*Cue Game of Thrones Intro* Flashcards
describe lateral medullary syndrome (wallenbrug)
decreased blood flow thru PICA
- Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation of the trunk and extremities: lateral spinothalamic tract
- Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation of the face: spinal trigeminal nucleus
- Dysphagia, hoarseness, diminished gag reflex: nucleus ambiguus
- Vertigo, ipsilateral nystagmus, vomiting: inferior vestibular nucleus
- Ipsilateral Horner syndrome: sympathetic fibers
corticospinal tract is normal
what does a left unilateral sacral flexion SD look like?
positive seated flexion on left
deep SS on L
posterior ILA on L
negative spring test
parallelogram head is what strain and what axis/axes?
lateral strain, 2 vertical axes
what are the findings of SCC of the skni?
epithelial cells with somewhat enlarged, hyperchromatic, irregular nuclei, with intercellular bridges, occasional mitotic figures, and some individual apoptotic or hyperkeratinized cells
precurosor lesion is acktinic keratosis
ope, flex the abs
median nerve innervation
opponens pollicis
flexor pollicis brevis
abductor pollicis brevis
1.2 lumbricals as well
sensation intact over thenar eminence with carpal tunnel
all the other muscles are ulnar nerve
chapman’s points correlate with what?
areas of increased sympathetic input to the body
the thermoregulatory centers of the brain are located where?
anteiror and posterior nuclei of the hypothalamus
discuss the differences between cholecystitis and cholelithaisis?
cholecystitis is pain, fever, infection
cholelithiasis can be colicky off and on pain after fatty meals
choledocolithiasis is an obstructing stone causing jaundice wihtout fever
ascending cholangitis causes fever, RUQ pain and obstructive jaundice
PV loop of chronic HTN?

describe marcus gunn pupil and what is lesioned?
non-injured side, light causes bilateral constriction
injured side, light causes bilateral dilation
optic nerve

what is the best treatment for ricin poisoning (drippy s/s, resp alk)
intubation and ventiation management/supportive care
memorixe murmur sounds
aortic stenosis murmur willd ecrease with what maneuver?
decrease with sustained handgrip due to increased afterload
h pylori treatments

what is one of the adverse effects of tetracycline?
what drug can cause AV block (mobitz I)
what is adduction somatic dysfunction?
pain at medial or lateral elbow, a decreased carrying angle and motion testing revealing the proximal ulna restricted in medial glide during abduction.
treated by holding the arm in extension and supination and applying a medially directed thrust to the lateral elbow.
aflutter might look like
treat with rate control

surgery needed if Aortic Aneurysm is
can internal hemorrhoids be visualized with anoscopy?
can diverticulosis cause painless rectal bleeding?
hunter’s don’t have corneal clouding but can have what eye manifesations?
papilledema and retinal degeneration
def in iudoronate sulfatase
hurler is corneal clouding and is def in a-L-iduronidase
is there approximation of origin and insertion with post-isometric muscle contrction?
what is a still murmur?
heard ebtween the ages of 2-7 when no other murmur has been heard previously
midsystolic vibratory LLSB
low pitched or musical
know these

amiodarone can cause what in th elungs?
interstital pneumonitis (restrivtive pattern)
psotpartum thyroiditiz

thymus shares embryonic origins with what?
inferior parathyroid glands
which one is for bipolar, chlorpromazine or carbamazipine?
carbamazipine is for bipolar manic phases
CARBS for the bipolars
or valporate or lithium or lamotrigine
what happens in the germinal centers of LNs?
isotype switching
persistent vitiline duct is similar to what
meckels diverticulum
elevatged Ach is associated with what?
neural tube defects, like anencephaly
also elevated afp
graft vs host reaction involving liver and GI one week after transplant
graft T cells sensitization to host MCH
describe cocaine intox
psychosis, paranoia, euphoria, tachycarida, diaphroesis, mydriasis
what are the microscopic findings in frontotemporal dementia?
neuronal loss
tau proteins (neurofibrillary tangles and Pick bodies)
TDP-43 inclusions
IgG-antigen complex formation leads to what
decrease C3 and C4