Da Rulez Flashcards
What does the Introduction and Applicability section of the APA Ethics Code state?
The Ethics Code applies only to psychologists’ activities that are part of their scientific, educational, or professional roles.
The APA Ethics Committee may take action against members for various reasons, including felony convictions unrelated to their psychological roles.
What are the primary goals of the APA Ethics Code as stated in the Preamble?
To ensure the welfare and protection of individuals and groups with whom psychologists work and to educate members, students, and the public regarding ethical standards.
This emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct in psychology.
How many General Principles are included in the APA Ethics Code?
Five General Principles.
These principles provide aspirational guidelines rather than enforceable standards.
What does Principle A of the General Principles emphasize?
Beneficence and Nonmaleficence: psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm.
This principle focuses on the well-being of clients.
What is the focus of Principle B in the General Principles?
Fidelity and Responsibility: psychologists establish relationships of trust and are aware of their professional responsibilities to society.
It encourages contributing professional time for little or no compensation.
What does Principle C of the General Principles address?
Integrity: promoting accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology.
This principle is essential for maintaining credibility in the field.
What is the main idea of Principle D in the General Principles?
Justice: recognizing that fairness and justice entitle all persons to access to and benefit from psychology’s contributions.
It emphasizes equal quality in processes, procedures, and services.
What does Principle E of the General Principles state?
Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity: psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people and their rights to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination.
It includes awareness of cultural and individual differences.
What are Ethical Standards in the context of the APA Ethics Code?
Enforceable rules of conduct that are mandatory and can be enforced by the APA Ethics Committee.
These standards differ from General Principles as they are actionable.
How many categories are the Ethical Standards divided into?
Ten categories.
These categories include Resolving Ethical Issues, Competence, Human Relations, and more.
Fill in the blank: The Ethical Standards are divided into categories such as _______.
Resolving Ethical Issues, Competence, Human Relations, Privacy and Confidentiality, Advertising and Other Public Statements, Record Keeping and Fees, Education and Training, Research and Publication, Assessment, and Therapy.
What does Standard 1 of the Ethics Code address?
Conflicts between ethical and legal or organizational requirements, ethical violations by colleagues, responding to requests from ethics committees, and avoiding unfair discrimination against complainants and respondents in an ethics complaint.
What is required when conflicts occur between ethical requirements and laws according to Standard 1.02?
Psychologists must clarify the nature of the conflict, commit to the Ethics Code, and resolve the conflict consistent with the General Principles and Ethical Standards.
True or False: Under no circumstances can Standard 1.02 be used to justify violating human rights.
What must psychologists do if reasonable actions do not resolve an ethical conflict?
They may make a conscientious decision to comply with legal or regulatory authority.
What does Standard 1.04 require psychologists to do when they observe an ethical violation by a colleague?
Attempt to resolve the violation informally by bringing it to the psychologist’s attention.
Under what circumstances must psychologists report an ethical violation according to Standard 1.05?
When the violation has caused or is likely to cause substantial harm, is not appropriate for informal resolution, or was not adequately resolved informally.
Fill in the blank: Psychologists must be aware that confidentiality requirements may be superseded by _______.
[jurisdictional requirements]
What are some situations identified by Koocher and Keith-Spiegel that may not be amenable to informal resolution?
- Addiction to alcohol or drugs
- Serious emotional disturbance or mental illness
- General incompetence
- Pre-existing bad feelings between psychologists
What does Standard 1.06 require psychologists to do regarding investigations by ethics committees?
Cooperate with investigations and proceedings of the APA and affiliated psychological associations.
What constitutes an ethical violation under Standard 1.06?
Failing to cooperate with investigations and proceedings.
What must psychologists ensure if requested to provide information about a client to an ethics committee?
The client has signed an authorization for release of information.
What does Standard 1.08 state regarding unfair discrimination?
Psychologists must not discriminate solely based on ethics complaints, but may act based on the outcome of such proceedings.
This standard aims to protect individuals from discrimination related to their involvement in ethics complaints.
What is the primary focus of Standard 2 in the APA’s Ethics Code?
It addresses working within the boundaries of one’s competence, delegating work, and dealing with personal problems.
Competence is crucial for ethical psychological practice.
What does Standard 2.01 require from psychologists?
Provide services, teach, and conduct research only within their boundaries of competence based on education, training, and experience.
This ensures that psychologists do not overstep their professional capabilities.
In what situations does Standard 2.01(b) apply?
When understanding issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, or other characteristics is essential for effective professional services.
Psychologists must have the necessary knowledge and training to serve diverse populations.
What does Standard 2.01(c) state about providing services to new populations?
Psychologists must undertake relevant education, training, supervised experience, consultation, or study to provide services to new populations.
This emphasizes continuous professional development.
What guidance do Koocher and Keith-Spiegel (2008) provide regarding referrals?
When there’s a substantial difference between client needs and psychologist competence, referral is usually the best choice.
Referral ensures that clients receive appropriate care.
What does Standard 2.01(d) allow psychologists to do?
Provide services when they lack adequate competence if they have closely related training and make reasonable efforts to gain appropriate knowledge.
This standard recognizes the need for flexibility in urgent situations.
What does Standard 2.02 permit psychologists to do?
Provide professional services in emergency situations even if they lack adequate training, as long as they discontinue when appropriate services are available.
Emergency situations may require immediate action despite competence concerns.
What is addressed in Standard 2.01(e) regarding new techniques?
Psychologists must take reasonable steps to ensure competence in emerging areas where standards for training do not yet exist.
This is especially relevant for fields like telepsychology.
What does Guideline 1 of the APA’s Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology emphasize?
Psychologists must ensure competence with technologies used in telepsychology and understand their impact on clients.
This includes ongoing education and familiarity with current research.
What should psychologists do when uncertain about their competence in telepsychology?
Consult with a colleague who has expertise in providing telepsychology services.
Seeking consultation helps maintain ethical standards in practice.
What does Standard 2.04 require psychologists to base their work on?
Established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline, including evidence-based methods when applicable.
This reinforces the importance of empirical research in psychological practice.
What is defined as evidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP)?
The integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences.
This definition emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to treatment.
What is Standard 2.05 regarding delegating work to others?
A psychologist must delegate responsibilities only when certain conditions regarding objectivity, competence, and supervision are met
The conditions include: (a) no multiple relationships affecting objectivity, (b) adequate competence, and (c) ensuring competent service delivery.
What is a potential ethical issue when using a family member as an interpreter?
The family member’s relationship with the client may affect their objectivity
This can lead to biased interpretations and impacts on therapy effectiveness.
What does Novotney (2020) recommend regarding interpreters?
Use certified professional interpreters and obtain client consent before their involvement
Professional interpreters should adhere to ethical standards and maintain client confidentiality.
What should psychologists have regarding interpreters?
Written guidelines and a contract addressing confidentiality and responsibilities
This is to ensure clarity on confidentiality and professional conduct.
What is vicarious liability in the context of psychologists delegating work?
Psychologists may be legally responsible for the actions of employees or supervisees under certain conditions
Conditions include authority over the employee, deviation from standard care, and conduct within their responsibilities.
What are the three conditions for vicarious liability to occur?
- Psychologist’s control over the employee or supervisee
- Deviation from standard of care causing damage
- Conduct within designated responsibilities
These conditions ensure accountability in professional settings.
What does Standard 2.06 require psychologists to do regarding personal problems?
Refrain from professional activities that personal problems may impede and take appropriate measures when aware of such issues
Appropriate measures may include seeking consultation about ongoing professional activities.
Fill in the blank: Psychologists must take _______ when they become aware that a personal problem might negatively affect their professional activity.
appropriate measures
This emphasizes the need for self-awareness and responsibility in professional practice.
What does Standard 3 of Human Relations address?
Ethical requirements related to discrimination, harassment, multiple relationships, informed consent, and interruption of services.
What is prohibited by Standard 3.01?
Discrimination based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or other legally proscribed bases.
Can psychologists refuse to see clients based on their values or characteristics?
Yes, psychologists may refer individuals to other mental health professionals if they believe the individual’s characteristics would negatively affect their ability to provide competent services.
How is sexual harassment defined in Standard 3.02?
Sexual solicitation, physical advances, or verbal/nonverbal conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, or creates a hostile environment.
What constitutes sexual harassment according to Standard 3.02?
A single severe behavior or multiple persistent behaviors.
What is a clear example of sexual harassment?
A quid pro quo situation where sexual favors are demanded in exchange for job benefits.
When does ambiguous behavior become sexual harassment?
When the perpetrator continues the behavior after being told it’s unwelcome or offensive.
What does Standard 3.04 require psychologists to do?
Take reasonable steps to avoid harming clients, supervisees, students, and others.
Are there exceptions to the harm requirement in Standard 3.04?
Yes, it does not apply to legitimate activities like assigning low grades or accurate diagnoses.
What defines a multiple relationship according to Standard 3.05(a)?
A professional relationship with a person while simultaneously having another professional relationship with that person or someone closely associated.
What is the condition under which multiple relationships are considered unethical?
If they could impair the psychologist’s objectivity, competence, or effectiveness or risk exploitation or harm.
What does Guideline 12 of the Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations state?
Psychologists aspire to avoid conflicts of interests and multiple relationships.
What does Paragraph 4.02.01 of the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology state?
Forensic and therapeutic services to the same individual or closely related individuals is a multiple relationship that may impair objectivity.
What factors does Gottlieb’s decision-making model propose psychologists consider regarding multiple relationships?
- Power differential between psychologist and client
- Expected duration of each relationship
- Clarity of termination of each relationship
What must psychologists do in potentially harmful multiple relationships according to Standard 3.05(b)?
Take reasonable steps to resolve it with due regard for the best interests of the affected person.
What are reasonable steps psychologists can take when facing a potentially harmful multiple relationship?
- Discuss the situation with involved individuals
- Consult with a colleague
What does Standard 3.06 prohibit psychologists from doing?
Accepting a professional role that could impair objectivity, competence, or effectiveness, or expose someone to harm or exploitation.
This includes recommending products or services in which the psychologist has a financial interest.
What must psychologists clarify when providing services at the request of a third party according to Standard 3.07?
The nature of the relationship, the role of the psychologist, who the client is, probable uses of the services, and limits to confidentiality.
Guidelines for identifying the client are provided in ASPPB’s Supervision Guidelines and APA’s Guidelines for Forensic Psychology.
In the context of psychological services, who is typically considered the ‘client’?
A direct recipient of psychological health care services, which can include:
* Child
* Adolescent
* Adult
* Couple
* Family
* Group
* Organization
* Community
* Other populations or entities receiving services.
In some cases, the client may be the entity requesting the services, such as in court-ordered evaluations.
What does Standard 3.10(a) require regarding informed consent?
Psychologists must obtain informed consent using understandable language unless mandated by law or ethics code exceptions apply.
Exceptions include court-ordered evaluations and research involving deception.
What should psychologists do when individuals are legally incapable of giving consent according to Standard 3.10(b)?
Provide an appropriate explanation, consider best interests, seek assent, and obtain permission from a legally authorized person if permitted.
This applies to adults found legally incompetent and most minors under 18.
What are some circumstances under which minors may consent to their own treatment?
Circumstances include:
* Emancipated minor
* Mature minor
* Minors with certain medical conditions such as addiction or STDs.
Laws vary by state regarding these conditions.
What does Standard 3.10(c) state regarding court-ordered services?
Psychologists must inform the person about the nature of the services, that they are court-ordered, and any limits of confidentiality.
This is further detailed in the APA’s Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology.
What options do psychologists have if an examinee refuses a court-ordered evaluation?
They may consider:
* Postponing the examination
* Advising the examinee to contact their attorney
* Notifying the retaining party about the refusal.
This is outlined in Paragraph 6.03.02 of the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology.
What does Standard 3.10(d) require regarding documentation of consent?
Psychologists must appropriately document written or oral consent, permission, and assent.
The type of informed consent required may vary based on circumstances and regulations.
Fill in the blank: In the United States, providing emergency treatment to minors without consent is permitted by the _______.
Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)
EMTALA supersedes state law and is known as the ‘doctrine of implied consent’.
What does Standard 3.12 require psychologists to do regarding interruptions of services?
Make reasonable efforts to plan for facilitating services in case of interruptions due to illness, death, unavailability, relocation, or financial limitations of clients.
Discussing the situation with clients and providing pretermination counseling and referrals is advised.
What is a professional will in the context of psychologists?
A document designating a professional executor responsible for contacting clients and ensuring the security of client records after a psychologist’s death.
It helps in managing ethical obligations and legal requirements regarding client confidentiality.
When should psychologists discuss the limits of confidentiality according to Standard 4.02?
At the outset of the relationship and as new circumstances may warrant.
This includes foreseeable uses of the information generated through psychological activities.
What does Standard 10.02 require psychologists working with couples or families to clarify?
Which individuals are clients and the probable uses of the services or information obtained.
This includes how information shared separately will be handled.
In group therapy, what does Standard 10.03 require psychologists to describe?
The roles and responsibilities of all parties and the limits of confidentiality.
Psychologists cannot guarantee confidentiality in group therapy.
True or False: The right to confidentiality extends to all minor clients.
Confidentiality does not extend to minors except in legally defined situations.
What should psychologists do when a minor client engages in potentially harmful behavior?
Contact the minor’s parents or legal guardian if it is believed to ensure the client’s safety.
It’s important to discuss confidentiality agreements at the start of therapy.
What does the Ethics Code say about the confidentiality of deceased clients?
Most states allow disclosure only with authorization from the client’s executor or legal representative.
The Ethics Code does not explicitly address this issue.
How is client confidentiality handled in military settings?
It must adhere to Department of Defense rules that limit confidentiality of mental health information.
Detailed informed consent is necessary regarding confidentiality in the military.
What are the two types of decisions regarding breaches of confidentiality in correctional facilities?
Treatment-driven and security-driven decisions.
Treatment-driven prioritizes the therapeutic relationship, while security-driven prioritizes safety.
What are Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) designed to do?
Help employees address work-related and personal problems affecting job performance.
Client confidentiality in EAPs is similar to other therapy situations.
What does Guideline 4 of the APA’s Guidelines for Telepsychology state?
Psychologists must make reasonable efforts to protect and maintain client confidentiality in telepsychology.
They should inform clients of the risks of confidentiality loss with telecommunication technologies.
Name one method psychologists can use to maintain confidentiality in telepsychology.
Using encryption for emails and confidential data.
Other methods include secure platforms and soundproof environments.
Fill in the blank: Confidentiality may be breached without an employee’s authorization when it is legally required or permitted, such as to report _______.
child abuse.
This applies to Employee Assistance Programs.
What is the significance of HIPAA-compliant platforms in telepsychology?
They utilize appropriate encryption and secure transmission, ensuring client data protection.
Examples include Doxy.me and Zoom for Healthcare.
What does Standard 4.05 permit regarding the disclosure of confidential client information?
Disclosure is permitted with appropriate authorization from the client or their legal representative, or without authorization when mandated by law.
Under what circumstances must a psychologist breach confidentiality to protect a client?
When the psychologist believes the client is at high risk for suicide and determines hospitalization is necessary.
What is the significance of the Tarasoff decision in relation to confidentiality?
It established a psychologist’s duty to protect a third party at risk of physical harm from a therapy client.
What actions may a psychologist take if a client poses a danger to others?
Warning the intended victim, notifying the police, or hospitalizing the client.
What does HIPAA allow regarding the disclosure of protected health information (PHI)?
It allows disclosure without the client’s authorization for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations.
When does state law take precedence over HIPAA regarding PHI disclosure?
When state law restricts disclosure without authorization.
What does Standard 4.04(a) require psychologists to do in written and oral reports?
Include only information germane to the purpose of the communication.
What is the focus of a forensic evaluation according to Paragraph 10.01 of APA’s Specialty Guidelines?
To assist the trier of fact in understanding evidence or determining a fact in issue.
What does Standard 4.06 state about consulting with colleagues?
Psychologists must not disclose identifying information about a client without authorization.
What does Standard 4.07 require when using confidential client information in public media?
Take reasonable steps to disguise the client’s identity or obtain written authorization.
What is the difference between confidentiality and privilege?
Confidentiality is an ethical obligation, while privilege is a legal term regarding confidentiality in legal proceedings.
Who holds the privilege in psychotherapist-client relationships?
The client or their legal representative.
Give an example of a common exception to the psychotherapist-client privilege.
When the court orders an examination to determine a person’s competence to stand trial.
Fill in the blank: Standard 4.06 requires psychologists to disclose only information that’s _______ to achieve the purposes of the consultation.
True or False: No-suicide contracts are proven effective at preventing suicide.
What must psychologists do to ensure anonymity when publishing client information?
Change names, birthdates, and smaller locations, and modify details that are not essential to the didactic goal.
What does Standard 5.01 of the Ethics Code prohibit psychologists from doing?
Making public statements that are false, deceptive, or fraudulent concerning their research, practice, or other work activities
This includes statements about training, experience, credentials, services, and fees.
What types of degrees can psychologists claim as credentials for mental health services according to Standard 5.01?
- Doctoral degree in psychology from an accredited educational institution
- Degree from a nonaccredited educational institution for a program approved by the state for licensure
This interpretation is based on Fisher (2017).
Who is responsible for public statements made by others on behalf of psychologists according to Standard 5.02?
Psychologists are responsible for public statements made by others they have retained to promote their professional practice, products, or activities
This includes statements made by employees of press, radio, television, or other communication media.
What must psychologists do regarding paid advertisements according to Standard 5.02?
Clearly identify paid advertisements for their services as such
Psychologists must not compensate media employees for publicity in news items.
What does Standard 5.04 state about media presentations by psychologists?
Public advice or comment must be based on their professional knowledge, training, or experience
Psychologists must not indicate that media interaction establishes a professional relationship.
Fill in the blank: According to Standard 5.01, psychologists can claim as credentials only degrees that were earned from a _______.
[regionally accredited educational institution]
This applies to degrees relevant for psychology licensure.
True or False: Psychologists can make public statements that are deceptive if they believe it will not harm anyone.
Standard 5.01 prohibits knowingly making false or deceptive statements.
What types of statements does Standard 5.01 apply to?
- Advertisements
- Licensing applications
- Resumes
- Directory listings
- Lectures
This covers any public statements made by psychologists regarding their work.
What does Standard 5.05 prohibit psychologists from doing?
Soliciting testimonials from current therapy clients/patients or vulnerable persons.
This standard aims to protect vulnerable individuals from undue influence.
What type of solicitation is prohibited by Standard 5.06?
Uninvited in-person solicitation of business from actual or potential therapy clients/patients.
This standard excludes encouraging family members to participate in therapy and providing disaster relief services.
What does Standard 6 of the Ethics Code address?
Ethical requirements for professional records and financial arrangements.
This standard emphasizes the importance of maintaining accurate and confidential records.
What are the purposes of creating, maintaining, and disposing of records as per Standard 6.01?
Facilitating service transfer, ensuring billing accuracy, complying with legal requirements.
Forensic records require a higher standard of detail compared to clinical records.
According to Kalmbach and Lyons (2006), what is required for forensic records?
Forensic records must be more detailed and include all notes and materials used to form an opinion.
This highlights the importance of thorough documentation in forensic practice.
What does Standard 6.02 provide guidelines for?
Maintaining the confidentiality of records.
It includes techniques for protecting client privacy when using digital technologies.
What techniques does Standard 6.02(b) recommend for protecting confidential information?
Using coding, encryption, HIPAA-compliant cloud providers, two-factor authentication, air-gapped computers.
These methods help safeguard client data from unauthorized access.
What does Standard 6.02(c) require psychologists to have plans for?
Transferring client records and maintaining confidentiality during withdrawal from practice.
This includes having a professional will or arrangements with colleagues for record management.
What is the recommended duration for maintaining professional records according to APA’s Record Keeping Guidelines?
7 years after the last date of service for adults or 3 years after a minor reaches the age of majority, whichever is later.
Psychologists may choose to retain records longer based on specific circumstances.
What does Standard 6.04 require psychologists to do regarding fees and billing arrangements?
Reach an agreement with clients as early as feasible about fees and billing arrangements
This includes discussing therapy session fees, billing schedules, charges for missed appointments, and issues related to third-party payors.
What must psychologists inform clients about before using collection agencies for unpaid fees?
They must inform the person that such measures will be taken and provide that person an opportunity to make prompt payment
Limited information shared with the collection agency includes the client’s name, address, phone number, service dates, and amount due.
Are sliding fee scales based on a client’s income addressed in the Ethics Code?
No, but they are generally viewed as acceptable if applied consistently and equitably
They must also be consistent with state laws.
What is the general consensus about providing the first therapy session for free to new clients?
There’s no clear consensus, but it may be acceptable with special precautions
Precautions include explaining the limited purpose of the first session and informing the client of future session fees beforehand.
What does Standard 6.03 prohibit psychologists from doing regarding client records?
Withholding client records needed for emergency treatment solely due to unpaid fees
This prohibition applies to treatment, not to education or assessment.
What does the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) state about client records and nonpayment of fees?
Providers cannot refuse to allow a patient to inspect or obtain a copy of their health record due to nonpayment of fees
What does Paragraph 5.02 of the Guidelines for Forensic Psychology state regarding contingent fees?
Forensic practitioners strive to avoid providing services based on contingent fees due to threats to impartiality
This is related to legal prohibitions and ethical considerations.
How does Standard 6.05 define barter in the context of psychological services?
The acceptance of goods, services, or other nonmonetary remuneration from clients in return for psychological services
What do many experts suggest about bartering for therapy services?
Bartering is discouraged due to its potential for negative consequences
Bartering goods for therapy is considered less risky than bartering services.
What information must psychologists provide to payors according to Standard 6.06?
Accurate information about a client’s diagnosis, the type of services provided, and the fees charged
Providing false information constitutes fraud.
What unethical practices are highlighted in Standard 6.06 regarding billing and diagnoses?
Assigning an inaccurate diagnosis for reimbursement, misrepresenting service providers, billing for missed appointments, or waiving co-payments without agreement
These practices are illegal and unethical.
What does Standard 6.07 state about referral fees?
Referral fees must be based on the services provided and not on the referral itself
Can psychologists pay referral fees for each client referred by a colleague?
No, unless the fee represents the actual costs of the referral
This includes time spent discussing the client and copying forwarding their file.
What scenarios are exempt from the prohibition of referral fee payments in Standard 6.07?
Psychology referral services, dividing fees with another professional who provided services, and paying employees a percentage of a client’s fee
What does Standard 7.02 require psychologists to do regarding education and training program descriptions?
Take reasonable steps to ensure accuracy in descriptions
For example, a hypnotherapy course should not be described as interactive if it consists only of a lecture.
What does Standard 7.03 require regarding course syllabi?
Provide accurate information about subject matter, evaluation bases, and course experiences
Psychologists may change course requirements but must inform students appropriately.
Under what conditions may psychologists require students to disclose personal information according to Standard 7.04?
If clearly identified in admissions materials or necessary for evaluating student assistance
This is to address personal problems affecting training performance.
What does Standard 7.05 state about therapy requirements for students?
Students must choose an unaffiliated therapist for required therapy
Faculty responsible for evaluating students cannot provide that therapy.
List the guidelines provided by Fisher (2017) for programs requiring personal psychotherapy.
- Justified by training objectives
- Described in application materials
- Students have choice in therapists
- No multiple relationships
- Financially feasible therapy options
What does Standard 7.06 require regarding assessment of student and supervisee performance?
Establish a timely process for feedback based on actual performance
Evaluations must not be based on personality or unrelated factors.
What do supervisees have regarding dismissal from training programs?
Due process rights
Dismissal should be a last resort after other interventions fail.
What must supervisors provide to supervisees during supervision?
Regular constructive feedback
Appropriate remediation should be provided for problem behavior.
What actions might be taken if a supervisee’s problem behavior does not improve?
- Placing on probation
- Limited endorsement
- Termination from the training program
Actions must be documented and consistent with due process.
What does Standard 7.07 prohibit psychologists from doing?
Becoming sexually involved with students or supervisees over whom they have evaluative authority
This applies to those in the same department, agency, or training center.
What is informed consent for research?
A process that ensures participants are fully informed about the research before agreeing to participate
Covered in Standards 8.02 through 8.05.
What are the eight pieces of information that must be provided during the informed consent process?
- Purpose of the research, expected duration, and procedures
- Right to decline to participate and withdraw
- Foreseeable consequences of declining or withdrawing
- Factors influencing willingness to participate (risks, discomfort)
- Prospective research benefits
- Limits of confidentiality
- Incentives for participation
- Contact information for questions
Based on Standard 8.02.
True or False: Standard 8.02 addresses research with children and adolescents.
Standard 8.02 does not address this but refers to Standard 3.10(b) for assent.
Under what conditions can a child’s dissent override the consent of legal guardians in research?
When the research does not offer direct health benefits to the child
Based on Institute of Medicine (2004).
What does Standard 8.05 state about dispensing with informed consent?
Psychologists may dispense with informed consent when permitted by law or when no distress or harm is likely
Applies to specific scenarios outlined in the standard.
What are the three scenarios in which psychologists may dispense with informed consent?
- Studying routine educational practices
- Studying organizational effectiveness with confidentiality maintained
- Using anonymous questionnaires or naturalistic observations
As outlined in Standard 8.05.
What conditions must be met for the use of deception in research according to Standard 8.07?
- Justified by significant scientific, educational, or applied value
- No alternative nondeceptive procedures available
- Participants not deceived about procedures causing severe distress
Additional conditions include allowing withdrawal of data and informing about deception.
According to Standard 8.09, how must animal subjects be treated in research?
In a humane manner and in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and professional standards
Supervision by trained psychologists is required.
Fill in the blank: The care, use, and disposal of animal subjects must be done in a _______ manner.
This is a requirement stated in Standard 8.09.
What must psychologists ensure regarding the supervision of animal research?
That they are trained in research methods and experienced in animal care
They are responsible for the humane treatment of animals.
What must be justified when using procedures that cause animals pain, stress, or privation?
The prospective scientific, educational, or applied value of the study
As required by Standard 8.09.
What do Standards 8.10 and 8.11 prohibit psychologists from doing?
Fabricating data, correcting errors in published data, plagiarizing
Plagiarizing is presenting portions of another’s work or data as their own, even if cited.
What does Standard 8.12 require regarding authorship credit?
Credit only for work actually performed or substantially contributed
Principal authorship must reflect the scientific contributions of individuals.
Under what circumstances must students be listed as principal authors according to Standard 8.12?
On multiple-authored articles substantially based on their doctoral dissertations
What does Standard 8.13 state about duplicate publication of data?
Psychologists do not publish previously published data as original
Republishing is allowed with proper acknowledgement.
What is the policy on simultaneous submission of the same article to multiple journals?
Unacceptable; submit to one journal at a time and wait for rejection
What does Standard 8.14 say about sharing research data?
Psychologists must share data for verification while protecting confidentiality
Retaining data duration is not specified but varies by guidelines.
How long must authors maintain raw data according to the 6th edition of APA’s Publication Manual?
At least five years after publication
What does the 7th edition of the Publication Manual state regarding data retention?
Authors are expected to retain data according to institutional and funder requirements
What confidentiality requirement is outlined in Standard 8.15 for reviewers?
Treat review documents as confidential and not share without permission
What must reviewers do before sharing a manuscript with a colleague?
Obtain permission from the journal editor
What must reviewers respect according to Standard 8.15?
Intellectual property rights of authors
What should reviewers avoid when reviewing documents?
Conflicts of interest
What must reviewers do with documents after their reviews are submitted?
Return or destroy the documents
What do Standards 9.01(a) and (b) require psychologists to ensure about assessment conclusions?
Conclusions and recommendations must be based on sufficient information and an adequate examination of individuals
Psychologists must communicate limitations if personal assessment is not feasible.
When psychologists base conclusions on evaluations from other professionals, what must they explain?
Why it was necessary to use those results and how it may have affected their conclusions.
According to Standard 9.02(a), how should psychologists use assessment techniques?
In a manner and for purposes appropriate based on research or evidence of usefulness.
What does Standard 9.02(b) require regarding the validity and reliability of tests?
Tests must have established validity and reliability for the population tested.
What should psychologists do when validity or reliability of a test has not been established?
Describe the strengths and limitations of test results and interpretations.
What are accommodations in the context of testing procedures?
Minor changes maintaining the original construct that result in comparable scores.
What are modifications in testing procedures?
Changes that alter the construct and result in scores that do not have the same meaning.
What should be documented in test reports concerning accommodations and modifications?
How they affect the validity of the interpretation of test scores.
What unique issues should psychologists consider when administering tests via telepsychology?
The unique issues that arise with test instruments and assessment approaches designed for in-person implementation.
What does Standard 9.07 prohibit?
Allowing unqualified individuals to use psychological assessment techniques, except for training with supervision.
What does Standard 9.08(a) prohibit regarding test results?
Basing decisions on test results that are outdated for the current purpose.
What is the implication of using outdated test results?
It may be acceptable if they are appropriate for the current evaluation purpose.
What does Standard 9.09 state about automated test scoring services?
Psychologists must choose services based on validity and retain responsibility for assessment instruments.
What must psychologists do regarding assessment results according to Standard 9.10?
Explain assessment results to the individual or their representative unless precluded.
What information must be provided during the informed consent process as per Standard 9.03(a)?
Nature and purpose of assessment, fees, involvement of third parties, and limits of confidentiality.
When is informed consent unnecessary according to Standard 9.03?
When assessment is mandated by law or when testing is a routine organizational activity.
What should happen when a person assessed has questionable capacity to consent?
Provide information about the assessment in reasonably understandable language.
What must psychologists do when using interpreters in assessments?
Obtain informed consent, maintain confidentiality, and describe limitations in reports.
What does Standard 9.04 define as ‘test data’?
Raw and scaled scores, client responses, and psychologists’ notes and recordings.
Under what condition can psychologists refrain from releasing test data?
To protect the client or others from harm or misuse of the data, as permitted by law.
What does Standard 9.11 describe as ‘test materials’?
Manuals, instruments, protocols, and test questions or stimuli.
What must psychologists do to protect test materials?
Make reasonable efforts consistent with legal requirements and contractual obligations.
Can psychologists discuss individual test items with clients?
Yes, if it helps the client understand their test results.
What does Standard 10.01(a) require from psychologists regarding informed consent?
Psychologists must obtain informed consent from therapy clients as early as feasible in the therapeutic relationship and inform them about various aspects of therapy.
This includes the nature and anticipated course of therapy, fees, involvement of third parties, and limits of confidentiality.
How is informed consent viewed according to experts?
Informed consent should be viewed as a continuous process rather than a one-time event.
Additional information should be shared whenever substantive changes to the existing agreement and services are anticipated.
What does Standard 10.01(b) state regarding treatments without established techniques?
Psychologists must inform clients about the developing nature of the treatment, potential risks, alternative treatments, and the voluntary nature of their participation.
What must clients be informed of when a therapist is a trainee?
Clients must be informed that the therapist is in training, being supervised, and provided with the name of the supervisor.
What unique concerns are addressed in the informed consent for telepsychology according to Guideline 3?
Concerns include potential limitations of telepsychology, risks for breaches of confidentiality, and limited ability to respond to emergencies.
What must psychologists be aware of when providing telepsychology services?
Psychologists must be aware of laws and regulations relevant to informed consent in their jurisdiction and in the client’s jurisdiction if different.
What does Standard 10.04 require when providing services to a client already receiving therapy from another professional?
Psychologists must proceed with caution and sensitivity to the therapeutic issues.
Under what circumstances might a psychologist choose not to continue therapy with a client seeing another therapist?
If the client believes seeing another therapist will help resolve the problem more quickly.
What must a psychologist do if a client is in group therapy for a long-standing issue while seeking therapy for a different issue?
Obtain the client’s authorization to consult with the other therapist to coordinate treatments.
What does Standard 10.05 prohibit regarding sexual intimacies?
Prohibits sexual intimacies with current clients under any circumstances.
What are the conditions under which Standard 10.08 allows sexual intimacies with former clients?
Only after at least two years following termination of therapy and in the most unusual circumstances.
What factors must therapists consider when demonstrating that a sexual relationship with a former client is not exploitative?
Factors include:
* Time since therapy terminated
* Nature, duration, and intensity of therapy
* Circumstances of termination
* Client’s personal history
* Client’s current mental status
* Likelihood of adverse impact
* Therapist’s statements during therapy suggesting a post-termination relationship.
What does Standard 10.06 prohibit regarding sexual intimacies?
Prohibits engaging in sexual intimacies with relatives and significant others of current therapy clients.
What does Standard 10.07 state about providing therapy to individuals with whom a psychologist has been sexually involved?
Prohibits providing therapy to individuals they have been sexually involved with in the past.
What does Standard 10.10 require regarding the termination of therapy?
Requires psychologists to terminate therapy when it becomes clear that a client no longer needs or is benefiting from it.
What exception does Standard 10.10 provide for terminating therapy without pretermination counseling?
Therapists may terminate therapy without pretermination counseling if threatened or otherwise endangered by the client or another person related to the client.
What is the top priority when making referrals to alternative services according to Principle B?
The client’s welfare is the top priority.
Is there a specific number of referrals required by the APA Ethics Code?
No specific number is specified, but some experts recommend a minimum of three referrals.