Practice Questions Flashcards
Do you understand? (To f.)
hal tafhami?
Do you know the question? (To m.)
hal ta3rif es-su’al?
Does he understand everything?
hal yafham kull shay’?
Is everything ok?
kull shay’ tamaam?
Are you from Australia?
hal anta/i min ‘ustraalyaa?
Is she from here?
hal hiya min hunaa?
What is your nationality?
maa jinsiyyatak/ik?
Do you work here? (To m.)
hal ta3mal hunaa?
No I don’t work here, I live here
laa, laa-a3mal hunaa, ‘anaa askun hunaa
Where do you live? (To a f.)
‘ayna taskunii?
Who are you?
man anta?
Where are you from?
min ‘ayna anta?
Who is he?
man huwa?
Is she American or Australian?
heya amrikiyyah ‘am ‘ustraaliyyah?
Do you (f) know where he lives?
hal ta3rifiin ‘ayna yaskun?
What do you do for work?
maatha ta3mal?
Do you have a question?
hal 3indak/ik/ikum ‘ayy su’al?
What is your nationality?
maa jinsiyyatak/ik?
Do you understand this sentence?
hal tafham hadhihi el jumlah?
Where is the city of baghdad?
‘ayna medinat baghdad?
Who is she?
man heya?
Where is she from?
Min ‘ayna hiya?
Do you understand? (To f.)
hal tafhamiin?
Am I well Doctor?
hal ‘anaa bikhayr yaa Tabiib?
What does this sentence mean?
maa ma3na hadhihi el jumlah?
Welcome have some coffee Hafiiz
Tafaddal qaHwah yaa HafiiZ
I don’t know where he is from?
laa a3rif min ‘ayna huwa
Does she understand?
hal tafham?
Are you well? m/f
hal anta/anti bikhayr?
Which city are you from in Australia?
anta/anti min ‘ayy medinah fii ‘ustraalyaa
Where is the city of Baghdad?
‘ayna madiinat baghdaad?
I don’t know where he is from
laa ‘a3rif min ‘ayna huwa
Do you know where he lives?
hal ta3rif/ii ‘ayna yaskun?
Do you know where she lives?
hal ta3rif ‘ayna taskun?
Do you know the teachers name?
hal ta3rif ‘ism al-‘ustaadh?
What do you do for work?
maadha ta3mal/ii?
Where do you work?
‘ayna ta3mal/ii?
Do you have any questions?
hal 3indak/ik ‘ayy su’al?
Does Raaji work in this company?
hal ya3mal Raaji fii hadhihi el sharikah
Who is he, the manager of the company?
man huwa mudiir el sharikah?
Do you know where the factory manager’s office is?
ta3rif ‘ayna maktab mudiirat el maSna3?
What is the name of the president of Sudan?
maa ‘ism ar-ra’iis es-suudaan
Are you a teacher or a student at this school?
hal ‘anti mudarrisah ‘am Taalibah fii hadhihi madrasah
with me
with you
Do you live with your family?
hal taskun ma3a usratak?
Do you have a big family?
hal 3indak usrah kabiirah?
Is this your small son? (To male)
hal haadha ‘ibnak s-Saghiir?
Is this your father? (To f)
hal haadha ‘abooki?
How old is your son?
maa 3umhr ibnik al-kabiir?
Does your husband work in this factory?
hal ya3mal zawjik fii haadha El maSna3?
Is your wife a doctor?
hal zawjahtak Tabiibah?
Do you know the name of the company accountant? (To f)
hal ta3riffiin ‘ism muHaasib e-sharikah?
What is your nurse’s name? (To m about a f)
maa ‘ism mumarriDatak?
how old is your (m) teacher (m)?
maa 3umhr mudarrisak?
is your card with you? (To f)
hal biTaaqah ma3ki?
Do you know where CAPT Samir lives? (To f)
hal ta3riffiin ‘ayna yaskun CAPT Samir?
Does your mother and sister work and live here with you (m)?
hal ta3mal wa taskun hunaa ma3ak ‘ummak wa ukhtak?
Does he know that accountant?
Hal ya3rif haadha l-muHaasib?
They know and understand but we don’t know or understand
hum, ya3rifuun wa yafhamuun walaakin naHnu, laa na3rif ‘am laa nafham
Do you speak Arabic? (To m)
Yes a little
Do you speak the Arabic language? (To f)
hal tatakallum 3arabii?
na3am, qaliilan
hal tatakallumii el-lugha l-3arabiyyah?
do you like to play soccer with me?
hal tuHibb tal3ab kurat el-qadam ma3ii
The German man’s friend is American
[Sadiiqat* {ar-rajul] el-almaaniyyah} amriikiyyah*
سصَديقَة الرَّجُل الأَلمانيَة أَمريكيَة
[iDaafah] {ism Sifah} *ism Sifah
this car is beautiful
haadhihi sayyaarah jamiilah
the factory engineer’s name
ism muhandis el maSna3
The Arabic book
al kitaab al arabii
What time is it now?
kam es-saa3ah al’aan?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
kam ‘akh wa ‘ukht 3indak?
How many days in the week do you go to school?
kam yawm fii l-‘usbuu3 tadhhab ‘illaa l’madrasah
How many hours are there in the day?
kam saa3ah fi’-l yawm?
How many languages do you know?
kam lughah ta3rif?
What time do you go to school?
fii ‘ayy saa3ah/waqt tadhhab ‘illaa l’madrasah?
mataa tadhhab ‘illaa madrasah?
How many days are there in the year?
kam yawm fii sanah?
What do you want?
maadhaa turriid?
ماذا تُريد؟
Do you want to speak with me now?
hal turriid ‘an tatakallam ma3aii al’aan
هل تُريد أَن تَتَكلّم مَعي الآن؟
I don’t want to speak to him tomorrow.
laa ‘uriid ‘an atakallum ma3ahu ghadan
لا أُريد أن أتكّلم مَعهُ غَداً؟
Where do you want this?
‘ayna turiid haadhaa?
أَيْنَ تُريد هذا؟
When will you do this? What hour?
mataa sataf3al haadhaa? fii ‘ayy saa3ah?
متى سَتَفَعل هذا؟
What will you do after tomorrow?
maadhaa sataf3al ba3d ghad?
ماذا سَتَفَعل بعد غَد؟
What time do you want to speak with them?
fii ‘ayy saa3ah turiid ‘an tatakallum ma3hum?
في أَيَّة ساعَة تُريد أَن تَتَكلَّم معهم؟
When will you go to work?
mataa satadhhab ‘illaa l-3amal?
مَتى سَتَذْهَب إِلى العَمَل؟
Who will go with you?
man sayadhhab ma3ak?
مَن سَيَذْهَب مَعَك؟