General 6 Flashcards
what is the MOA of desmopressin for hemophilia?
increases circualting VIII and endothelial protein secretion of vWF to stop bleeding
what CDs are on immature cortical T cells?
CD 4 and CD8
what hormone breaks TG into free fatty acids and glycerol in order to make glucose and ketone bodies ?
osteoblast function correlates with what lab vcalue?
ALkaline phosphatase
n-terminal peptide of type I collagen
calculate cumulative incidence
new diagnosis divided by those at risk (so take out the ones who already have the dx from the population)
v shaped branching of aspergillus
remember that mucor and rhozpus are at wide angles, not septate, ribon like

squatting during a tet spell does what?
increases systemic vascular resistance!!
you knew this!!
chronic granulomatous disease is deficient in what
at risk for what?
NADPH oxidase
catalase + orgnaisms like staph aurus, burkholderia, serratia, nocardia
in venous insuffeiciency leading to stasis dermatitis, what leads to the reddish brown discoleration?
hemosiderin deposition
pt’s with severe mitral regurg will develop what?
S3 due to large volume of regurgitant blood reentering the ventricle at mid-diastole
no S3 means it can’t be severe chronic mitral regurg
Bh4-Bh2 conversion in PKU requires what enzyme
dihydropterin reductase

if bleeding does’nt stop when you clamp the hepatoduodenal lgiament (which has portal vein in it) then where is the bleeding probably coming from?
what is responsible for the toelrance affect seen with a adrenerigc and beta adrenergic agonsits?
activcation of these receptors leads to arrestin binding and internalizaiont
the more these receptors are internalized, the mroe tolerant you become and need higher and higher doses ebcause theyre are fewer r available
people with liver disease and iron overload are more at risk for what infection?
vibrio vulnificus
what kind of cell killing leads to councilman bodies?
t cell mediated apoptosus
how did uworld describe marfans
tall with long UE and fingers
narrow face
slanted palprbael fissures
flat malar bones
small jaw
late systolic murmur at the apex due to myxamatous mitral degeneration–>MVP
giving a b blocker to a pt with HCM will do what?
decrease contraction of the Lv and HR
decrease murmur
increase LV volume
reduce outflow tract obstruction by INCREASING preload
improve sx
what causes this


transient recurrent pulmonary infiltrates and bronchiectasis is what dxz?
apergillus causing allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
elevated procalcitonin indicates what?
low procalcitonin indicates what?
bacterial infection
viral infection
how does progesterone effect intestinal mobility?
decreases colonic smooth muscle activity and the gravid uterus can impede motion as well

what bacteria produce IgA protease?
n meningitidis, n gonhorrhea, strep pneumo, h flu
cleaves IgA at the hinge region making it ineefective (but its already a bad opsonizer, so does’nt reallt effect opsonization)
Main function is to help thebacteria stick to surfacs
tumor lysis syndrome
increases K, uric acid, phosphurs, LDH

atrial l-r shunts cause wide splt S2 and facilitate what?
paradoxical emobili
what is the pathophysiology of rotavirus
infects the villous enterocytes of the jejunum and duodedum resulting in villous blunting and loss of brush border enzymes
watery diarrhea without fecal leukocytes
type I and II errors
reducing the significance (alpha) in a study from 0.05 to 0.01 allows researchers to report any significant findings with greater confidence

transplant rejection add to list

uniform round cells, medium sized, with basophilic cytoplasm and proliferation fraction Ki 67>99 is what?
EBV related B cell lymphoma

what type of drug is leuprolide?
GnRH agonist
initially increases LH/testosterone/andrigens and then downregualtes the receptors

purulent pericarditiis is from what cause?s
staph aureus
strep pneumo
noise induced hearing loss is due to damage where?
hair cells in the rogan of corti
what does acute myocarditis look like?

common cause of death in fredireicks attaxia?
hypertrophic cardiomyopthy
inhibiting what cand ecrease progression of adenoma to carcinoma?

mutation in what can help little adenoma go to big/late adenoma?
dopamine agonists, like cabergoline or bromocriptine can treat what?
agonists-so they stimulate dopamine
P falciparum does not have what?
a dormant liver stage like vivax and ovale
pressure recording in aortic regurgitation

ductus arteriosus comes from which arch?
6th arch

in pleural effusions, what will be decreased?
tactile fremitus and breathsounds
dull percussion

aortic regrgitation has what common findings
widened pulse pressure (rapid rise rapid fall)
head bobbing
how does the hep B vaccine orevent infection?
recombinant HBsAg generates anti-HBs Ab that prevent infection by binding to the envelope of circulating virus and inhbiting entry
first generation antihistamines like diphenhydramine have what side effects
anti alpha adrenergic
the antimuscarinic side effects can interfere with Ach and cause ocular ciliary muscle impairemtn and blurriness of near objects
tinea pedis-athletes foot treat with
what two things can help you differentiate between hypersensitivity pneumonitis and interstial fibrosis?
interstiitaly fibrosis pts are older and wont have granulomas
types for lung adenocarcinoma?
most common in nonsmokers but can happen in smokers
usually a discrete pulmonary lesion or looks like pna
may have watery mucous

critical illness can cause neuromuscular weakness by which two mechanisma?
axonal degeneration
what type of amyloid is deposited in dialysis related amyloidosis?
B2 microglobulin

describe charco marie tooth
mutation in myelin
progressive symmetrical distal muscle atrophy and weakness most notable in the feet and calves (unlike DMD or BMD which has calve psuedohypertoprhy)
also has sesnory loss, pes cavus, hammer toes, arreflexia
case control study participants selection
cases and controls should be selected base on dz status rather than exposure status

concerning result of pre-eclampsua?
concerning SE of macrolides, esp, erythromycin?
QT prolongation, can be used to treat strep pyogenies
how much blood bypasses fetal lvier via ductus vensosus?
what is the function of the Foramen Ovcale?
allows O2 blood to bypass the pulonary vasculature

moderate hypothermia is between
familial disbetalipoprtoeineima is a type
III hyperlipidemia
ulnar nerve comes from which cord?
medial cord
where si the transverse process of T7?
1 segment above the level of the spinous process of T7, which is located at the level of the inferior angle of the scapula.
truncal ataxia, as seen with dandy walker malformations, is assoxieted with wht?
difficulty sitting unsupported
what drug follows 0 order kinetics?
phenytoin not phenobarbitol
if you send a drunk pt home who gets ina a hit and run, what is the libaility?
liabel because of breach of dudty
adductor pollicis is indervated by
ulnar nerve

what drug should be used for aortic regurgitation in the setting of HTN?
v wave corresponds to
opening of tricupsid valve
will increase in tricupsid regurgitation
what is teh role of doxasozin in BPH?
what effects the growth of the prostate in BPH?
reduce smooth muscle contraction and decrease urinary sx
acetazoliamide can cause waht?
non-anion gap metabolic acidosis due to rise in cl
chronic somatic dysfunctions have what pain quality?
dull and achy?