Unit 2 Module 3 (review!!) Flashcards
Amy, a first grader, has a slight nearsightedness.
A. Disability
B. Impairment
C. Inability
D. Handicap
B. Impairment
Amy broke her glasses during recess. For the afternoon class, words on the board were too fuzzy for her to read.
A. Disability
B. Impairment
C. Inability
D. Handicap
D. Handicap
That night at home, Amy picked up her sister’s 200 page chapter book to read. She complained to Mom that she couldn’t do her homework because the book was too hard to read.
A. Disability
B. Impairment
C. Inability
D. Handicap
C. Inability
Which of the following best defines special education services?
A. Specially designed instruction provided by the school district or agency that meets the needs of identified students. All special education services are provided to students by public schools, at no cost to parents.
B. “Special education” is a place or placement or a pre-packaged program. Special education is the resource room, the classroom in the trailer, or the special school across town.
A. Specially designed instruction provided by the school district or agency that meets the needs of identified students. All special education services are provided to students by public schools, at no cost to parents.
Which of the following are related services?
A. Related services are assistance required to enable students to benefit from special education. For example, speech-language therapy, transportation to and from school in a specialized van or school bus, and physical therapy. All related services are provided to students by public schools at no cost to parents.
B. Related services include a medical device that is surgically implanted; the optimization of that device’s functioning (e.g., mapping); maintenance of that device, or the replacement of that device.
A. Related services are assistance required to enable students to benefit from special education. For example, speech-language therapy, transportation to and from school in a specialized van or school bus, and physical therapy. All related services are provided to students by public schools at no cost to parents.
Which of the following are supplementary aids and services?
A. Supplementary aids and services are those, such as physical therapy and occupational therapy, that are provided to students by public schools at a minimal cost to parents.
B. Supplementary aids and services are additional supports that are provided either in general education settings, other education-related settings, or in extracurricular and nonacademic settings, to enable students with disabilities to be educated with their nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.
B. Supplementary aids and services are additional supports that are provided either in general education settings, other education-related settings, or in extracurricular and nonacademic settings, to enable students with disabilities to be educated with their nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.
Specific learning disabilities
Other health impairments
Intellectual disability
Hearing impairments including deafness
Traumatic brain injury
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Americans with Disabilities Act
IDEA (2004)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
No Child Left Behind of 2001
Free Appropriate Public Education
Individualized Education Program
Individualized Family Service Plan
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Least Restrictive Environment
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015