anxiety and OCD Flashcards
What do anxiety disorders share according to DSM-5-TR?
Features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral disturbances
This is outlined on page 215 of DSM-5-TR.
What is the most prevalent category of mental disorders worldwide?
Anxiety disorders
Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study.
What characterizes Separation Anxiety Disorder?
Developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety about being separated from attachment figures
Symptoms include excessive distress, reluctance to go to school, and physical complaints.
What is the minimum duration of symptoms for diagnosing Separation Anxiety Disorder in children?
At least four weeks
For adults, symptoms must last at least six months.
What often triggers Separation Anxiety Disorder?
Exposure to a stressful event
Examples include parental divorce or the death of a relative or pet.
What is school refusal often a manifestation of?
Separation Anxiety Disorder
It may also be due to social anxiety disorder or other disorders.
What is the preferred treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder?
Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT)
Effectiveness increases when combined with parent training.
What is the initial treatment goal for children with school refusal?
Getting the child back to school
This helps reduce risks of social isolation and academic failure.
What is a Specific Phobia?
Intense fear of or anxiety about a specific object or situation
Accompanied by avoidance or enduring with intense distress.
What is required for the diagnosis of Specific Phobia?
Fear or anxiety must be out of proportion to actual danger, persistent for at least six months, and cause significant distress or impairment
There are various types of specific phobias.
What is the mean age of onset for Specific Phobia?
About 10 years of age
Specific phobia is about twice as common in girls than boys.
What does Mowrer’s two-factor theory explain?
The development of specific phobias through classical and operant conditioning
It involves conditioned stimuli and avoidance behavior.
What is the treatment for Specific Phobia?
Exposure and response prevention
This involves exposing clients to feared objects or situations while preventing avoidance responses.
What are the two types of exposure used in treatment for Specific Phobia?
Flooding and graded (graduated) exposure
Both can be conducted in vivo or in imagination.
What is flooding in the context of treating Specific Phobia?
Immediately exposing a client to their most feared object or situation until anxiety subsides
This is aimed at extinguishing the anxiety response.
What does graded exposure involve?
Constructing a list of situations that cause anxiety, starting from low to high anxiety levels
Each item is confronted until anxiety subsides.
What is more effective, in vivo exposure or exposure in imagination?
In vivo exposure
Especially effective for fears like acrophobia and fear of flying.
What is the effectiveness of exposure combined with another intervention for blood-injection-injury subtype?
Increases when combined with applied tension
This helps prevent fainting by increasing blood pressure.
What is Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)?
Characterized by fear or anxiety in social situations where scrutiny by others may occur.
It involves fear of negative evaluation, avoidance of situations, and excessive fear relative to actual threat.
What are the diagnostic criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder?
Fear or anxiety must be persistent (at least six months) and cause significant distress or impaired functioning.
Symptoms include avoiding situations or enduring them with intense fear.
What are the first-line treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder?
Cognitive behavior therapy and antidepressant medications (SSRIs and SNRIs).
Cognitive behavior therapy includes techniques like cognitive restructuring and exposure.
What is the effectiveness of guided internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for adults?
It is equivalent to face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy in terms of symptom reduction.
This has been supported by research including Andersson et al. (2014) and Esfandiari et al. (2021).