SLO 5.4 Activity 2 dialogue Flashcards
Major Cook, hello. Where have you been? We haven’t seen you for a long time. Two weeks?
رائِد كوك أَهْلاً، أَيْنَ أَنْتَ؟ لَم نَرَكَ لِمُدَّة طَويَلَة. أُسْبوعَيْن؟
No, three weeks. How are you, Major Mansour? How’s the family?
لا، ثَلاثَة أَسابيع. كِيْفَ الحال يا رائِد مَنْصور؟ وَكَيْفَ حال الأُسْرَة؟
Everyone’s fine. And your family? Are all members of your family well?
Everything is fine.
الجَميع بَخَيْر والحَمْدُ لله. وأُسْرَتُكَ؟ هَل كُلّ أَفْراد الأُسْرَة بَخَيْر؟
الحَمْدُ لله كُلّ شَيْء تَمام.
As you know, our forces will offer support to the government forces in the village of Dalja South of Egypt.
كَما تَعْرِف قُوّاتُنا سَتُقَدِّم الدَّعْم لِلقوّات الحُكومِيَّة بِقَريَة دَلْجَة جَنوب مِصْر
You know many things about the area and the security situation in it
أَنْتَ تَعْرِف أَشْياء كَثيرَة عَن المَنْطِقَة والوَضْع الأَمْنِيّ فِيها
I’m here to study the situation there and to know from you more about the area or as we say in English to pick your brains.
وأَنا هُنا اليّوم لِدِراسَة الوَضْع هُناك، لأَعْرِف مِنْكَ أَكْثَر عِن المَنْطِقَة أَو كَما نَقول بِالإِنْجليزِيَّة to pick your brains.
What do you know about the area and the village?
The village of Dalja is a small farming village.
ماذا تَعْرِف عَن المَنْطِقِة والقَرْيَة؟
قَرْيَة دَلْجَة قَرْيَة زِراعِيَّة صَغيرَة
Location: to the north of the city of Sohaj in the south of Egypt, on the eastern bank of the river Nile.
المَوْقِع: شَمال مَدينَة سُوهاج، جَنوب مِصْر عَلى الضِّفَّة الشَّرْقِيَّة لِنَهْر النِّيل.
What do you know about the people in the village?
ماذا تَعْرِف عَن النّاس بِالقَرْيَة؟
Most people of the village work in farming
يَعْمَل مُعْظَم سُكّان القَريَة بِالزِّراعَة
Intensive farming in the area, the area has many farms for sugar cane
زِراعَة كَثيفَة بِالمَنْطِقَة، المَنْطِقَة بِها مَزارِع كَثيرة لِقَصَب السُّكَّر
The houses of the village cluster in the middle of the farms
بُيوت القَرْيَة تَتَمَرْكَز وَسَط المَزارِع
The houses of the village have in them a place for the family to live and a place for the livestock.
بُيوت القَرْيَة بِها مَكان لِسَكَن الأُسْرَة وَمَكان لِلماشِيَة
The number of the inhabitants of the village is about 700 people. A small number of them, about 50, work in a small factory for manufacturing sugar from sugar cane.
عَدَد سُكّان القَرْيَة حَوالي 700 شَخْصا. عَدَد صَغير مِنْهُم، حَوالي 50 شَخْصاً يَعْمَل بِمَصْنَع صَغير لِصِناعَة السُّكَّر مِن قَصَب السُّكَّر
Sugar cane is the main crop in the area.
قَصَب السُّكَّر هُوَ المَحْصول الرَّئيسِيّ بِالمَنْطِقَة
Schools in the village: There is a primary school for boys and another for girls.
المَداِرِس بِالقَرْيَة: هُناك مَدْرَسَة اِبْتِدائِيَّة لِلأَوْلاد وأُخْرى لِلبَنات
The village has no preparatory or secondary schools.
لَيْسَ بِالقَرْيَة مَدارِس إِعْدادِيَّة أَو ثانَوِيَّة.
A small number of the boys/ children of Dalja village go to the city of Sohaj nearby to study in preparatory and secondary schools and university. Sohaj is 20 km to the south of Dalja.
يَذْهَب عَدَد قَليل مِن أَوْلاد قَرْيَة دَلْجَة إِلى مَدينَة سوهاج القَريبَة لِلدِّراسَة بِالمَدارِس الإِعْدادِيَّة والثّانَوِيَّة والجامِعَة
سوهاج عَلى بُعْد حَوالي 20 كيلو مِتْر جَنوب القَرْيَة
Do you know the condition of the roads in the area?
In relation to the roads, I know that there is a main road from the north of the village to the south of it, paved and it allows small military vehicles pass
هَل تَعْرِف حالَة الطُّرُق بِالمَنْطِقَة؟
بِالنِّسْبَة لِلطُّرُق، أَعْرِف أَنَّ هُناكَ طَريق رَئيسِيّ مِن شَمال القَرْيَة إِلى جَنوبِها مُمَهَّد وَيَسْمَح بِمُرور الآلِيّات العَسْكَرِيَّة الصَّغيرَة
The Side roads are dust roads that get muddy when it rains and cars get bogged there.
الطُّرْق الفَرْعِيَّة تُرابِيَّة تَتَوَحَّل عِنْد سُقوط الأَمْطار، والسَّيّارات تَغْرِز فِيها