Sepsis Flashcards
How high is the fatality rate of sepsis in children?
what is sepsis?
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome + proven infection.
what is the criteria for SIRS?
at least 2 of:
- temp >38 or <36
- WCC >5x10^9 or <5x10^9
- tachycardia (depending on Childs age)
- Tachypnoea (depending on Childs age)
What is severe sepsis?
Sepsis + organ dysfunction
What is septic shock?
Sepsis + cardiovascular dysfunction.
what is the pathophysiology of sepsis?
- The causative agent causes cells to release cytokines (TNF and interleukins).
- nitrous oxide is activated (vasodilation).
- endothelial lining becomes more permeable (oedema and reduced intravascular volume)
- activation of coagulopathy (leads to deposits of fibrin causing hypoxia and DIS)
- anaerobic respiration occurs (lactate levels rise and are acidic causing metabolic acidosis)
What are the signs of sepsis?
Prolonged cap refill time fever hypothermia confusion poor feeding high pitched cry weak cry reduced consciousness reduced body tone cyanosis mottled skin pale skin ashen skin
What are the signs of sepsis?
Prolonged cap refill time fever hypothermia confusion poor feeding high pitched cry weak cry reduced consciousness reduced body tone cyanosis mottled skin pale skin ashen skin
What are the features that would indicate low risk of sepsis?
normal colour
responds to social cues
stays awake
moist mucus membranes
What are the features that would suggest medium risk of sepsis?
pallor not responding to social cues no smile wakes only after prolonged stimulation decreased activity increased respiratory effort (nasal flaring) <95% O2 sats crackles in chest tachycardia Cap refill time >3 secs dry mucous membranes poor feeding reduced urine output rever for >5 days rigors swelling of limb or joint
What are the features that suggest a high risk of sepsis?
pale mottled skin ashen blue skin no response to social cues doesn't wake or stay awake high pitched or weak cry grunting tachypnoea chest indrawing reduced skin turgor <3 months with temperature non blanching rash bulging fontanelle neck stiffness status epilepticus focal seizures
what is usually a very late sign presenting ins sepsis in children?
what are the main things to look at when considering sepsis?
Temperature <3 or >38 capillary refill time tachycardia tachypnoea hypotension
which neurological condition causes some children with sepsis to present differently?
cerebral palsy - often have very different normal ranges.
Who is treated for sepsis until proven otherwise?
Baby < 3 months with a temp >38 degrees.