter Milner
Railroad worker who had damaged to the frontal lobe thus altered his personality from softspoken to dishonest
Phineas Gage
What two people divided brains of cats & monkeys to test if split brain patients work, studied split brain patients
Michael Gazzaniga
Roger Sperry