SLO 6.1 Hiwaar 6-9 Flashcards
Snake bite example, closing the lesson, assessment and feedback
Today we will do first aid on someone bitten by a snake
اليَوْم سَنَقوم بِالإِسْعافات الأَوَّلِيَّة لِشَخْص لَدَغَهُ ثُعْبان
…as this is part of the military training
فَهَذا جُزْء مِن التَّدريب العَسْكَرِيّ
First, I will explain to you the First Aid steps.
أَوَّلاً سَأَشْرَح لَكُم خَطَوات عَمَل الإسْعافات الأَوَّلِيَّة
Then we will apply those steps
ثُمَّ نَقوم بِتَطْبيق هذِه الخَطَوات
After that, we will role play these steps
بَعْد ذلِك سَنُمَثِّل هذِه الخَطَوات
And finally, I will run a test to make sure that you understand
وَأَخْيراً سَأَقُوم بِعَمَل اِخْتِبار (سأخْتَبِركُم) لِأتأَكَّد مِن فَهْمِكُم
Move the victim away from the place of danger
إِبْعِد المُصاب عَن مَكان الخَطَر
Tell the victim to not move
قُل لِلمُصاب أَلاّ يَتَحَرَّك
Determine the place of the snake bite
حَدِّد مَكان لَدْغَة الثُّعْبان
Place a splint around the place of the bite
ضَعْ جَبيرَة حَوْلَ مَكان اللَّدْغَة
Tell the victim stay calm
قُل لِلمُصاب أَنْ يَهْدَأ
Let the victim rest until medical attention arrives
أُتْرُك المُصاب يَسْتَريح حَتّى يَصِل الإِسْعاف
Now in pairs, practice what we have learned and carry out the steps as I demonstrated to you earlier
الآن كُلّ اثْنَيْن، تَدَرَّبوا عَلى ما تَعَلَّمْناه وَقوموا بِالخَطَوات كَما شَرَحت لَكُم مِن قَبل
One student will play the role of the person being bitten by the snake and the other student will play the role of the person treating him/her.
طالِب سَيُمَثِّل دَوْر شَخْص لَدَغَهُ ثُعْبان وَطالِب آخَر سَيَلْعَب دَوْرالشَّخْص المُعالِج
Any questions before we start?
أَيّ أَسْئِلَة قَبْل أَنْ نَبْدَأ؟