Examined in a living state; Allows observation of protoplasmic activities (phagocytosis, mitosis, pinocytosis, movement); Not permanent
Fresh Tissues
Teasing or Dissociation, Squash Preparation (Crushing), Smear Preparation
Methods of Fresh Tissue Examination
Tissue immersed in NSS, dissected or separated, examined under the microscope (phase contrast or bright field), can be stained with methylene blue
Teasing or Dissociation Method
Small tissues (1mm or less) placed on a slide, compressed with another slide or coverslip, supravital stains can be added
Squash Preparation (Crushing) Method
Cellular materials spread lightly over a slide, useful for cytology
Smear Preparation Method
Material added with an applicator stick or loop in a direct or zigzag fashion
Streaking Method
Material placed on a clean slide and spread into moderately thick film by teasing with an applicator stick
Spreading Method
Maintains intercellular relationships
Advantage of Spreading Method
Use of 2 slides in preparing the smear for thick secretions
Pull-Apart Method
Examined in a living state; Allows observation of protoplasmic activities (phagocytosis, mitosis, pinocytosis, movement); Not permanent
Fresh Tissues
Teasing or Dissociation, Squash Preparation (Crushing), Smear Preparation
Methods of Fresh Tissue Examination
Tissue immersed in NSS, dissected or separated, examined under the microscope (phase contrast or bright field), can be stained with methylene blue
Teasing or Dissociation Method
Small tissues (1mm or less) placed on a slide, compressed with another slide or coverslip, supravital stains can be added
Squash Preparation (Crushing) Method
Cellular materials spread lightly over a slide, useful for cytology
Smear Preparation Method
Material added with an applicator stick or loop in a direct or zigzag fashion
Streaking Method
Material placed on a clean slide and spread into moderately thick film by teasing with an applicator stick
Spreading Method
Maintains intercellular relationships
Advantage of Spreading Method
Use of 2 slides in preparing the smear for thick secretions
Pull-Apart Method
Freshly cut tissue pressed onto a clean, sterile, polished slide to make an impression smear
Touch Preparation (Impression Smear)
1st and most important step in histopathology; Identify specimens properly without needing patient name on the specimen tag; Enter details in a logbook; Specimen number preceded by S (surgical), A (autopsy), C (cytology); Year indicated
Numbering (Accessioning)
Example of specimen numbering: S99-0345
(S for surgical, 99 for year, 0345 for entry number)
After numbering, pathologist describes the specimen grossly; MT writes description on the back of the request with the use of
Pencil for writing the description
Specimen size for processing
2x3 cm and 3-5 mm thick
Can be added for small tissues
1% eosin
Tissue slices should be taken at _____to the surface of the organ
Right angles
For electron microscopy, specimen size should be