Learning Part 4 Flashcards
Mental picture of one’s environment
Cognitive Map
Learning the occurs in the absence of reinforcement but only becomes apparent when there is an incentive to show it
Latent Learning
A stimulus must provide the organism with a reliable signal that certain events will take place
Contingency Theory
Undermining effect of being rewarded for something enjoyable
Overjustification Effect
Desire to perform a behavior for its own sake rather than for some external reason
Intrinsic Motivation
Desire to perform a behavior to obtain a reward or avoid punishment
Extrinsic Motivation
A person will perform a less desirable activity to perform the more desirable activity because that activity means something to them
Premack Principle
Theory that postulates when people learn behaviors observation
Social Influence Theory
Learning by watching or imitating the behavior of others
Observational Learning
Process of watching a specific behavior and is thus an important means through which observational learning occurs: Showing how something is done
Learning something by watching someone model a behavior
Vicarious Learning
Viewer can see the consequence of the behavior: Toddler seeing mother praise older sibling
Vicarious Reinforcement
The environment influence the organism and its cognition which in turn influence the environment
Reciprocal Determinsim
Where are mirror neurons located?
Frontal Lobes
The neural basis for observational learning by generating impulses when certain actions are performed
Mirror Neurons
Positive, helpful, and constructive behavior that is subject to the same principles of observational learning
Prosocial Behavior
Mental state in which an organism continues to experience and learn that regardless of their actions, they have no ability to change the outcome.
Learned Helplessness
Degree to which a person believes in their own ability to complete task, reach goals, and influence situations