apparently the main function of the supraspinatus m is abduction not extension like someone told me Flashcards
supraspinatus action
kinesin helps move what?
secretory vesicles in nerves
know it

neurofribromas are amde of what type of cells?
schwann cells derived from NCC
the majority of water is absorbed where?
what chemical rises dueing REM?
discuss vericocele
bag of worms
worse with valsalva
can be a dull ache
lateral to spermatic chord
progesterone antagonist
synthetic prostaglandin analoge
used together for abortions
Maternal deletion
paternal disomy
prader willi
Paternal Deletion
maternal disomy
NMS is more likely with which antipshychotics?
NMS is more likely with first gen high potency antipsychotics like haldolperidol and fluphenYsine
what is the antitode for benzoes and nonbenzoes sedatives (Z drugs)?
flumazenil which blocks inhibitory neurotransmitters
decreased estrogen leads to incresed what?
increased osteoclast activity leading to osteoporosis
what is the histolofy of pagets deisaese of breast
large, atypical adenocarcinoma cells with pale to clear cytoplasm that infiltrate though the epidermis
pelvic anatomy

best option for adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix without invasion in those done with childbearing?
SSRIs inhibit what?
inhibit the 5HT transporters (reuptakers)
nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause all hint towards what cancer?
ovarian cancer
can have ascites, abdominal bloading/pain
what is actually twisted in testicular torsion?
spermatic chord
what is treatment for psychomotor sx associated with cocaine intoxication?
nonseminomatous germ cell tumor/testicular tumor can elaborate what hormone
this can cross react with what hormone receptors?
cause what sx?
hyperthyroid and gynecomastia
prominent risk factor for pre-eclampsia?
nulliparity/first abby
if they say the abnomrla uterine bleeding is due to anovulatory cycles, wht is the treatment?
the first line treatment for enuresis in children over 5 is what?
bed wetting alarm
psychotehrpay and + reinforcement is better used for children in regression or from trauma

stabilizes microtubules
treat ovarian ca
cause neuropathy
LH stimulates Leydig cells to make
Testosterone which is needed to help form the rest of the GU tract, epididymis, prostatem seminal vesicles, ductus deferens
which stage is the majority of sleep?
sleep spindles, K complexes
bisphosphpnates are CI in whom
those at risk or hx of eosphageal cancer
use raloxifene instead
what is a fun way to calculate CO?
renal artery stenosis can cause what acid base derangement?
metabolic alkalosis
H is excreted to help maintain volume
presure volume curve in HTN

respiratory failure secondary to asthma will cause what electrolyte changes ?
CO2 retention
respiratory acidosis
elevated serum H levles
B blockers do what to K?
do what to glycise?
may cause shift out of cells/block in shift
so you get hyperkalemia
may mask hypoglycemia sx (tremors, palpiations, anxiety and arousal)