T3: Lecture 2 Flashcards
What did Freud draw attention to?
- Study of the unconscious
- Developmental aspect of personality
- Talking cures
What did Freud say the basic condition was?
Seething cauldron of pleasure seeking instincts
- If left to own devices would blindly seek gratification
- External restraints of society were internalised during childhood
Characteristics of impulses
- Can never be ruled out
- Can be denied
- Will reassert themselves
- Conflict between instincts and demands of society
What 3 subsystems are involved in conflict?
- ID
What is the ID?
- Most primitive part of the psyche
- Contains most basic urges
- > the need to gain sexual pleasure
- Works on the pleasure principles
-Demands satisfaction now not later, regardless of the consequences
What is the EGO?
- Works on the reality principle
- Tries to satisfy the ID whilst in accordance to societal norms
What is the SUPER EGO?
- Acts as a moral policeman, representing internal rules of parents and society
- Gives punishment to broken rules
- This leads to anxiety, guilt, and self reproach
When are defence mechanisms employed?
-After ID impulses repressed they eventually come back as so does the anxiety therefore defence mechanisms are employed
What is Displacement? (DM)
Impulses are redirected into safer course e.g. running when stressed
What is Reaction Formation? (DM)
The original wish is replaced with opposite e.g. angry at someone, feel bad, then be nice to them
What is Projection? (DM)
Urges are projected onto others e.g. think someone likes you when you like them
What is Isolation? (DM)
Awareness of memories but not emotions e.g Post Traumatic events people remove the emotion
What are unconscious conflicts a result of?
Childhood experience
What are the stimulation body zones for children? (5)
- Oral (0-2)
- Anal (2-4)
- Phallic (4-6)
- Latency (6-12) - dormant sexuality, girls don’t like boys
- Genital (12+)
At what stage is the Oedipus complex develop?
-During the phallic stage
What happens during the Oedipus complex?
- Boys want to sexually posses mother, fear father will castrate him = CASTRATION ANXIETY
- Decides to identify with father, hoping to find partner like mother
What happens during the Electra complex?
- Girls realise they don’t have a penis=PENIS ENVY
- Wants father to give substitute (baby)
- Identifies with mother
When difficulties arise during the Oral Stage what are the later problems?
- Oral fixation
- Smoking
- Thumb sucking
When difficulties arise during the Anal Stage what are the later problems?
- Anal retentiveness
- Won’t spend $$$
- Obstinate (stubborn)
- Likes painting
When difficulties arise during the Phallic Stage what are the later problems?
-Castration anxiety=gay?
Problems with Freud’s studies
- Never studied actual children
- Ideas not falsifiable (can’t disprove it)
- Little experimental evidence to support ideas
What is the experimental evidence for Freud?
- Data more appropriately explained through other processes
- Supporting experiments often flaws
What did Freud say about children with harsh parents?
That the would redirect aggressive instinct onto others with less power
What does evidence suggest for children with harsh parents?
Authoritarian aggression isn’t caused by redirection of repressed impulses, but observational learning
What did Bruner and Postman’s study look at?
- If threatening stimuli are repressed
- They presenting participants with threatening words (sex/fuck/penis) and non-threatening words (six/brick/tennis) through tachistoscope
- Threatening words took longer to report, SUPPORTS REPRESSION
- However findings are problematic as people may
- > feel embarrassed
- > want to recheck eyes (which takes time)