Stains muscle fibers red in Modified Gomori’s Trichrome
Modified Gomori’s Trichrome
Stains muscle fibers blue in Mallory’s PTAH
Mallory’s PTAH
Stains muscle fibers grey-black in Heidenhain’s Iron Hematoxylin
Heidenhain’s Iron Hematoxylin
Stains muscle fibers red in Lissamine Fast Red Tartrazine
Lissamine Fast Red Tartrazine
Stains bone matrix yellow-brownish yellow with cells red in SchmorP’s Picro-Thionin
SchmorP’s Picro-Thionin
Stains bone matrix blue in Masson’s Trichrome for collagen
Masson’s Trichrome
Popular standard method for staining collagen in bone with aniline blue or light green
Aniline Blue or Light Green
Specimen obtained from iliac crest for bone marrow aspirate; bone marrow biopsy if dry tap is present
Bone Marrow Aspirate
Recommended fixative for bone marrow specimens
Fixative used for bone marrow smears or touch preparations with EDTA anticoagulant
1ml of Aspirate with EDTA
Common Romanowsky stains for bone marrow preparations
Jenner, Giemsa, May Grunwald Giemsa, Leishman, Wright’s
Composed of eosin and azure B for Romanowsky stains
Eosin and Azure B
Peroxidase stain for myeloid cells; green to dark blue staining, excluding basophils
Peroxidase - Myeloid Cells
Stain used for iron stores in bone marrow
Perl’s Prussian Blue
Most useful and informative stain for plastic-embedded tissue sections
Toluidine Blue
Stain used to identify plasma cells in bone marrow
Methyl Green Pyronin