General Flashcards
What liver cells can turn into myelofibroblasts and make collagen?
Ito (stellate) cells
What does Bevacizumab bind to and what is it’s MOA and common AE?
binds to VEGF and inhibits angiogenesis
can cause wound dehisence
IS club foot a malformation or deformation?
Club foot is a DEFORMATION
(if you have club foot, you started out formed correctly, but got squished-DE-formation)
(malformation are screwed from the start)
What does urine chem look like in DKA?
pH low
HCO3 Low
Fragile X is due to what molecular processes?
hypermethaltion of the FMR1 gene (trinucleotide repeat of >200 CGG)
How to differentiate between “invasive” vs. “colonizing” aspergillosis?
invasive will have more systemic symptoms, more sick, and sEVERELY immune compromised
Colonozing may occur in previous immunocompromised and be asymptomatic or have hemptysis. “fungus balls” on XR
What disease are target RBCs seen in and why
due to faulty mRNA formation
What does vWF bind to?
Sir von Willebrand went to College
What is the MOA of the fibrates?
reduces hepatic VLDL prpoduction
What drug will increase CO and RBF at low doses and decrease CO and RBF at high doses
ACtin is bound to the structural protein found where?
at the Z line (darkest line on EM)
By what mechanism do eosinophils kill parasites?
Antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity
Which coagulase negative staph likes to stick to implants and cause sickness?
S. epidermidis via an extracellular polysaccharide matrix
How does the respiratory system age?
Not well
lung compliance increases
resp. system overall decrases
physiologic dead space increase
Describe Neimann Pick Disease
Neuro regression
Cherry red
accumulation of sphingomyelin
(same as Tay Sach minus the HSmegaly, defect in B-hexo)
How does flexing the C spine help with swallowing?
displaces larynx superiorly
Where is the SA node?
interatrial septm near opening of coronary sinus
Where does lithium cause it’s effects of frequent urination?
At the collecting duct
What are the s/s of Erlichea?
mulberry inclusions in monocyts
maculopapular rash
white-tailed deer/tick
What are s/s of age-related cataracts?
loss of visual acuity
glares around lights at night
loss of red reflex
Emphysema causes what kind of traction in the airway?
radial traction
how does BP and PP change between ages 50 and 80?
What type of hepatitis virus affects pregnant women in asia/india, africa and mexico?
hep e (unenveloped RNA virus)
phthris pubis, pubic lice, should be treated with what?
topical permethrin
Why is the CF cl- channel messed up?
due to abnormal post translational processing of transmembrane protein
acute pancreatitis can occur because of activation of what enzyme?
dofetilide can cause what complication?
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (and torsades)
In most states, you should report what to public health officials?
HIV diagnoses
Can you date former patients?
Is it better to call a pt with bad results, or have a sit down visit?
What is the idea behind “double effect”
basically, it allows docs to continue to give a morphine drip to a terminally ill patient even at the risk of respiratory depression, sedation and death, because “the intent” wasn’t euthanasia, even if death is the outcome (and desire of the patient)
Should you call the DMV or call the organ tranplant team for a transplant first?
transplant team
Is it ethical to receive gifts from pharma?
medically related are okay, but otherwise no
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, mandates the reporting by pharmaceutical and medical device companies of any meals, gifts, or honorariums (as well as many other things of value) provided to physicians. The reporting, which started in 2014, is to the National Payment Transparency Program of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Manufacturers are required to report any payment over $10 in value, or payments to an individual that total more than $100 annually. Educational materials and items that directly benefit patients, or are intended to be used by or with patients, are not required to be reported by the Sunshine Act.
how does lowering the test threshold change the sensitivity/specificity?
Ex: if lvier cancer AFP was 500 but dropped to 400, how does the sen/spec change?
Sensitivity increases!
What Act ruled that patients and patient surrogates have the right to remove life sustaining actions ?
Cruzan v. Director
Does Medicare cover some people under 65? in what conditions?
What part covers drug cost?
Yes, all ages of end stage renal disease (requiring dialysis or transnplant), and certain disabilities like ALS
Medicare part D covers Drugs
(A-hospitAl, B-offices visits?)
What is the correlation coefficient?
A value between +1 and -1. The closer to +1, the stronger the positive correlation
In what phase of sleep are K waves and sleep spindles seen?
stage 2
What do you need to remember about spinal cord lesions?
A hemisection of the spinal cord consists of ipsilateral spastic paralysis below the lesion, ipsilateral loss of touch and vibration sensations below the lesion, and contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensations below the lesion.
what drug alters melanin in the iris?
Prostaglandin analogues
A table on sacrum

What is the MOA of Varenicline?
partial agonist of nAch R
What is the term for hearing colors or seeing sounds and what drug can cause it?
Synesthesia, LSD
What muscle and nerve are affected if a pt gets diplopia when they look down?
superior oblque, trochlear n.
If pt had a recent miscarriage, pelvic mass and elevated bHCg, what is one possibility?
theca lutein cyst
What is the cell change in barrets esophagus
columnar replaces squamous, risk of adenocarcinoma
When would you see crescent formation on renal biopsy?
linear appearance
sx include nephritic syndrome, ankle swelling, fatigue, all ACUTE onset
Calcium efflux from cardiac cells prior to relaxation is primarily mediated by what?
Na/Ca Xchanger and SERCA
Describe X-linked Agammaglobulinemia?
BTK mutation
sinopulmonary and enteroviruses
Low antibodies, Low B cells
What is the underlying issue:
Woman with progressive dyspnea, RV hypertrophy (>1cm) and sudden death?
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
What are the s/s of Porphyria Cutanea Tarda?
What enzyme is deficient?
What builds up?
blistering on skin/hands
uroporphryinogen decaboxylase deficiency
Uroporphrynogen III
What class of drugs reduces triglyceride levels the most?
acts on PPARa
decreases VLDL synthesis, increases HDL
can cause muscle tox and gallstones
What are some s/s of HPV in the anus?
pain, itching, mass, bleeding
ulcerated lesion
prominent keratinization on hist.
If you want to know if a gene is undergoing transcription, what blot test do you get?
Northern Blot
(SNOW-DROP), transcription is mRNA
If something sounds like HFM, but is only in the mouth, what could it be?
Herpes (HSV1)
dsDNA virus, enveloped
Can bipolar type I diagnoses be made if symptoms have been present for more than 1wk?
What about brief psychotic episode?
Sx have to last >1 day but <1 month and have to resolve
What two Autoimmune disorders are type II HSN?
Myasthenia Gravis and Goodpasture’s
If someone has central DI that does not resolve after years, what is likely the damaged area?
hypothalamic nuclei
(if it’s in the posterior pituitary, axons tend to regenerate and resolve the dz)
What organ damage occurs with Amphotercin B?
How does carotid massage improve PSVT?
increases vagal parasympathetic tone which slows conduction through AV node and prolongs refractory period
What is embryologic source is the anterior pituitary made from?
What about the posterior pituitary?
surface ectoderm
neural tube
how does PEEP help in ARDS?
Increases functional residual capacity
helps “prop” up the lungs and keeps everything ventilated well
decreases any V/Q mismatching
increases O2 reserve in the lung
When someone has cerebral edema, the goal is the hyperventilate them. Why?
Dropped PaCo2 due to hyperventilation causes vasoconstriction in the brain which will lower ICP (help with edema)
What is the purpose of snRRPs?
removal of introns from RNA transcripts
What is the disorder if there is a “gap at the tip of the long arm of the X chromosome” ?
Fragile X
“broken X”
What is the risk of a humeral surgical fracture?
avascular necrosis
radial n. injury is more likely in a mid-shaft injury
What is likely seen in acute hypoparathyroidism (iatrogenic removal)?
increased urinary excretion of Ca
pt is hypocalcemic because no more PTH to tell the bones to release Ca, and PTH isn’t around in the kidneys to do reabsorption
also can’t form 1,25 vitamin D
decreased Phosphate reelase from bone as well
All of this is because no PTH
Bloody nipple discharge can be from what?
What is the histology of that?
Intraductal papilloma
intraepithelial cells lining fibrovascular cores
CLL is treated with what class of drug and what is the MOA?
Blc2 inhibitors
increase activity of caspases
What does it mean if there is a large PO2 gradient and normal PCO2
Diffusion impairment
what part of the nephron is impermeable to water?
thick ascending loop of henle
Is strep pyogones catalase + or -?
What does the PY in Pyogenes remind you of?
catalase negative!!
PYR positive!!
What are some s/s of digoxin toxicity?
life threatening arrythymias
color vision alterations
Chron’s disease can lead to bruising. Why?
bile acid malabsorption
leads to defieciency of ADEK
Lack of K leads to bruising/bleeding
Describe Pagets disease of the rbeast and underlying issue?
ezcematous, crusty lesion
can be invasive ductal carcinoma
If it sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome, but tinnels and phalens are negative, what is it?
pronator teres syndrome
Shoulder pain, worse with overhead movement, what muscle is damaged and what movement worsens?
supraspinatus, abduction
Which nreve roots are affected in Klumpke palsy?
described as hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joints and hyperflexion of the interphalangeal joints
What is seen on EEG in sleep walking?
delta waves
What happens to REM in narcolepsy?
decreased REM latency
during flexion of the SBS, what is the movement of the paired bones and the midline bones?
paired bones move into ER
midline bones move into F
SBS rises
what do you give for methanol ingestion and what is it’s MOA?
inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase
A saccular anuerysm in the circle of willis between the anterior communicating artery and the anterior cerebral artery will cause what visual disturbance?
bitemporal hemianopia
Where is the piriformis muscle tenderpoint?
midpoint between the inferior lateral angle (ILA) of the sacrum and the greater trochanter.
where are the posterior sacral tenderpoints?

Describe Perinaud Syndrome?
What can cause it, esp., in young people?
impaired vertical gaze
normal to large pupils
light-near dissociation
convergence-retraction nystagmus
eyelid retraction (Collier sign)
pineal gland tumor
What is amaurosis fugax?
acute, painless monocular vision loss in the setting of atherosclerosis
described as a curtain coming down over vision
What should you use to treat MAC atypical pna?
binds to 50S ribosomal subunit
Where is Meckel’s Diverticulum visualized on a technetium scan?
right lower abdomen
What common drug can cause blue tinted vision?
(inhibits phosphodiesterase 5 and 6 and 6 is a requred in light transformation
Where are AT2-6 TP located?
midline at the sternum on the level of the correspoinding rib
If you’re doing a surgery and see something unrelated to the condition that looks sus and you take it out wihtout consent is that bad?
YEah, its BADtery
only okay if there is immediate danger
what is a wakefullness promoting agent for narcolepsy?
What will acute viscerosomatic TTA feel like?
Warm and boggy
What artery causes oculomotor nerve palsy including strabismus, ptosis, and dilation if there is an aneurysm?
ipsilateral posterior communicating artery
What test can look for IT band syndrome?
Ober test
What are the s/s of retinal artery occlusion?
painless loss of monocular vision with associated pale retina with a cherry-red macula seen on fundoscopic examination
what is a common concerning side effect of trazadone?
painful erections
5HT2A Receptor inhibitor
What nerve root is the brachioradialis reflex?
Furosemide and other loop diuretics have what side effect?
hearing loss
what antipsychotic can cause galactorrhea?
what cells have foot processes that make up the BBB?
what common brain tumor in children often presents in the posterior fossa and can cause noncommunicaitng hydrocephalus?
What are the visceroscomatics for hyperthyroidism?
Which drug for myasthenia gravis can exacerbate what underlying condition
Pyridostigmine can exacerbate asthma
What common brain tumor in the 50-60 age group has a “fried egg” appearance, aka compact round cells with clear cytoplasm around a dark nucleus?
What connective tissue disorder can present with berry aneurysm/increase risk?
Erlerhs danlos
In a patient with underlying long QT syndrome (mutation in KCNH2), what type of medication can precipitate syncope and prolonged QT?
also, fluoroquinolones (-oxacins), antipshycotics and antiemetics
What is the cause of cyanosis in TOF?
abnormal neural crest cell migration leads to anterior and cephalad deviation of the infundibular septum during embryogenesis
Results in misaligned VSD and overriding aorta
What signals the hepatocytes to turn pyruvate into glucose?
elevated Acetyl CoA levels
Where can RNA polymerase II be located?
upstream, downstream, or within the introns of the gene
Statisitically, the closer the AUC is to 1, the ?
the more accurate the test
how to statins work?
how do bile acid-binding resins work?
do they increase/decrease liver cholesterol synthesis?
statins inhibit HMG COA Reductase
BABR increase synthesis of bile acids which uses up cholesterol stores in the liver
statins decrease synthesis, BABR increase synthesis
What is defective in Familial hypercalcemic hypocalciuria?
What type of receptor is it?
Gq coupled membrane bound receptor
What occurs to levels of ghrelin, leptin and insulin during a caloric restriction/exercise program resulting in weight loss?
Ghrelin increases
Leptin decreases
Insulin decreases
ghrelin is up due to calorie restriction/hungry
leptin is up because of fasting
insulin down because of weight loss/increased sensitivity
What rib marking does the lung stop?
rib 8, midaxillary line
if you do a thoracentesis superior to rib 10 at the MA line, what structure can be hit?
an ischemic stroke affecting the middle cerebellar peduncle, lateral mid-pons region will afect which nerve?
what deficits will occur?
Trigeminal N.
contralateral hemiparesis (corticospinal tarct), contralateral lower facial palsy, dysarthria (corticobulbar tract)
bacterial endocarditis after a dental procedure is liekly due to what?
why does it stick to structures?
S. viridans
uses dextrans to stick to fibrin and platelets at sites of endothelial trauma (presence of MVP)
a study looking at efficacy, adverse effects in a small number of affected indivuduals is what phase?
phase II
Carbemazipine can cause what dyscrasia?
drug indcued aplastic anemia
(medication induced adverse effect)
MAOIs work best for what type of depression and what are the features?
treatment resistent Major depressive Disorder
mood reactivity
leaden paralysis
increased sleep and apetite
Which NNRTIs do not rqiure intracellular phosphorylation?
Nevirapine and Efavirenz
What can help protect against lung infarction in PE?
collateral circulation-good ventilation, poor perfusion
(not shunting-shunting occurs with good perfusion but poor ventilation)
If a baby is genotypically male, but has genital anomalies like small phallus, hypospaidias, what is the likely enzyme deficiency?
5a-reductase deficiency (cant make tesotsterone into DHT)
Immediately prior to delivery, estrogen increases what?
increases upregulation of gap junctions consisting of Connexin-43
helps increase myometrial excitability
a pt has s/s of shock after recent hospitalization for infection. RAP is increased and pulminary capillary wedge pressure is decreased. What is the problem?
right ventricular infarct
How do you calculate number needed to treat?
ARR=control rate - treatment rate
TR= 10/1000
CR= 25/1000
.025-.01=0.015 or 1.5%
S. pyogenes has M protien which is strucuturall similar to what?
functions to resist phagocytosis
Which factor will change depending on disease prevelence in populations?
what sounds like carpal tunnel but involves a lot of supination motion (screw driver)
deep radial nerve compression in supinator m.
will have weak extension and supination/pronation, weak thumb and fingers
know this

what are the s/s of arginase deficiency?
spastic diplegia
growth delay
abnormal movements
part of urea cycle
what cells fight TB?
CD4 and macrophages

if it sounds like cryptosporidium, but includes mucosal ulcers, what is it?
CMV (herpesvirus)
What is the MOA of protease inhibitors in HIV?
inhbit HIV protease from cleaving gag-pol which results in impaired production of functional viral proteins
what does aortic regurgitation sound like?
decrescendo at LUSB
(note to self) bitch you better memorize this shit so help me

What will CO and VR look like after an MI?
CO decreased, VR same
If a kid with a recent infection with abx tx comes back a few weeks later withn puffiness and nephritic syndrome and they show you an EM with a giant dome/dot, what is it?
acute PSGN due to IC deposition
How can duloxetine help with pain?
inhibits norepinephrine mediated pain pathway
a drug that quiets uterine contractions and causes mydriasis, is what class?
A and B adrenergic agonist
How does clavalunic acid given with amoxicillin change the metabolism?
decreases amoxicillin cleavage by bacterial cells
during influenza infection, interferons a and B are released that do what?
decrease protein synthesis by infected cells
With normal aging, EF can be maintained by what mechanism?
mild concentric LVH

gross hematuria in a pt with sickle cell trait and no signs of infection is likely?
papillary necrosis
propofol will redistribute where?
skeletal muscles (overtime)
which autosomal recessive condition can present with avascular necrosis bilaterally with PAS + staining in a white child?
Gaucher disease
(def. in glucocerebrodiase)
which drug, which alters purine metabolism, can change CBC as an adverse effect?
what drug has been shown to aggrevate gout?
what drug has been shown to decrease gout attacks (chronic)
thiazide diuretics (make sure to stop them)
to initiate muscle contraction…..
calcium binds to troponin, which causes a conformational change in troponin, causing tropomyosin to move and expose the myosin binding sites on actin.
what is the MOA of corticosteroids
diffuse through the plasma membrane and bind to intracellular receptors. The receptor-hormone complex then enters the nucleus as a dimer, binds to the glucocorticoid response element, and regulates gene transcription
inhibits the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
what ligaments are involved in a type II inversion sprain?
calcaneofibular and anterior talofibular
what tendon is involved in DeQuerivians tenosynovitis?
abductor pollicis longus
how might osteoporotic spinal fractures be described?
anterior wedging of the vertebrae
what is one of the motions of the supraspinatus?
damage of the ulnar nerve will affect what muscle of the theumb?
thumb adduction
what can precipitate gout( dug)
what is the PaCO2, pH, and FEV/FVC1 ratio in COPD?
PaCO2 increased
pH decreased
(inverse relationship)
FEV/FVC1 ratio is decreased
In a study comparing IV vs. oral bioavailability, how would you calculate it based on AUC?

What is familial dilated cardiomyopathy?
autosomal dominate defect in TTN which codes for sarcomeric protein titin
can cause sudden death and enlarged heart
can cause thrombus to form
Describe the s/s of intestinal schistosomiasis?
Describe the s/s of hepatic schisotomiasis?
diarrhea, abdominal pain, ulceration, iron deficient anemia
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
fibrosis and portal HTN
tx with praziquantel
Pt comes in with fever, myalgias, malaise, no sore throat.
failure to agglutinate horse erythrocytes
what is the dignosis?
CMV mononucleosis
what is the most common pediatric arthythmia?
narrow QRS, P waves burried in QRS
ventricular diastole shortens, CO and SV decrease and can lead to hypotension and s/s of heart failure
What ligament is thickened in spinal stenosis?
L. flavum
What are the three phases of acid secretion?
Cephalad-triggered by thought/smell of food
Gastric-gastrin/hlc release triggered by food in stomach
intestinal-triggered by protein in duodenum-downregulate acid secretion
Which GLUT is sensitive to insulin and where is it found?
only GLUT 4 is sensitive to insulin and it is found on skeletal muscle and adipocytes

how is ARR calculated?
ARR= Risk control-Risk treatment
in this case, risk of death control is control deaths/total control and treatment deaths/total treatment
Trendelenburg sign is due to damage of which nerve?
Superior gluteal N (medius and minimus, hip stability)
inferior gluteal n. innervates glute max which would mke it hard to climb stairs or stand up if injured
Failure of neural crest cell migration between weeks 8-12 can cause what?
Hirshprung’s disease in which the rectum is ALWAYs invovled
If it sounds like TB, it could also be
which is treated with?
which has the MOA?
inhibits migration of neutrophils to inflammatory sites
does angiotensin II constrict the afferent or the efferent arteriole?
constrcits the efferent arteriole
which would increase filtration pressure!
what are the stop codons?
which substance allows T cells to replicate?
calcineurin (elaborates IL2 for T cell proliferation)
targeted by cyclosporine and tacrolimus
Is listeria an intracellular bacteria?
How is it cleared from the body?
cell mediated immune system
which ligament is involved in ovarian torsion?
infundibulopelvic ligament (suspensory ligament of the ovary)
describe the airway resistance along the respiratory tract

blocking the voltage gated Na channels in axons does what?
prevents fusion and release of neurotransmitter vesicles
hereditary hemochromatosis is a defect in which gene
which causes what?
HFE gene
liver HFE can’t sense iron, so makes less hepcidin which tells the intestine to absorb more iron from food, where it can then accumulate in the blood and liver (as hemosiderin)
increase intestinal absorption
decreased hepcedin
why would a long standing TIDM patient present with more frequent hypoglycemic episodes?
because as the disaese progresses, a-cells become destructed as well which leads to decreased glucagon secration and increased risk of hypoglcemia
describe the difference in urine and serum Osm in central DI, complete and partial nephrogenic DI

what virulence factor allows e. coli to cause UTIs?
fimbrial antigen

how might parvovirus manifest in an adult
how might parvovirus manifest in a fetus
if given the choice between parvo and CMV, why is parvo better?
adult: polyarthralgia
fetus: ascites, hydrops fetalis, pulmonary effusion/hypoplasia
Parvo is the most common infectious agen causing hydrops esp. if mother presents with arthralgias
what are some s/s and background in hep B infection?
sexual promiscuity, joint pain, LAD,uritcarial rash, RUQ pain
elevated AST and ALT
what does constrictive pericarditis look like onCT?

what structure is the last to disappear in the respiratory tract?
cilia (think of having to move things along)
Which bacteria can cause ecythyma granulosa which is characterized by necrotic and ulcerated skin lesions?
p. aurginosa
What changes on EKG will be seen after amniodarone treatment?
sinus rate-decreased
PR interval-prolonged
What region of LNs do T cells normally live in?
paracortical region
what is the MOA of abatacept?
it is a fusion of CTLA4 and Ig which acts as a brake for the adaptive immune system
it prevents T cell costimulation and allows them to undergo anergy, thus increasing peripheral tolerance (stopping the autoimmune condition from progressing)
what is the cause of exercise associated collapse?
reduced preload
basically, after running a half marathon (endurance), if you stop suddenly, the venous return drops dramatically which causes a sudden decrease in preload resulting in hypotension or syncope
put feet above head to help
Is perinaud syndrome caused by a craniopharygnioma or a pinealoma?
pinealoma :(
where is the pineal gland??

Is this eczema or psoriasis?
what is the histology
epidermal hyperplasia

If somone is fructose intolerant, what enzyme might still allow for some fructose metabolism?

what is the purpose of a chi squared test?
test for an association between two catagorical variables

what cell type has a higher turnover rate, osteocytes, hematopoetic stem cells, or vascular endothelial cells?h
hematopoietic stem cells
Lesch Nyhan syndrome is caused by a deficiency in what
which leads to a build up of what?
def. in HGPRT
build up of PRPP
how are most foreign particles removed from the resp. tract?
if you BLOCK an a2-adrenergic receptor, will insulin decrease or increase
blocking a2R will INCREASE insulin

what acid-base disturbance does vomiting cause?
metabolic alkalosis
via loss of H ions
increased renal excretion of H and K (and reabsorption of Na and water to combat dehydraition)
and extracellular K/H exchange

What is the MOA of Methimazole (tx for hyperthyroid)
blocks coupling of iodotyrosines
what are the changes in cardiogenic shocK?
increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
increased central venous pressure
decreased coronary perfusion pressure

is urinary urgency/urge incontinence due to overactice or underactive detrusor m?
overactive detrusor m. (aka uninhibited bladder contraction)
in heart failure, will right atrial pressure and left ventricular end diastolic pressure be increased or decreased?
both will be increased
T cells prevent __ spread of candida while neutrophils prevent ___ spread of candida?
T cells prevent superficial candida spread
neutrophils precent hematogenous spread
what are the s/s of homocysteinuria
ectopia lentis
intellectual disability
increased pressure on the afferent arteriole of the kidney will cause hyperplasia where?
hyperplasia of the modified smooth muscle of the afferent arteriole (the JG cells)
a positive skin lepromin test indicates what about the immune system?
Th1 mediated immune reaction
increased IL1 and INFy in the skin lesion
which valve is commonly affected in IVDA and where is it auscultaed?
tricuspid valve

where is osm highest and lowest along the nephron?
highest at the bottom of the loop
lowest at the collecting duct

what a fib drug can cause constpiation and new AV block?
what can estimate left atrial pressure?
pulmonary artery cath (swan ganz cath)
chest pain and DOE is likely what?
what happens in the alveoli then?
acute pulmonary embolism
hyperventilation of the alveoli secondary to hypoxemia
if heparin induces a bleed, what can reverse it?
what receptor does NE act on to increase SVR in shock pts?
a1 receptors in the blood vessels to increase SVR
does hereditary spherocytosis have an increase MCV or increased MCHC?
increased MCHC
if it sounds like a fibroid, but the uterus is uniformly enlarged with tenderness and heavy bleeding, what do you think of?
adenomyosis (endometrial glands and stroma wihtin the myometrium)
multiple myeloma can cause lytic bone lesions by
loca tumor cell mediated activation of osteoclasts
major antigenic shifts occur via
genetic resortment
what kind of HLA match is best for congenital conditions?
unrelated matches
a karyotype with 47 chromosomes and a pt with intellectual disability should make you think of?
tall stature, gynecomastia, azoospermia
what marker is highly specific for autoimmune hepatitis?
anti-smooth muscle
what will change CO and HR but not PaCO2 or PaO2?
nasocomial staphylococci infections happen frequently via
intravascular catheters
Hgb C disease happens because of wht mutation?
a missense mutation

the right ureter passes imediately anterior to what? t
the internal iliac A.
If a pt goes cyanotic that does not improve with O2 after getting lidocaine, what is the issue?
acquired metheglobinemia
what is a microbial component of n. meningitidis?
what is the PaCO2, pH, and FEv/FVC1 ratio in COPD?
PaCO2 increased
pH decresed
(inverse relationship)
what is the purpose of rhogam
prevent sensitization of the mother’s immune system from developing anti-D globulin
(D antigen and Duffy are not the same thing)
what is the treatment for Mallasezzia Furfur?
Selenium sulfide lotion +/- oral antifungals
Besides B27, what else will be positive or negative in ankylosing spondylitis?
Negative RF which is an IgM ab directed against the Fc region of IgG ab
therefore, B27+ and IgG-ab -
Ribs 8-10 have what sort of motion?
bucket handle motion
viscerosomatics for sinusitis is where?
Winged scapula (damage to LTN) affect which cervical nerve roots?
(brachial plexus)
which vasculitidie will have elevated eosinophils?
which ANCA will it have?
what are some of the s/s?
Churg-Struass (allergic granulomatous angiitis)

what are the viscerosomatics for the head/neck?
What are the s/s of a right parietal lobe stroke?
(branches of middle cerebral artery)
left-sided hemineglect
anosognosia (lack of recognition of a significant disease)
asomatognosia (lack of body awareness)
constructional difficulty.
can malignant hyperthermia present during or after surgery?
Yes, both
Where are the anterior Lumbar tenderpoints?

where are the anterior lumbar tenderpoints?

IS Turners syndrome due to nondijunction or mullerian agenesis?
If a patient has a hx of autoimmune dissease and now they are presenting with s/s of folate or B12 deficiency, what could be happening?
could be pernicious anemia, if antibodies to intrinsic factor!
Folate def. tend to occur a bit more acutely (over months) and B12 tends to take years to develop
in the stem, pt had a hx of Hashimoto’s and had years of neuro sx and signs of megaloblastic anemia and the option was folate def. or IF ab. IF ab is better since it took longer to develop and she had hx. of autoimmune dz.
What do you use to treat peropheral artery disease?
phosphodiesterase III inhibitor, increases cAMP in PLT to inhibit aggregation, causes vasodilation
where does the facial nerve come out of the brain?
caudal pons near 4th ventricle

Case control studies creat a ___
Cohort studies create a ___
odds ratio
relative risk
what are acute TTA?
Increased muscle tone,
boggy, edematous,
increased temperature,
vascular congestion,
increased tenderness,
moist skin,
persistent erythema, and sharp pain.
what are chronic TTa?
flaccidity, diminished muscle tone,
mushy feeling,
fascial contracture,
limited range of motion,
cool temperature,
dry skin, thickening,
pimples present, and dull pain.
what hyperthyroid medication is preferred in the first trimester?
What is the MOA?
inhibits thyroid organification and inhibits peripheral conversion
what is the triad of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome?
If stuck between this and Brutons, what might be a hint?
Thrombocytopenia leading to increased bleeding time and petechiae, eczema, and recurrent infections because of a decrease in T and B-cells.
Low IgM (brutons will have low everyhting, not just low IgM)
Beta thallesemia has a decreased what leading to a relative increase in what?
decrese in B chains, so excess of HbA2
where is degenerative (type III) spondylolisthesis most liekly to occur?
dysplastic (type I) most likely to occur at L5-S1
where is the Chapman’s point for angina?
2nd ICS near sternum
evidence of GI bleeds, recurrent proloned epistaxis, +/- telangiectasias, should prompt what diagnosis?
what else can be present?
Oslwer-Weber-Rendu syndrome
dilated blood vessels (AV malformations)
may have iron deficient anemia
fast stats chart for calculations

if pt has polyuria and polydipsia with urine that becomes more concentrated with water deprivation, what is the diagnosis?
psychogenic polydipsia
how do you tell the difference between a structural scoliosis and a functional scoloiosus?
if it is functional, what could be the cause?
In the forward bent position, the patient side bends toward the side of convexity. If the curve resolves, it is flexible and therefore functional. If the curve does not resolve or worsens, the curve is rigid and therefore structural.
short leg syndrome
what is the equation for clearance?
CL = (0.693 x Vd)/t½.

Cervicitis treatment (likely from concurrent gon and clam) should be treated with what?
azithromycin (or doxycycline) and ceftriaxone.
The ADC’s of gon and clam
what legal procedure created the right for informed consent?
Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital
OCPs increase/decrease the rates of which cancers?
increse risk of cervical cancer
decrease risk of endometrial and ovarian cancers
(may be slight increase in breast cancer)
Myotonic dystrophy is a trinucleatide repeat in which sequence?
Does it have anticipation?
what are the s/s?
weakness/stiffness in muscles, inverted v-shaped upper lip, family history
What is the POSTERIOR chapman’s point for the appendix (question specifically asked for posterior and i answered anterior like a dumbass)
The posterior Chapman’s point for the appendix is located on the transverse process of T11. The anterior Chapman’s point for the appendix is the tip of the 12th rib.
Where is oxytocin SYNTHESIZED from?
released from?
posterior pituitary

what is the treatment for bilateral adrenal hyperplasia?
what is the treatment for primary hyperaldosteronism due to unilateral adenoma?
what is the relationship between factor V and Protein C?
Factor v mutation prevents its inactivation by protein C
how is the histology of Ewings sarcoma described?
sheets of monotonous, small, round cells with scant cytoplasm with fibrous strands
vomiting causes what( acidosis or alkalosis?)
what sleep stage does enuresis occur?
N3-take a pee
do lung cancers typically cause B symptoms (fever, night sweats?)
who owns the medical record, patients or healthcare provider?
the healthcare provider, but pt’s have a right to see them and ask for a copy (exception is mental health records)
what is often concurrent with ADHD, ODD or substance abuse?
ODD (most common, best answer)
what are the most common s/s of Sturge Weber syndrome?
port wine stain
facial, eye, skin CNS hemartomas
intellectual disability
what does mitral regurgitation sound like?
blowing, holosystolic murmur with radiation to the axilla
best heard at apex
what is the cause of edema in right ventricular heart failure, pressure-wise?
increased capilary hydrostatic pressure
in a patient with Wernicke’s aphasia, right side visual defect, and right hemineglect, where is the lesion?
ischemic stroke involving the inferior division of the left middle cerebral artery (MCA)
what supplment has been shown to help in homocysteinuria?
what are some s/s of homocysteinuria?
vision deficit
bilateral downward dislocated
tall and thin, with long limbs
notable pectus excavatum.
how are atnerior thoracic tenderpoints treated?
flexion, some sidebending if needed
what is the only FDA approved treatment for hyponozites in malaria (recurrent flare prophylaxis)
what is the go to diagnosis for painless vaginal bleeding, esp in the 2nd trimester?
Placenta Previa!
what are the s/s of von gierkes?
neonatal hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, hyperuricemia, ketosis, and seizures with following lethargy
in this stem, pt is 10m/o with lethergy, excessive sweating, hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia
if someone has elevated liver enzymes, jaundice, what could be going on?
what tumor marker would be elevated?
hepatocellular carcinoma
what will be seen on EM with bullous pemphigoid?
linear deposits of IgG and C3 at the dermoepidermal junction
what is the treatment for epididymidis?
what offten causes epididymidis?
ceftriazone and doxycyxline
remember the ADC’s of gon and clam
Memorize this babe

what two features are highly indicative of a complete mole rather than a partial mole?
complete moles will have MARKEDLY elevated HCG and LARGE uterus
partial moles may have enlarged uterus but rarely have super elevated HCGs
what is teh V/Q ratio in the lung area affected by pulmonary embolism?
The V/Q ratio in an area of lung affected by pulmonary embolism will approach ∞, because alveoli are ventilated, but no perfusion occurs.
what type of cancer can elaborate PTHrP?
what will be seen on histolofy?
Squamous cell lung cancer of the lung
cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and keratin pearls
what is the build up product in Tay Sachs?
gangliosides in lysosomes
(def. in B hexaminodase)
Which drug for A fib can cause restrictive lung disease and what is its MOA?
Amiodarone (class III antiarrhytmic)
prolongs cardiac action potential
which antihypertensive in pregnancy can cause edema and lupus-like syndrome?
Which imaging studies will you order for a scoliosis pt?
Standing PA and Lateral
Does PNC attack the plasma membrane or the cell wall?
Which geniculate nucleus functions with hearing?
MEDIAL geniculate nucleus
secretory vesicles in nerve terminals are managed by what protein?
If you give an injection in this quadrant, you can hit this nerve and cause what effect?
supermedial quadrant injections can hit the superior gluteal nerve and cause trendelenberg effect
what are the cephalosporin resistant agents?
(all ressitant to PBP)
atypicals (without cell wall, like chalmydia and mycoplasma)
How can hypothyroidism increase choelsterol?
hypothyroidism decreases LDL R gene expression
What are some key features of SCID?
viral/fungal or opportunistic infections, including PCP, failure to thrive, chronic diarrhea
In a well fed state, what enzymes are elevated that decreases the ability to undergo beta oxidation of fatty acids?
Acetyl CoA carboxylase is elevated which converts ACoA to Malonyl CoA (all elevated) which leads to fatty acid synthesis
this confused me

Does timolol work on the ciliary epithelium or ciliary muscle?
What is a paired T-test used for?
compares the mean of two groups

catheterization of the common femoral artery (ABOVE the inguinal ligament) can lead to blood accumulation where?
the retroperitoneal space
Which bacteria can cause necrotizing PNA and by which virulence factor?
Staph A
Glanzman thromboasthenia is defective in what?
what drug is an antagonist of this?
GP IIb/IIIa which binds to fibrinogen forming the platlet plug
what is the enzymatic repair order for Base Excision Repair?
Glycosylase, Endonuclease, Lyase, Polymerase, Ligase
Recurrent diarrhea, 4-5 episodes per day with nocturnal poopin in a diabetic should make you consider what?
(in the absence of other sx)
disordered motility of the SI and colon
(chron’s would have stomach pain, mucus/blood, fever, etc)
Memorize these ocular palsies
pay attention to the wording, they might ask “which muscle is still working” rather than which muscle is daamged

What drugs are the beta lactamase inhibitors?
(good for B-lactamase producing bacteroides)
What are the angiotensin II, ANP, and NE levels in heart failure?
all elevated
What are the features of an HPV wart and what does it look like?
epidermal hyperplasia (akanthosis)
papilloma formation
cytoplasmic vacuolation (koilocytosis)

Why are elderly people less able to compensate for high altitudes?
decreased chest wall compliance and reduced chest wall expansion
decreased alveolar elastic recoil, increased residual volume, decreased FVC
Increased A-a gradient, increased dead space
What does nephrotic syndrome with normal glomeruli in a yong person or child indicate?
What does a normal glomeruli look like (efaced foot prciesses on EM)
Minimal Change Disease

which SITS muscle external rotates the arm?
Infraspinatus (INSISTS on ER)
a single ring enhancing lesion and seizure in a child could be due to what?
recent Otitis Media causing an abscess
Toxoplasmosis usually has MULTIPLE Ring enhancing lesions
flushing red skin and treating with inhaled amyl nitrate indicate what?
CN toxicity

If there is some memory impairment but they can still do NORMAL daily activities and have very slight mental slowing, what is teh diagnosis?
If they do normal acitivities with COMPENSATION and have cognitive decline in >1 domain, what is teh diagnosis?
Normal aging
Mild cognitive impairment
What part of metabolism does CN block?
What uncouples OxPHOs?
It inhibits the electron transport chain
dinitrophenol (DNP)
Phenylephrine is an a1 agonist, which means it changes what perameters?
increases BP
reflex bradycardia driven by decreased inward Ca current and decreased cAMP

memorize acid base disturbances sqaure

Is FEV1 and FVC both decreased in COPD?
What ratio is increased?
yes, and the ratio is decreased
the RV/TLC ratio is increased in COPD

what mineral is important to supplement in a gastrojejunostomy?
iron, since that is its site of absorption
(duodenum and prox. jejunum)
Why does warfarin take several days before it has therapeutic value?
You have to burn through all the pre-existing clotting factors
Most coagulase negative staphylococci are resistant to what?
what then should they be treated with?
Methicillin (MRSA)
Lactase dehydrogenase can be elevated by things other than sepsis. What is one of them?
G6PD deficiency

CFTR channels are not stimulated by direct cAMP binding, but instead by
ATP (they are ATP gated)
What are the three ways down’s syndrome can be transferred?
Meiotic nondisjunction
unbalanced translocation

how can a robertsonium translocation cause down’s syndrome?
basically, part of cr 14 can attach to cr 21 and act like a trisomy, but the person is still 46 XX or 46 XY with a 14;21 translocation
why can someone being treated for hyperthyroidism develop severe infections?
antithyroid drugs can cause severe agranulocytosis
chorea is ____ movement while Hemiballism is a ___ movement
chorea is due to damage where
Hemibalism is due to damage where?
chorea is low amplitude
Hemiballism is high amplitude (think throwing a Ball)
chorea is damage to the caudate nucleus
Hemiballism is due to damate in the basal ganglia (lacunar strokes)
bruises turn green because heme turns into biliverdin via what enzyme?
heme oxygenase
OTC deficiency will have a build up of what in the urine? (ornithine transcarbalamlase)
orotic acid
what happens to the pulse amplitude in cardiac tamponade?
drop in pulse amplitude during inspiration
remember pulsus paradoxicus is common in taponade-drop in systolic BP with inspiration
chimeric antigen receptor therapy has what two serious side effects?
life threatening cytokine storm (prevent with anti il6)
and hypogammaglobulinemia
why are eldery patients more likely to become hyperthermic/heat stroke?
reduced skin surface to body mass ratio

where can you access the great saphenous vein?
just inferior to the pubic tubercle
endotoxins (LPS) are released from G+ or G-?
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is caused by endo or exo toxin?
G-, common in septic shock
Exotoxin (G+)
Microcytic anemia without iron deficient qualities, constipation, AMS, and construction work leads to the diagnosis of ?
lead poisoning with basophilic stipling
by what mechanisms does monoclonal ab induce cell death?
antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity using NK and granyzmes
what is the most common cause of meningitis in adults of all ages?
what are the csf findings?
Strep pneumo
elevated protein, low ish glucose

what psych drug is most likely to cause priprism?
more like trazaBONE
where should ablation be done to treat aflutter?
area between the tricuspid valve and IVC in the right atrium
which two cholesterol drugs increase CK?
statins and fibrates
Saturated Foods raise your CK
iron supplements will decrease the absorption of what abx?
what other supplements can decrease absprtion?
levothyroxine (not an abx)
Fe, Ca, Mg, Al
what does celiac disease look like on histology?

fetal hydronephrosis is most likely due to anomaly at what landmark?
the UPJ
B thallessemia is described as
microcytic hypochromic
a medial lesion of the dorsal columns (even in the cervical region) would have which effects?
compress the gracile fasculus which carries afferent info from below T6
the cuneate fasciculus is lateral and carries afferent info from above T6 (so if the lesion was lateral, there would be UE deficits)
the lesion is medial so there are LE deficits, like loss of vibration from the toes
HOw do you calclulate number needed to harm?
NNH= 1/ARI or AR

how do hookworm infections manifest?
what is the biggest risk?
crawl through feet into GI and live forever
iron deficient anemia from blood loss
What stays constant with age, LFTs or liver size?
what type of ligand is RANKL?
NFKB ligand
what is the emboli path for retinal artery occlusoin?
Internal carotid artery-opthlamic artery-retinal artery
Shingles in which nerve can lead to blindeness?
V1 of the trigeminal nerve not opthalmic or optic you dubmass
Spore formers, like clostridium or bacillis are resistant to what?
heat, must be heated very hot >120’C to kill everything
contrast induced nephropathy leads to what histological findings?
diffuse necrosis of the proximal tubular cells
HIV can lead to what type of anemia?
anemia of chronic disease (abnormal iron utiliaztion)
ureteral obstruction causes what changes to GFR and FF?
both decrease
RPF may transiently increase but over time decreases as well
What enzyme deficiency may present similar to G6PD deficiency?
glutathione reductase def.
s/s include episodic anemia, jaundice, dark urine, heinz bodies and bite cells
similar because G6PD makes an absence of NADPH, which makes glutathione not work right and glutathione reductase also has glutathione that doesn’t work right??
if someone has G6PD def and you give them dapsone, what might happen?
enzyme def induced hemolytic anemia
if you damage CN 9 will you see hoarseness or loss of sensation to the tonsillar lining?
loss of sensation to the tonsillar lining
(hoarseness is mostly CN10)
atopic dermatitis is treated with what?
what is the MOA?
inhibit transcription of genes/inflammation
decreases leukotrienes via inhibition of PLA2y
which diuretic can prevent kidney stones?
Get a ThioZIDE or you’ll get a STONE and DIE
between what two steps is GTP made in the CAC?
Succinyl CoA to Succinate via succinate thiokinase (succhynil coa synthetase)
red man syndrome occurs because of what cellular activation?
direct mast cell activation
calculate Ff

R-L shunt via PDA will present with
differential cyanosis and may be associated with persistent pulmonary HTN of the newborn
hyperacusis is associated with which nerve?
Facial N.
know the contents

what does subacute combined degeneration from b12 def. look like?

drugs that dilate coronary arteries can cause what paradoxical effect?
worsen areas of ischemic myocardium
wit sudden decrease in BP, what does ANP and baroreceptor firing do?
ANP and barorecptor firing decrease
diabetic retinopathy doesn’t normally manifest with what?
acute vision loss (unless evidence of hemorrhage and neovascularization)
acute vision loss is more likely to be retinal a occlusion
what is the MOA of rifaximin?
decreases intraluminal ammonia production
what is responsible for the distal clavicle displacement?

what connects the osteocytes together?
gap junctions
where is rrna transcribed?
what can cause increased anion gap in septic patients?
decreased ox phos (lactic acidosis)
If someone has TB but it doesn’t show up with TST skin test, why?
due to inadequat lymphocytic response (anergy) and this is fairly common
TB tests don’t differentiate between TB mycobacteria and nonTB mycobacteria so that’s not the right answer
besides influenze, what other virus can undergo genetic shift?
reactive lymphocytes, such as those seen with EBV mono, have what inside them to help kill infected cells?
what do reactive lymphocytes look like?

what is a transient increase seen when starting ACE inhibitors
increase in creatinine (usually not a big deal unless >30%)
other effects include hyperkalemia and cough
What ab is seen with Polymyositis?
what is it’s other name?
what sort of inflammation will be seen
endomesial inflammation (dermatomyositis causes perifascular inflammation)
What is another name for anemia of chronic disease?
what are the features?
anemia of chronic inflammation
normocytic to slightly microcytic anemia
decreased circ. iron with increased sequestered iron
increased cytokines
What enzyme involved in DNA synthesis catalyzes the formaiton of RNA strands? (involves uracil)
Which part of the cardiac cycle perfuses the coronary arteries?
Diastole (major rate limiting factor to coronary artery perfusion)
what cells make EPO?
interstitial tubular cells/peritubular fibroblasts
which vocal cords do HPV like to infect, true or false cords?
True cords!
It’s True, HPV can infect the true vocal cords
to pull an undescended teste from the abdomen into the scrote, what layers do you go through?
through the superficial inguinal ring which is an opening in the EXTERNAL abdominal oblique aponeurosis
What does HBV do that is similar to HIV?
undergoes reverse transcription of template RNA to viral DNA
What does this image show?
what is depositied there?
what are the sx?
what is the diagnosis?
crescent glomerulonephritis
acute renal failure and hematuria
rapdily progresive glomerulonephritis

What is directive counseling
bascially only giving the patient one viable option
like in complete placenta previa and the pt still wants a vaginal delivery, you have to say “yeah the only way to deliver this baby safely is via c/s”
What is more accurate in diagnosing gallstones-echogenic US findings or failed gallbladder visualization on radionucleotide biliary scan?
failed gallbladder visualization on radionucleotide scan (because the dye can’t get to the gb due to stone obstuctoin)
Pt’s with heart failure can be given neprilysin inhibtors (sacubitirl) whihc have what MOA?
inhibit neprilysin which is a metalloproteinase that breaks down ANP and BNP
in CHF, you want ANP and BNP around because they shut off RAAS and help wit vasodilation and water excretion, thus decreasing the volume overload
What is upregulated by the glitazones?
what is the effect on insulin?
decreases insulin resistance
decreases free fatty acids (puts them into cells, increasing fat mass)
If a pt is already withdrawing from opioids, should you give them naloxone or methadone?
methadone is the better choice since nalaxone will elaborate worsening withdrawal sx
How do beta blockers effect NE and EPI?
blck the interaction of NE and EPI with the receptors at the adrenergic synases (post-synaotically)
incus and malleus from arch ?
stapes from arch?

what is another way of describing BPH?
parynchaml pressure atrophy
is renal agenesis associated with olighydramnios or polyhydramnios?
what is anencephaly associated with?
if a female baby has clitormegaly and genital ambiguity with high levels of testosterone and no other sx (hyperkalemia, salt wasting, hypertension) what is teh deficiency?
aromatase deficiency
can’t convert testosterones into estrogen
the pupillary light reflex is associated wit what cn?
what other deficits might be seen?
II and III
drooping of the eyelid due to cn III deficit
what drugs will have higher hepatic metabolism rather than renal?
higher lipophillic content
what is the collagen issue in ED?
impaired N-terminal pro-peptide removal
a defect in Fas will cause what?
issues with activcation induced T cell apoptosis
Fas-FasL for death
are two slit like openings in the trigone pathologic?
is a pt with mild cognitive impaorment still able to make their own medical decisions?
yellow spots on the retina lead to what visual defect?
central scotomas
graves opthalmopathy is caused by what mechanism?
does thyroid medication improve this sx?
what does?
inflammation and T cell acitvation
glucocorticoids to decrease inflammation
what is cheaper HMO or PPO?

does lithium cause SIADH or DI?
What can cause SIADH?
epidural hematomas are located
above (epi) the dura and below the bone
what are some common exacerbaters of COPD?
viral/bacterial illness
not allergies apparently 0.o
what are the sx of superior vena cava syndrome?
facial plethora and edema
venous distension
SMA1 is defective in what?
what is messed up as a result?
spliceosomes (responsible for removing the intron)
the collagen that makes up scar tissue in MI remodeling is the same cartilage found where?

what is negative selection?
it occurs after positive selection and is the process by which T cells possessing TCRs that bind with high affinity to self antigen or self MHC and are eliminated by apopotosis
what is the mechanism of cell damage in Reye’s syndrome?
mitochondrial damage leading to impaired fatty acid metabolism (hence the microvacuolization)
what do ARBs inhibit?
angiotensin II so it can’t make aldosterone
so renin, angio I and II are all elevated but aldosterone is low
the inguinal femoral nodes consist of which two groups?
superficial inguinal and deep femoral nodes
amiodarone is a CYP ?
Phenytoin is a CYP ?
what condition tends to occur with myasthenia gravis?
that tissue is derived from the same embryologic precurosor as what part of the parathyroid?
can MG have hand weakness too
inferior parathyroid

what enzyme deficiency is seen in Wernicke’s encephalopathy?
erythrocyte transketolase def.
does tamulososin help with BPH?
what helps reduce BP and BPH?
where do most anal fissures occur?
posterior midline distal to dentate line
what indicates CGd?
what is impaired?
negative nitrolozine blue test
disaese associated NADPH oxidase
impaired intracellular killing and increased risk of catalase + organisms
where in the brain would a lesion cause difficulty with abstraction?
what is abstraction?
frontal lobe?
finding similarities between two objects (watch and a ruler)
If it’s a question that sounds like MARFANs but they ask you what you would supplement with (vitamin wise) what is the illness???????
what should you supplement?
In cardiogenic shock
cardiac contractility
(increased or decreased)
what issue allows vericocele to develop?
what else can develop from this?
failure of the obliteration of the processus vaginalis
is pneumothorax hyperresonant or dull?
is tactile fremitus increased or decreased?
in primary trimester of pregnancy give what for hyperthyroid?
stop it after first tri because of what adverse maernal effect?
in obstructive cardiac hypertrophy, what is causing the obstruction?
mitral valve leaflet and septium

what are the manifestations of fibromuscular dysplasia
fibromuscular webs
loss of elastica lamina
renal artery stenosis
classic in younger women

what common GERD drug can increase risk of osteoporosis?
how does mean, median, and mode work with skewing?

along with the brain and testes, what other site is immunologically privledged?
HSV encephalitis will show what on CSF?
what is the moa of the drug to treat?
what is a classic mri finding?
high protein, normal glucose
inhibits viral DNA polymerase
bilateral temporal lobe lesions
people with ornithine transcolase def. should avoid what?
protien in the diet
know the conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss

glucocorticoids cause apoptosis of what type of allergy=prone cell?
what is found in cytosol of healthy liver cells?
what does actinomyces look like on lung histolgy?
remember actinomyces israeli will have what characteristics features?
ddental caries, jaw trauma, sulfur granules, submandibular swelling, etc.

preeclampsia can be caused by decrease of what?
decrease VEGF and other proangiopathic features
skin retraction in skin cancer is because of what?
metastasis to the suspensory ligament
looking at a whole population is what kind of study?
cohorts and case control are different because?
ecological study
they deal with the individual
what is the reid index?

what sort of deficiency can make someone a slow to wake uper after anesthesia?
pseudocholinesterase def. leads to decrease plasma hydrolysis
in SE suydnrome, what amino acid is causing the sx?
what is the determining factor in the severity of Tetrology of Fallot?
RVOT obstruction
(right ventricular outflow tract)
what can be triggered by severe trauma?
myositis ossificans (heterotopic ossification)
made up of benign bone and fibroblasts
celiac diseases (anti TTG IgA) can cause what vit. def?
how does this affect the PTH system?
vit D def.
increased PTH, decreased Ca and decreased PO
in the respiratory mucosa, what are the levels of Na and Cl in CF?
increased Na reabsorption
decreased Cl excretion

splenic laceration and hemiperutoneam can cause what viseroscomatic symptoms?
left shoulder pain, hiccups due to phrenic nerve irritation
in areas of immune privlege that demonstrate infection-like processes with multinucleate giant cells, what is going on?
T cell repsonse to previously sequestered antigens
what part of the immunoglobulin binds to the phagocyte?
the constant region of the heavy chain

how is the histology and tumor marker of schwannomas described?
elongated, wavy nuclei
orbital floor injuries injure the infraorbital nerve which will cause which deficit?
decreased sensation to upper lip
what chemical keeps the coronary artery blood flow constant even when MAP is changing?
the metanephros gives rise to what?
the ureteric bud gives rise to
glomeruli, bowmans space, PCT, LOH, and DCT
everything else
what asthma drug inhibits the interaction of inflammatory mediators with cell surface receptors?
luekotirene inhibitors

why does strep pneumo make a green productive cough?
transient global amnesia occurs because of issues in which part of the brain?
why is MRSA resistant to the cillins?
poor interaction with binding proteins (PABAs)
what diuretic improves mortality in those with HFrEF?
spare the heart from remodeling
what is the effect of the post synaptic muscle cell in MG?
reduced amplitude of the motor end plate potential
what is the moa of pramipexole?
directly stimualtes dopamine receptors
tickborne illnesses
think systemic sickness with rash after being in the wilderness
most tick or animal illnesses can be treated with what?
inhibit protein synthesis
What happens if you give an alcoholic glucose before thiamine?
precipiates WE :( burns thru the last of their thiamine and bad stuff happens to the brain :(
what findings make you think of pulmonary edema?
encorged pulmonary capillaries with pink acellular gunk in the alveoli
can be precipitated by increased alveolar hydrostatic pressure due to left sided heart failure caused by dialted cardiomyopathy caused by alcohol abuse
K sparing diuretics are good for HF except
what else is good for Hf in improving mortality?
the ones that work on ENaC (triamterone, amiloride)
ACEi, ARBS, Neprilysin i , B blockers
What are some things that can cause nonexterional heat stroke and why?
amitryptiline can interfere with heat dissipation via inhibited diaphoresis

anoxic damage to which portion of the brain can lead to diminished pupillary reflex?
upper midbrain
small circular DNA that looks like bacteria come from what?
what does that look like on EM?

Know the cancer tumor markers
remmeber HCC is

reveiw erythrocytosis

what is a rare emissary vein hemorrhage located?
between the periosteum and galea aponeurosis
happens in neonates as they are being born, vacuum deliveries
fluctant mass over scalp and neck
decreased sensation to the suprapubic region after a appendectomy is due to damage to what nerve?
iliohypogastric n.
Dengue fever and Chikungunya fever are transmitted via
the aedes mosquito
dengue fever is kinda like a hemorrhagic fever
whats better for preventing central line infections?
alcohol handcleansing or chainging cath every 7 days
alcohol hand cleansing
remember if you think its DI, and ADH is high, which one is it?
do you treat it with desmopressin or HCTZ?
nephrogenic ! brain is making ADH
deficiency in CD 55 and CD 59 cause what to be more active?
what disease is this seen in?
Complement (CD55 and 59 inactivate complement, so without them, complement can go crazt)
PNH where there is a mutation in PIGA, GPI doesn’t work right, and now CD55 and 59 are inactive so complement is crazy making you pee blood at night (this seems fake but okay)
which HIV drug is CI in those with HLA B27 serotype?
I think this is a sketchy picture with the abra cadabra wizard holding a book with B27 on it ?
acute hemolytic transfusion reactions are mediated by what reaction?
type II with complement mediated cell lysis
After an MI, when there is a new onset systolic murmur that resolves with revascularization, what was the murmur and what was the cause?
mitral regurgitation due to infarction of the papillary muscle resulting in hypokinesis and displacement
I don’t know how standard deviation works send hlp

in a hx of artery disease, and the kidneys are different sizes, why?
renal artery stenosis
lack of nutrients and oxygen
bunesonide is what kind of drug?
what is the MOA?
binds to cytosolic R and translocates to nucleus and inhibits NFKB which reduces cytokines and TNF a
less systemic side effects, higher first pass metabolism
what are the physiologic differences between right and left ventricle?

what are the two ways to calculate CO?

what is the presentation for atheroembolic disease?
livedo reticularis, blue toe, and AKI after stent placement
CGD is an issue in neutrophils, but an issue in what specifically?
NADPH oxidase
this might be helpful

how does COPD change lung volumes

in hypovolemic shock, what gets reabsorbed more?
G6PD deficiency is part of what pathway?
what is the intermediate between teh reactions catalzyed?
what is that intermediate used in?
fatty acid syntehsis
whazt is the MOA of integrase inhibitors?
inhibit production of viral mRNA
is x linked recessive disaeses 1/4 chance or 1/8 chance?
1/8 chance
if someone doesn’t have a cat can they still get toxo?
yes through contaminated foods :(
If someone wants to know if their negative test result is truely negative, what is the question they are really asking?
what eats up the platelets in HIT?
splenic macrophages
know this

if someone is deficient in riboflavin, which enzyme is most directly affected?
succinate dehydrogenase

if you fracture rib 12, what is liekly injured?
Da kidney, in’it?
is grapefruit juice a cyp inhibitor or inducer?
inhibit your sipping (cypping) of gF juice because it is gross and a cyp
beta blockers increase what in cardiac myoctes?
increase cAMP in cardaic myocyes
angina with an increased pressure gradient over teh aortic valve can indicate?
aortic stenosis which can cause angina
yellow white plaques of the colonic mucosa are indicative of what?
c diff
recurrent pyelonephritis is often due to what?
uncorrected, what is the sequela?
hypertension (2’), renal scarring at the upper and lower poles
remember what migratory thrombophlebetis is associated with?
visceral (mucinous) cancers, esp pancreatic, colon and lung
is a hypercoaguability
named Trussous sign after the dr. trussous described it and then later diagnosed it on himself 0.0
PECAM1 mediates what action?
what is the relationship between CRT and GFR?

poorly differentiated prostate tumors have a high or low gleason score?
high gleason score
less differentiated-lower score
the higher the gleason, the higher the rate of spread
CMV retinitis might look like this
what is it treated with?

what does blood flow and VQ ratio look like in the base vs the apex?

what is locus heterogenity?
when two different mutations at differnt loci have similar pheonotypes (different causes of albinism)
what is CO, CVP, and PCWP like in an inferior ventricular wall infarct?

EPO signals via
Jak STAT kinse
digoxin helps to normalize irregular heart rates via
slowing conduction thru the AV node and enhancing parasympathetic tone
what causes the vision changes in pre-eclampsia?
describe clasp knife spasciticty?
where should the lesion be found?
flexing, meeting resistance, and then resistance is overcome
intenral capsule (pyramidal motor system, UMN lesion)
what will be decreased in carnitine deficiency?
acetoacetate. i dont get this
in tetrahydrobiopterin *BH4) def, what is decreased and what is increased?
tryptophan metabolites and phenylalanine are INCREASED
serotonin is decreased
prolonged glucocorticoid use does what to the liver?
increases liver enzyme/gluconeogenesis/glycogenesis
if a diabettic patient with renal failure is persistnently hypoglycemic why?
decreased renal clearance of insulin
after treating CDI with desmopressin, renal clearance of what will be decreased the most?
what acute branched gram + can infect IUDs and cause PID?
tx with what?
actinomyces isralei
protienuria, myalgias/arthralgias, and pancytopenia can indicate what?
treating methanol toxicity with fomepizole will do what?

Kortakoff sounds can indicate?
Pulsus peridoxicus in pericardial disease/tamponade
what can happen around the infusion site of NE?
waht is the treatment?
extravastion and pallor
which is less liekly to cause toursades and QT prolongation, amiodarone or procainamide?
early onset dementia is assoxi with the following:
late onset demenia/alzhiemers is asox with what?
presenillin 1 and 2 and APP on cr. 21
ApoE E4 allele
pure red cell aplasia can be assoc with
what does pure red cell aplasia present with?
low erythrocytes, low reticulocytes
normal thrombocytes and granulocytes
a transtentorial (under the tentorium cerebelli) herniation cna cause what pals?
cn iii palsy
STEMI in II, III and AVF is where?
bacteria classes that attack the cell wall

what is linkage disequilibrium?
two genetic loci are said to be in linkage disequilibrium when their respective alleles are inheriteed together int the same gamete (haplotype ) more or less often than expected by chance alone given their individual rfrequencies
wwhat is sexreted by SER?
hydrophobic compounds including lipids, phsopholipids, steroid hormones, cholesterol derivatives
what mechanism does EBV use to cause Burkitt lymphoma?
transcription activation
what is delayed hemolytic trasnfusion reaction?
previous sensitixation to non ABO (or minor) products that causes an anamnestic ab response days to weeks later
may be asxt or have s/s of hemolytic anema and + COOMBs test

why can blood transfusions cause acute hypoglycemia and waht is the tx?
chelation of Ca from substances in the transfused blood
IV ca gluconurate/chloride
what is the order of electrical conduction in the heart?
a 3rd degree AV block will make what the new pacemeaker?
SA-AV-His-Purkinje-ventricular myocardium
HIs is the new pacemaker
what is the most common source of abberant electrical activity leading to paroxysmal afib?
what is the electrical anomaly comes frm the sa node?
what is the electrical anoamy for monomorphic ventricular tacg?
what site anomaly causes aflutter?
the pulmonary veins ???? is UW fucking high?
sinus tach
usually ischemia myocardium or papillary m or RVOT
cavotricuspid isthmus between IVC and CT
what is the moa of ankylosing spondylitis?
areas of bony erosion and new bone growth
in an aortic dissection, giving esmolol functions to what?
decrease ventricular contraction velocity (left)
proteoglycans causing medial degeneration makes you think of what vascular pathology?
aortic dissection with cystic medial degeneration

what happens to the alveoli in COPD (obstructive lung dx)?
intraalveolar wall destruction

beta blockers do what in hyperthyroid state?
decrease T4-T3 conversion in the periphery which is why you give it during thyroid storm you absolute donkey
In Wilson’s disease, why acn’t copper get out of the body?
defective biliary excretion
leads to hepatitis
defective protein is ATpB7
What type of esophageal cancer is most common in the proximal 2/3 of hte esophagus?
skquamos cell carcina
in ARDS, damage to which cell allows proteinaceous material to acumulate?
Type I pneumocytes
____ drug increases BP and decreases HR?

ts in acute decompensated HF usually get treated with which diuretic first?