I was taking a sadness shower and then i accidentally shot my eye with shampoo so its been a pretty rough day thnx Flashcards
virulence factors of klebsiella
cell wall receptors
so where is auerbachs (myenteric) plexus located that causes issues in achalasia?
between the two muscle lauyers of the musclaris externa
Efavirenz is an NNRTI that is distinct in that
it does not incorporate into the viral DNA but binds to reverse transcriptase at a site other than where the NRTIs bind
pregnant pts with utis get what drug?
avoid bactrim (SMPTMX in pregnants)
pt has elevated myelocytes with low leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
what cancer?
what genetic thing?
expression of a fusion gene with TK activity (BCR ABL)
what in the heck is conus medullaris syndrome?
bascially cauda equina but with UMN symptoms like hyperreflexia and spacticity
neursurg emergency
injury to distal end of spinal cord
if you only lsoe sensation to the anterior lateral left tongue, what nerve is lesioned
left lingual n
which aminoglycoside can be used to treat yersinia by inhibiting the intiation complex (30S)?
twisting a screwdriver or playing tenis can cuase what?
lateral epicondylitis
pain with supination
which nucleus of the thalamus helps make you sweat/pant and lesioned will make it hard for you to lwoer your temp?
anterior nucleis

what does this indicate:
functional residual capacity, inspiratory capacity, residual volume, vital capacity, and total lung capacity are reduced.
restrictive lung dz
acute PSGN will have q
subepithelial humps (IC) and enlarged hypercellular glomeruli