750+ club Flashcards
curves greater than 20’ in scoliosis should consider waht tx?
is leukocyte adhesion deficiency autosomal recessive or x linked recessive?
autosomal recessive
whats the most common gram + meningitis in children?
strep pmeumo
has techoic acid in the wall
what hormone peaks at day 20
progesterone-thick cervical mucus
estrogen early and makes mucus thinner
if your not sure if its a GLP1 agonist or a DDP4 inhibtor, what can tip you off?
GLP1 agonists are INJECTED
DDP4 are oral
budd chiari syndrome leads to what kind of congestion
centrolobular congestion
hematuria two days after URI with mesangial deposits of IC
is it burgers or PSGN?
PSGN will be 2-4 weeks later
The nucleus ambiguus provides motor innervation to:
the pharynx
and larynx
elevates the palate via the vagus nerve (CN X).
Damage to it can cause contralateral deviation of the uvula due to failure to elevate the palate on the ipsilateral side.
non-bullous impetigo, with honey crusted lesions can be cause dby what?
bullous impetigo is caused exclusively by what?
staph arueus or strep pyogenes
staph aureuous


what drug can decrease hostpiliazation with heart fialure but not mortality?
which drug can decrease intraocular pressure?
muscarinic agonists
whats the main differentiating factor between social anxiety disorder and panic disorder?
social anxiety disorer is triggered by social situations
panic disorder doesn’t have an ID triggered
subdural hematomas
rupture of bridging veins
crescent shaped
can be subacute and bleed slowly for a few weeks causing headache and confusion
Dubin Johnson
GILBERT: hereditary form of unconjugated (indirect) hyperbilirubinemia that has no clinical consequences. Indirect bilirubin levels range from 3-6 mg/dL. Uridine 5’-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) conjugation activity is only minimally decreased
ROTOR: defect in excretion of bilirubin, elevated conjugated bilirbin
DUBIN JOHNSON: same as rotor but with a black liver
what is the most common roundworm intestinal parasite in the world?
ascaris lumbroidies
large round eggs in stool
tx with albendazole, mebendazole or palomiyol
pin the name on the foramen

memorize this baby GORLLL


is diptheria motile?
no it is not
the bull is stabbed and can’t move
in nephrotic syndrome, how does hydrostatic/oncotic pressure change?
increased excretion of proteins/albumin that ends up decreasing plasma oncotic pressure
can you give a minor jehova’s witness blood products against parental will?
yes apparently
tubular vs villous adenoma histology
tubular on l
villous on r

in aortic regurgitation does systolic or diastolic end Volume increasE?
diastolic end volume increases leading to incresaed SV and increased systolic BP and widened pulse pressure
talk thru how to determine L5 based on sacrum

lesion of the facial enrve can cause
hyperascusis on the right side
stats skewed

what does the fliud in gout look like (not the crystals, the fluid)
cloudy yellow
high WBCs, mostly neutrophils
few RBCs
normal glucose
comlex likes to test what?
giving kids blood even if the parents say no
basically, doctors trump parents if the parents want to withhold life saving treatment
when someone gets super sloshed and blacks out, what is a risk?
alcoholic ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia due to volume depletion, depleted glyogen stores and elevated NADH:NAD ratio
elevated levels of what may help predict exacerbations in ashtma?
how do thyroid homrone levels change during pregnancy?
TBG increase
total T4 increases
free T3 and 4 stay normal
TSH normal
what is the preferred treatment for night terrors?
benzoes, clonazapam
whats the most common nasocomial pathogen causing pna?
strep poneumo is not rspirator associated
Condylar compression aka
OA compression
issues with suckling
endocarditis in a colon cancer pt?
strep gallalytics (bovis)
muscles of mastication innervation?
why will UGI bleeds have elevated BUN:CRT ratio?
=because digested blood relaeases urea (from protein metabolism)
which SD is usually found in asthma?
rib inhalation dysfxn
cough may have exhalation sd
the only muscle of mastication that depresses the jaw, thus opening it is ?
lateral pterygoid
the genome in Rhinovirus acts driectly as what?
OA vs RA

anterior drawer test on the ankle
pull the foot forawrd on the ankle
indicates ATL sprain
if you think it might be either warfarin induced necrosis of HIT, what should be noted,
WARFarin induced Necrosis doesn’t decrease PLt by >50% whereas HIT will decrease PLT by >50%

what is the treatment for legionarries?
prognosis for pancreatitis decresaes as what increases?
BUN >8
the treatment for ACHEinhibitor poisoning has what MOA?
acts at nicotininc R to increase ACHE
different types of meningnitis

for inhaled anesthetics, hig blood solubility leads to
rapid uptake that cna be altered by respiortoary rate
tx position for piriformis tp?
pt prone doc seated ipsilateral
pts hip and knee flexed , ER and ABDUCTED