Strange Situation Flashcards
What is the strange situation
Controlled observation to asses the security of infant and caregiver attatchment
What is the procedure of the strange situation
100 middle class us mothers were observed in controlled 8 sessions of 3 minutes sessions with the infant and were exposed to different situations including separation and stranger approaching the researcher looked through a one way mirror and observed the attachment and reaction displayed
What were the 5 situations
Proximity seeking how near the infant wants to stay near the caregiver
Secure base behaviour and exploratory how the infant uses the caregiver as a secure based and ability to explore confidently
Stranger anxiety the anxiety shown when a stranger approaches the infant
Separation anxiety the anxiety and distress when caregiver leaves
Reunion behaviour how the infant reacts to returning of caregiver and how they need affection
What were the findings for secure attachment
60% of the infants were securely attached they formed cooperative attachments they stayed closed to the caregiver and used them frequently as a base for security however they were able to confidently explore they showed mild distress when separation and mild anxiety in presence of stranger they accepted comfort when reunited
What were the findings for the insecure avoidant
20% of the infant they resist and avoid intimacy and interaction with the attachment figure they don’t use the caregiver as secure base and explore freely they show little to no distress in front of a stranger and they show no anxiety when separated they need no comfort when reunited with the caregiver
What is insecure resistant findings
The 10% of the infants they want affection yet they resist they stay e tremy close to caregiver and don’t freely explore they show extreme stranger and separation anxiety when reunited they want affection yet they resist the affection they are ambivalent
What were the conclusion made
Most infant in America is securely attached