The Big Sad (tm) Flashcards
What do HOX genes encode?
transcription factors
they trasncript the arms and legs
E coli strain o157:h7 uses a toxin that has what MOA?
shiga like toxin
halts protein synthesis by disableing the 60s ribosomal subunit leading to intestinal epithelial cell death and diarrhea
cerebral edema, laryngeal edema and hyperinflated lungs could mean?
diphenoxylate helps solve diarrhea by what mechanism?
slowing motility
mu opiod receptor binder
combined with atropine to avoid abuse
what is enesthitis?
inflammation due to emchanial stress at sites of tendon insertion
common in psoriasis, Ankylosing spondylitis, and reactive arthritis
what is responsible for fibroblast and vascularization of granulatio tissue formation?
what are the two tumor options that a blue tumor under the nail could be?
glomangioma-modified smooth muscle used in thermoregu;lation
subungual melanoma (melanocytes)
aminoglycosides distrubte where?
into the extracellular space
use an adjusted body wieght in obese people, since it cannot distribute into adipose
epyema is made up of
to help clear up an epyema, what should be used in addition to abx?
pus and fibrosis
drugs that cause actigation of fibrin bound plasminogen like tPa or streptokinase
describe how diarrhea can lead to uric acid stones (rhomboid shaped
diarrhea leads to fluid loss and metabolic acidosis
the acidic urine leads to precipiation of uric acid (insoluble) rather than soluble urate
the uric acid crystalizes into stones
what might a smear of parvovirus look like?

in global cerebral ischemia, what cells are affected first?
CA1 cells of the hippocampus
paraproteins is another word for
monoclonal immunoglobulins
seen in MM and cause ruloux formation
what is this

syphillis in warthrin silver stain
treat with PNC which inhibits transpeptidase and bacterial cell wall cross linking
whats more common, pancreatic ductal epithelial carcinoma or pancreatic acinar carcinoma?
pancreatic duct epithelial carcinoma is more common
plaque rupture can be caused by
metalloproteinases which degrade the collegen and reduce stability
blowing holosystolic murmur at the leftn sternum that isnt present at birth but can be heart several days later?
VSD (noncyanotic)

what findings are suggestive of secondary reactivated TB?
fever, weight loss, night sweats with acid fast bacilli and upper lobe cavitary lesion
what findings on a peripheral blood smear would you see with hemolytic anemia?
nucleated RBCs

terbinafine MOA (got it right)
inhibits sqaulene epoxidase
in the first week of TB exposure and infection, what is the pathophysiology?
intracellular bacterial proliferation
in the following several weeks T cells release INFy to recruite macrophages
AV node
in minimal change dz, is the protein leaking through because of thinning of the basement membrane or loss of anions?
loss of anions
this feels more transient, just like minimal change disease
is ALL immature or matture?
CLL/SLL are mature

underlying colonic malignancy is the greatest risk factor for gas gangrene caused by what bacteria?
C. septicum
what is the most common indolent NHL with waxing and waning (swelling off and on of a LN)
follucular lympjoma 14;18 overepression of BCL2
in the event of nuclear exposure, give what?
potassium iodide
what happens to GABA and NMDA Receptors in acute ETOH withdrawal?
abrupt cessation in ETOH causes GABA A to decrease due to recpetor internalization and increase in glutamate activity binding to NMDA receptors
chronic ETOH use leads to upregulation of NMDA receptors
the over excitation caused by glutamate-NMDA leads to tremors, anxiety and eventually sz
cardiac contractility is increasing and preipharl resistance is decressing. what drug?
isoproteronol (B1 and B2)
good review

mu opiod antagonist for constipations
is sarcoid CD4 or CD8?
CD4 helper cells help make sarcoidosis
what is a charcot bouchard aneurysm?
intracerebral hemorrhage
assox with HTN
location: basal ganglia
progressive neuro defects and HA
are pt’s with ataxia telangiectasias hypersentive to radiation damage?
yes because there is a defect in DNA repair
if the stem is talking about a fungal CELL WALL in relation to a drug, what is the only option?
griseofulvin is the only answer for mitosis
flucytosine is the only answer for RNA/DNA synthesis
everything else attacks the cell membrane
question stem describes an increase in synthesizing type enzymes like dihydrofolate reductase and DNA polymerase which means what?
means that it is about to enter the S phase
immediately before the S phase is the G1-S checkpoint and that is governed by Rb
as a result of methothrexate administration, what will build up in embryonic tissue?
dihdrofolate (polyglutamate)
what are cholesteomas made of?
sqaumous cell debris (not cholesterol)
what happens with androgen abuse?
supression of GnRh, LH, FSH
decreased ENDOGENOUS testosterone secretion
impaired spermiogeneiss, testicular atrophy, and excess exogenous testosterone is converted to estrogen
mitral stenosis in early presentation
exertional dyspnea
at rest: LV diastoloic pressure, afterload, contractility remain normal until progression to severe mitral stenosis
what is this
only one hta thas a polysaccharide capsuel
capsule appears red with mecarmine stain clear with india ink

even if they tell you that they dont have dark or blood stools or PMB, what do you still have to look for if they have hypochromic microcytic anemia?
occult blodo loss
what is hereditary hemorrhagic telagniectais? (weber renow olslwo dz)
AD mutation in TGFb

hydroxyurea can cause pancytopenia how?
inhibits nucleic acid syntheiss (inhibits ribonucleatide reductase)
does metformin change endogenous insulin production?
aortic regurgitation can result from what two things
aortic root dilation
eccentric cardiohypertrophy
ulcers and diarrhea, pancreatic tumor, what is being secreteing
a pt with SCD on folic acid can still develpo what?
macrocytic anemia due to folate def, because they have higher folic acid requirements
neruon specific enolase
small cell cancer
lots of Ns
hydrocephalus after SAH is due to what?
impaired rabsorption of CSF
put cells in hypertonic solution and release glycerol, what is it?
heridtary spherocytosis
at incresed risk for pigment gallstones

what bacteria does gama hemolysis on blood agar
single temporal lobe abscess from ear infectiong gets there how?
mastoid air cells
what type of h flu can make vaxxed kids sick?
the kind that lacks capusle
loperimide inhibits the release of what?
tamoxifen can be given in what condiiton
drug induced gyncomastia
hyperkalemia and visual disturbance, what drug is causing the issue?
myocardial infarct timeline

hypertensive emergency can result i what?
fibrinoid necrosis if the small arteries
tetanus prevents reelase of what?
glycine and gaba
celiac dz increase risk for what?
t cell lymphoma