substance use disorders Flashcards
What are the ten classes of substances included in substance-use and substance-induced disorders?
Alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, phencyclidine and other hallucinogens, inhalants, opioids, sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics, stimulants, tobacco, and other/unknown.
How does the DSM-5-TR define substance use disorders?
A cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using the substance despite significant substance-related problems.
What is required for the diagnosis of substance use disorder?
Two or more characteristic symptoms within a 12-month period.
What are the specifiers used for substance use disorders?
Severity of the disorder and if the person is in early or sustained remission, on maintenance therapy, or in a controlled environment.
What are substance-induced disorders?
Disorders that include substance intoxication, substance withdrawal, and substance/medication-induced mental disorders.
What symptoms characterize alcohol intoxication?
Problematic behavioral and psychological changes, with at least one of six symptoms: slurred speech, incoordination, unsteady gait, nystagmus, impaired attention or memory, stupor or coma.
What are the symptoms required for alcohol withdrawal diagnosis?
At least two of eight symptoms: autonomic hyperactivity, hand tremor, insomnia, nausea or vomiting, transient hallucinations or illusions, anxiety, psychomotor agitation, generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
What is required for a diagnosis of alcohol-induced major neurocognitive disorder?
Evidence of a significant decline in one or more cognitive domains that interferes with independence in everyday activities.
What is Korsakoff syndrome linked to, and what are its characteristics?
Linked to a thiamine deficiency; involves anterograde and retrograde amnesia and confabulation.
What are the symptoms of opioid intoxication?
Significant behavioral or psychological changes, pupillary constriction, and at least one of three symptoms: drowsiness or coma, slurred speech, impaired attention or memory.
What is required for opioid withdrawal diagnosis?
At least three of nine symptoms following cessation of heavy opioid use: dysphoric mood, nausea or vomiting, muscle aches, diarrhea, yawning, fever, insomnia.
What characterizes stimulant intoxication?
Maladaptive behavioral and psychological changes, and at least two of nine symptoms during or shortly after use.
List some symptoms of stimulant withdrawal.
Dysphoric mood and at least two of five physiological changes: fatigue, vivid and unpleasant dreams, insomnia or hypersomnia, increased appetite, psychomotor agitation or retardation.
What symptoms characterize tobacco withdrawal?
At least four of seven symptoms: irritability, anger or anxiety, impaired concentration, increased appetite, restlessness, depressed mood, insomnia.
What is the typical duration for withdrawal symptoms following nicotine cessation?
Ordinarily peak 48 to 72 hours after cessation and gradually wane over several weeks.