Face, Temporal And Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
How to test facial nerve?
Raise eyebrows, close eyes and keep them closed, puff cheeks and reveal teeth
What does parotid gland do?
Produce watery saliva
Facial nerve splits into?
Large motor root and smaller nervous intermedius arising at cerebellar pontine angle.
What passes through internal acoustic meatus ?
CN 8 and CN 7
Sensory supply of facial nerve?
Anterior 2/3 via chorda tympani and submandibular ganglion
After the parotid gland, the facial nerve divides into 5 branches:
Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical
Which branch passes behind ear of the facial nerve?
Posterior auricular
Deep vein, retromandibular vein is formed by?
Superficial temporal vein and maxillary vein join, then into external jugular vein and into subclavian vein
What’s the difference between Bell’s palsy and stroke?
In stroke the forehead will be spared and in Bell’s palsy it wont.
Temporalis muscle origin and insertion?
Origin- temporal bone
Insertion- medial surface of coronoid process of mandible
Masseter muscle insertion and origin?
Origin- zygomatic bone/ arch
Insertion-lateral surface of ramus of the mandible
Infratemporal fossa contains?
My mother momentarily forgot giving pizza
Maxillary artery Mandibular nerve Medial and lateral pterygoids Branches of facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Pterygoid plexus of veins
2 heads of medial pterygoid?
Deep head from medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone.
Superficial head from maxilla
Both insert to mandible
2 heads of the lateral pterygoid?
Upper head- roof of fossa
Lower head- lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
Insertion- neck of mandible and temporomandibular joint
How is lateral pterygoid different to other muscles?
Depresses mandible
Maxillary artery gives off which branch that travels within mandibular canal?
And what does this artery give off?
Inferior alveolar artery gives off mylohyoid branch
Where do both heads of the lateral pterygoids insert?
Temporomandibular joint
Teeth grinding
What does auricotemporal nerve do?
Conveys postganglionic parasympathetic fibres from otic ganglion to parotid gland
Mandibular nerve supplies which muscles?
- Medial andl lateral pterygoids
- Tensor palatine
- Temporalis
- Masseter
Which sensory branch of mandibular nerve supplies cheek?
Buccal nerve
Divisions of mandibular nerve?
Auricotemporal branch, lingual and inferior alveolar nerve.
Where is anaesthetic placed to ancesthetize all mandibular teeth?
Inferior alveolar nerve- block
What percentage of salivary tumours arise from parotid gland?
90% and 75 % of tumours are benign
Which benign tumour is associated with smoking history?
Warthin’s tumour
What are main risk factors for tumours?
Genetic predisposition and radiation exposure.
Main benign tumour?
Pleomorphic adenoma
Main malignant tumour?
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
What percent of communication is non verbal?
Upwards of 70
Role of buccinator?
Maintains the tightness of the cheeks and presses them against the teeth during chewing
Compresses cheek
Role of zygomaticus major?
Draws the mouths angle upwards and outwards
Elevates labial commisure
Platysma role?
Mouth movement including frowning
Depresses mandible against resistance
Tenses fascia of neck
What is special about facial muscles?
Only group of muscles that insert onto skin
Innervation of face?
Cutaneous innervation - trigeminal nerve
Muscles of face- facial nerve
Ophthalmic nerve splits into?
Lacrimal- skin/ secretomotor fibres to lacrimal gland
Frontal- supraorbital and supratrochlear
Nasociliary- posterior ethmoidal, anterior ethmoidal, and infratrochlear
How is ophthalmic nerve tested?
corneal blink reflex, whips of cotton
Which nerve enters the pterygopalatine fossa?
Maxillary nerve, gives off branches to pterygopalatine ganglion through inferior orbital fissure
Maxillary nerve branches into?
Superior alveolar
Mandibular nerve sensory?
Lingual Inferior alveolar nerve Mental Buccal Auriculotemporal
Mandibular nerve motor?
Medial and lateral pterygoids
Nerve to mylohoid
What does temporalis fossa contain?
Temporalis muscle
Branches of maxillary
Where does facial nerve exit and move through
Exits via internal acoustic meatus
Moves through facial canal and stylomastoid Foramen
Facial nerve sensory and taste?
Skin over external auditory meatus
Taste- via chorda tympani via lingual nerve to anterior 2/3 of tongue
What passes through parotid gland?
Facial nerve
What does parotid gland do?
Release saliva into upper second molar
Muscles of mastication?
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Arterial supply to face?
Superficial temporal
Facial nerve drains face starting at eye into internal jugular vein except?
Superficial temporal drains into external jugular
Internal and external jugular vein drain into?
Subclavian nerve