psychodynamic approach Flashcards
what does childhood play and what can trauma cause
Our childhood plays an important role in shaping of our personalities as adult’s. traumatic experiences in childhood can cause abnormal behaviour later in life
what happens in the unconcious mind
Conflicts in the unconscious mind influence our behaviour and our personalities as a result od the changing nature of conflicts an individual is constantly changing as they develop .
what was freuds idea of the unconcious mind and his metaphor
the role of the unconscious mind . Freud believed in the existence of part of the mind that was inaccessible to the conscious thought he referred to this as the unconscious mind . metaphor of the iceberg the tip of the iceberg is the conscious mind it is visible and we are aware of it , the larger part of the iceberg is the unconscious mind hidden underwater and we are unaware of it. The parts of the mind store our biological drives abd intentons which influence most of our actions and behaviours and personality.
what were the tree parts of the personality and what did it have in common
: The structure of personality freud divide personality into three structures, id, the ego and the super ego each parts which demands gratification but is frequently conflicted with the other parts
what is the id personality
. The id is the unconscious mind from birth to 18 months based in the unconscious mind most primitive and instinctive part of personality based on pleasure principle demands immediate gratification regardless of circumstances which suggest irrational emotions and feeling
what is the ego
The ego is around 18 months to 3 years works on realoty testing if rational it acts as a mediator between super ego and id aim to reduce the conflict between the two and works out realistic ways to mediate its demands it uses ego defense mechanisms to do this.
what is the super ego
The super ego is formed between 3-6 years internalised sense of right and wrong base on morality principles develops through identification with same sex parent and their internalisation of their moral standards. Moral guide control instinctive impulses from id alike society norms and morals. Punishes ego for wrong succumbing to ids demands through guilt
what are defense mechanisms
DEFENSE MECHANISMS . if an individual is faced with a situation that they are unable to deal worth rationally their ego may try to alleviate the anxiety by using ego defence mechanisms these distort our perception of reality on an unconscious level to reduce anxiety these example of defence mechanisms
what is repression
repression which is blocking an unacceptable memory thoughts and impulses moved from the conscious mind moved to the unconscious mind. Doesn’t stay quietly in the unconscious mind repressed memories and impulses continue to influence behaviour and cause distress however individuals are unaware of it.
what is denial
is the refusal to accept reality avoiding any painful feelings associated with that event. displacement is redirecting of hostile thoughts and feeling. Happens during situations where they feel they are unable to express them to the person who caused them harm in the first place. Instead take it out on an innocent subject or substitute
what is displacement
what is the psychosexual stages of development
: PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES. Freud claimed that personality developed through a sequence of five stages these are referred to as the psychosexual stages at each stage the individual experiences conflict to resolve these gratify erogenous state lack of gratification will result in fixation in that stage.
what is the oral stage
is between 0-1 years and the erogenous zone is the mouth babies receive gratification by sucking on the mothers breats and inserting objects into the mouth. Fixation in this stage can lead to over dependency in adult relationship
what is the anal stage
Anal stage is 1-3 years and the erogenous zone is the anus and this is where pleasure is gained , child gains pleasure by withholding and excreting faeces fixation caused by strict potty training and may lead to obsession ocd and cleanliness
what is the phalliac stage
, the focus of pleasure is in the genital area and males experience odeious complex which is unconscious desires for his mother, develops anxiety that father may find out and castrate him