t-opiods Flashcards
less effective orally than parenterally
not lipid soluble and not rapidly absorbed in intestine
easier to control levels
codeine more bioavailble orally
inhaling increases bioavailbiility with less risk than needle
concentrate in lungs heart kidney liver and brain
PG- associated with pain
opiod antagonists enter the brain much faster
metabolized in liver and DT and excreted by kidneys
1. cytochrome p430 links drug to hydrophilic substance
2. enzymes break down
morphine heroin and oxymorphone are not broken down by p450
endogenous opiod ligands
endorphins, morphins, enkephalins, nociceptin
bind to opiods receptors: 4 types (u,k,o,ORL)
neuropharmacology of opiod receptors
g protein coupled receptor opens inward K channels- closing Ca and hyperpolarizing the cell
adenylyl cyclase is inhibited and cAMP can not be produced
reduced excitability of post synaptic cell
opiod drug affect on receptors
agonsit- target and stimulate u receptor at varying affinities (potency) ex. morphine
mixed agonist/antagonist- ex. nalorphine
principal effects of opiods
analgesia- reduce excitability of nociceptors
reward- VTA-NA dopaminergic
binding disinhibits the VTA and increases DA release
life functions- respiratory depression (in medulla oblongota) vomitting, coughing
effects on body
nausea and vomitting- CTZ (vomitting center)
narrows pupils
lower bp due to dilation
constipation- impede muscles from pushing along GT
effects on sleep
doesnt cause restful sleep- but instead lethargy and drowsiness
can cause insomnia and sleep deprivation
cognitive performance & subjective effects
inattention, difficulty concentrating and memory deficits
sleep-like nod, visual or auditory dreams
effects vary between first time users and experience and users experiencing pain
which drug has the most potential for abuse
lethal effects
- depression of breathing
- lower seizure threshold and cause convulsions
mostly in experienced users - loss of tolerance
may not be a larger dose than the usual
combining with alcohol or benzos potentiates
chronic effects
lifestyle- expensive and illegal
years of potential life lost- calculate number of years of potential life that are lost in a population
tolerance & sensitization
rapod and extensive tolerance to most effects
pain sensitivity shows tolerance and may even be enhanced
- changes in metabolizing enzymes
- changes in density of opiods receptors
not as severea as portrayed- not as bad as barbituates and alcohol (not fatal)
- person not able to stay awake, chills, short breaths, goosebumps
primarily u receptor
- long lasting changes in the brain exist for longer than the physical changes (ex. detox doesnt cure addiction)
maintence therapy
give addict a cheap reliable source of drug
- methadone
full agonist of u receptor- blocks action of heroin and alleviates withdrawal
- buprenorphine
doesnt need to be administered every single day
partial agonist - less sedation/dysphoria
heroin- second line treatment provides safe source of drug
antagonist therapy
patients are detoxified from opiod drug and kept abstinent
given doses of antagonist taken orally (no abuse potential)
high dropout rates