SLO 3.4 Prepare and deliver short speeches Flashcards
Ladies and Gentlemen / ladies and gentlemen present
السَّيِّدات وَالسَّادَة
السَّيِّدات والسّادَة الحاضِرون
my dear attendees
أعِزّائي الحاضِرين
(term of address, not followed by a name, rather the job title or rank and implies superiority of the addressee)
يا حَضْرَة (يا حَضْرَات) / يا سِيادَة
(term of address, followed by a first or last name, implies a degree of education of the addressee)
يا أُسْتاذ / يا أُسْتاذَة
Mr. ___(followed by title and/ or name) / Sirs (followed by title)
السَّيِّد___ / السَّادَة
Mr. (examples)
Mr. Doctor
Mr. ustaadh aHmed
Mr. aHmed
السَّيِّد الدُّكتور
السَّيِّد المُهَندِس
السَّيِّد الأُسْتاذ أحمَد
السَّيِّد أحمَد
The present
‘The present students’
(الحاضِر( ـــون/ ين
الطُلاب الحاضِرون
in speech: (present) teacher
يا حَضْرَة المُدَرِّس
in speech: (present) teacher (f)
يا حَضْرَة المُدَرِّسَة
in speech: (present) teacher(s) (masculine)
يا حَضْرات المُدَرِّسين
in speech: (present) teacher(s) (feminine)
يا حَضْرات المُدَرِّسات
in speech: (Mr) Colonel
يا سَيِّد العَقيد
Sirs (examples) (followed by title):
(Sirs) Doctors
(Sirs) Officers
(Sirs) presence
السَّادَة الأَطِباء
السَّادَة الضُّباط
السَّادَة الحاضِرون
Lady/madam/Ms (followed by title or name)
Ms (examples)
Ms Fatimah
Ms Engineer
Ms Engineer Fatimah
السَّيِّدَة فاطِمَة
السَّيِّدَة المُهَندِسَة
السَّيِّدَة المُهَندِسَة فاطِمَة
Ladies (examples):
Ladies (present)
Ladies (doctors)
السَّيِّدات الحاضِرات
السَّيِّدات الأطباء
Dear/s (m)
Dear/s (f)
my dear/dears
(m) عَزيز/ أَعِزّاء
(f) عَزيزَة / عَزيزات
عَزيزي/ أَعِزّائي
Dear (examples) My dear ustaadh aHmed My dear brother aHmed My dear friend My dear friends
عَزيزي الأُسْتاذ أحمَد
أخي العَزيز أحمَد
صَديقي العَزيز
أَعِزّائي الأَصدِقاء / أَصدِقائي الأَعِزّاء
** high frequency word **To perform, do carry out, execute, accomplish, take upon oneself, to make something one’s business; concern oneself with.
(قامَ - يَقوم بِـ (القِيام بِ
to present, put forward
(قَدَّمَ ـ يُقَدِّم (تَقْديـ
prize, reward
(جائِزَة (جَوائِز
testimony, witness, evidence; statement, certificate, certification, testimonial
(شَهادَة (ات
to appreciate, appraise, assess, rate, estimate, value, esteem
(قَدَرَ ـ يُقَدِّر(تَقْدير
(verbal noun) appreciation, appraisal, assessment, rating, estimate, valuation, esteem
a certificate of appreciation, or commendation
(شَهادَة تَقْدير (شَهادات تَقْدير
badge; decoration, medal; order, badge of honour
(وِسام (أَوْسِمَة
مُتَمَيِّز/ َة
to serve
(خَدَمَ- يَخْدِم (خِدْمَة
to train
(دَرَّبَ- يُدَرِّب (تَدْريب
to participate
اِشْتَرَكَ- يَشْتَرِك (إِشْتِراك) في
(عَمَلِيَّة (ات
مُخْتَلِف/ َة
(تَرْقِيَة (ات
(رُتْبَة (رُتَب
Ladies and gentlemen (lit: married women, unmarried women and gentlemen)
سَيِّداتي آنِساتي سادَتي
during his time
خِلال وَقتِهِ
ضيف / ضُيوف
They trained a group from the Indigenous population
دَرَّبوا مَجموعة مِن السُّكان الأصْلِيين
We participated with the UN in the humanitarian assistance mission
اِشْتَرَكْنا مَعَ الأُمَم المُتَحِدَة في مُهِمَة المُساعَدَة الإِنْسانِيَّة
You served in different and important operations
خَدَمْتَ في عَمَلِيات مُخْتَلِفَة وَمُهِمَة
During his time outside of Australia, he trained some local people
خِلال وَقتِهِ خارِج أُسْتٌراليا، دَرَّبَ بَعض الأَشخاص المَحَلِيين
You (f) have the most experience out of us. You participated in the Battle of Hamel
عِندِك خِبرة أكثَر مِنا. إشْتَرَكْتِ في مَعْرَكَة
to celebrate
اِحْتَفَلَ- يَحْتَفِل (اِحْتِفال) بـِ
to participate or take part in
اِشْتَرَكَ- يَشْتَرِك (اِشْتِراك) في
to graduate from
تَخَرَّجَ- يَتَخَرَّج (تَخَرُّج) مِن
to attend
(حَضَرَ- يَحْضُر (حُضور
to train on
he trained them on weapons
دَرَّبَ- يُدَرِّب (تَدْريب) عَلى
دَرَّبَهم عَلى الاَسْلِحة
to welcome
رَحَّبَ- يُرَحِّب (تَرْحيب) بِــ
to help (someone) to
he helped him
he helped them with the cooking
ساعَدَ- يُساعِد (مُساعَدَة) عَلى
ساعَدَهُم عَلى الطبخ
to please
your presence pleases us
going to the movies please me
the party pleased me a lot
(سَرَّ- يَسُرُّ (سُرور
يَسُرُّنا حُضورَك
يَسُرُّني الذِّهاب إلى السّينيما
الحَفل سَرَّني جِدّاً
to honour
your (pl) presence honours me/us
(شَرَّفَ- يُشَرِّف (تَشْريف
حُضوركُم يُشَرِّفنا
to thank
شَكَرَ- يَشْكُر (شُكْر) عَلى
land (as opposed to sea), terra firma
land (adj.)
air, atmosphere; weather
air, aerial
(سِلاح (أَسْلِحَة
(ضابِط (ضُبّاط
a number of
(عَدَد (أَعْداد
عَدَد مِن
big, senior
(كَبير (كِبار
(مُناسَبَة (-ات
We are pleased for your (pl) presence with us today (lit: he pleases us your presence)
يَسُرُّنا حُضوركُم مَعَنا اليَوْم
our celebration of the graduating class of paratrooper soldiers
اِحْتِفالِنا بِتَخَرُّج دُفْعَة جُنود المِظَلاّت
We are honoured by the presence of Commander of the land forces
وَيُشَرِّفنا حُضور قائِد القُوّات البَرِّيَّة
We’re also honoured by the presence of a number of officials
كَما يُشَرِّفنا حُضور عَدَد مِن السّادَة المَسْؤولين
of whom participated (pl) in training soldier of this class (batch)
مِمَن اِشْتَرَكوا في تَدْريب جُنود هذِهِ الدُفْعَة
we thank them for their presence with us today on this occasion
نَشْكُر حُضورهُم مَعَنا اليْوم بِهذِهِ المُناسَبَة
we welcome them in our country and we thank them for their big help
نُرَحِّب بِهِم في بَلَدنا وَنَشْكُرهُم عَلى مُساعَدَتـهم الكَبيرَة