Schizophrenia Clinical Flashcards
A psychotic episode will last a?
A week
Low mood psychotic depression eg No point eating food it will just sit there hence meaningless
Dementia praecox forms:
Hebephrenic laughing unnecessarily etc , catatonic, paranoid and complex
Giggly, silly
Movement problems, stiff
Negative symptoms, deattached
Schneider, first rank symptoms?
Auditory hallucinations Somatic hallucinations Thought insertion, broadcast, withdrawal Passivity phenomena Delusional perception
Diagnosing schizophrenia?
1 of a to d, or 2 of e to h for at least 1 month
Prevalence of schizophrenia?
0.2 to 0.7%
Incidence of schizophrenia?
Male onset
21 to 26
Female onset
25 to 32
Difference between neurosis and psychosis?
Neurosis: Depressive Anxiety OCD Adjustment disorder Somatistaion disorder
Psychosis: Organis Schizophrenia Bipolar Depressive psychosis
Psychosis definition?
Illness characterised by a loss of boundaries with reality anf loss of insight with primary features of delusions and hallucinations
1 week of either of these symptoms at significant severity
Affective psychosis includes?
Bipolar disorder, depression or psychosis and schizoaffective disorder
Organic psychosis differentials?
Epilepsy, infections, cerebral trauma, demyelination, neuro developmental disorders, lupus, toxins, dementia, metabolic such as hepatic failure, and endocrine e.g cushings and acute drug intoxication e.g ketamine
Signs of schizophrenia?
Self neglect, talking to themselves, social disturbance, perplexity clothing, posture
Side effects of medication?
Parkinsonian symptoms
Tardive dyskinesia
Skin discolouration
Severe weight gain
Differences in acute and chronic syndrome?
In acute they are withdrawn, restless, blunt mood, formal thought disorder, impaired insight, normal orientation positive symptoms
Chronic: lack of drive social withdrawal self neglect
Depression, stupor catatonia cognitive decline
Positive symptoms?
Disorganised speech
Negative symptoms?
Affective flattening
Alogia ( lack of speech too hard)
Abolition (lack of motivation)
Prognosis of schizo?
Better in 3rd world
20% comlpkete recovery
25%- persistent symptoms after first episode dementia praecox
Over 50% have a relapsing remitting illness with some function impairment between episodes
Suicide in schizo?
What is social determinant to psychosis?