conformity to social roles Flashcards
what is a social role
a part a person plays in a social group usually has responsibilties which come with expectation of appropriate behaviours
what was the aim
to investigate how people conformed to social roles as prisonerand guard in a role play stimulation situation
what was before the procedure
they were asked to volunteer if they want to take part in the eperiment they were then psychological and emotinaly and mentally screened and randomly allocated to either prisoner or guard group
during the study
the prisoners were unxpectedy arrested at home and take to makeshif prison, dehumanisation was evident as the prisoners were given id number and the guard were given dark sunglasses
what were the finding
during the first day the prisoners rebelled and the guard respondd y ripping off ad confiscating blankets and prisoners removed their id numbers
dehumanisatipn was becoming more frequent names were used until prisoners became submissive and the prisoners stopped referring to each other by namees but used numbers instead
after 36 hours one prisoner showed extreme distress and was sent home three were sent after him the study was ended after 6 days
what were the conlusion
people conformed to social roles even though they were injst it may be due to power of a situation
high control as they psychologically screend and randomly allocated ensure the results obtained were due to the use of social roles not existing psychological disorders
lacks population validity as only males
only males not females collectivist culture may be hard to find it hard to harm
its unethical in may ways