Neck And Oral Cavity Flashcards
Mandibular nerve exits through which foreman?
Muscles of soft palate?
Palatoglossal,palatopharngyeal arch and uvula
Division between anterior and posterior part of tongue?
Terminal Sulcus
Fungiform, filliform ( without taste buds), and vallate
Medial fold which separates left and right Of tongue?
Muscles of tongue?
Intrinsic: superior and inferior longitudinal, vertical and transverse
Genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus and palatoglossus
What does genioglossus do?
Depresses and protrudes tongue
What does hypoglossus do?
Depresses tongue
What does styloglossus do?
Retracts tongue
Palatoglossus role?
Elevates back of tongue and depresses soft palate
Innervation of anterior 2/3 of tongue?
Taste- facial nerve via chorda tympani contributing to lingual nerve
Sensation-lingual nerve
Innervation to posterior 1/3 of tongue?
Taste- glossopharngeal
Sensation- glossopharngyeal
Motor to whole tongue?
Hypoglossal nerve except palatoglossus which is supplied by vagus
What is the motor function/ visceral of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Parotid gland
Injury to hypoglossal nerve will cause?
Tongue deviating to side of lesion, speech disturbance
The larynx is made up of which cartilaginous structures?
Thyroid, cricoid, corniculate, arytenoid, cuneiform and epiglottis.
Sensory and motor supply to larynx?
Superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal branch, above vocal fold is internal laryngeal branch and below recurrent
Arterial supply to larynx?
Superior and inferior thyroid artery
Motor supply to all intrinsic muscles is supplied by recurrent laryngeal except?
Cricothyroid, supplied by external laryngeal
Innervation to pharynx?
Motor: vagus except to stylopharyngeus via CN9
Sensory: maxillary, CN9 and CN 10
Supply of vagus nerve?
Sensory: larynx, dura mater
Taste: epiglottis and pharynx
Visceral sensory: aortic bodies, aortic arch chemoreceptors, bronchi, heart lungs, midgut and foregut.
Motor: palatoglossus, muscles of pharynx and larynx
Visceral motor: parasympathetic to smooth muscle in glands in pharynx, thoracic, foregut and midgut
Fascial layers in neck?
Pretracheal, prevertebral and investing.
Reduce spread of infection.
Carotid sheath contains?
Common and internal carotid arteries, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, deep cervical lymph nodes and carotid sinus nerve
What divides the anterior and posterior compartments of the neck?
Anterior compartment of neck is made up of what?
Submental triangle, submandibular triangles, carotid triangles and muscular triangles
Posterior compartment of neck is made up of?
Occipital triangles, omoclavicular triangles, posterior belly of omhyoid divides triangles
Submandibular triangle boundaries and what it contains?
Anterior and posterior bellies of digastric.
It contains submandibular gland, facial artery and vein
Submental triangle boundaries and and what it contains?
Anterior belly of digastric
Contains lymph nodes
Muscular triangle boundaries and what it contains?
Omohyoid muscle and sternocleidomastoid
Contains supra and infrahyoid muscles
Carotid triangle boundaries and what does it contain?
Digastric, sternocleidomastoid, omohyoid and stylohyoid
Common carotid, IJV, vagus nerve and CN 10 11 and 12
Contents of posterior triangle?
Subclavian artery External jugular vein Brachial plexus CN11 Cervical blexus
Boundaries of occipital triangle?
SCM, trapezius and omohyoid
Supraclavicular triangle boundaries?
Clavicular head of SCM, clavicle and omohyoid
Subclavian arteries supply what?
Inferior thyroid
External jugular vein is formed from?
Posterior auricular vein and retromandibular vein,
Drains face, neck and scalp
External jugular vein drains?
Scalp face and neck
Tha accessory nerve supplies motor to?
Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius, allows shrugging of shoulders
Which conchae in the nasal cavity does not arise from the ethmoid bone?
Injury to left recurrent laryngeal nerve can occur during surgery. What is a common sign?
Hoarseness of voice
In which anterior triangles in the neck will you find lymph nodes?
External carotid branches to become?
Lingual Superficial temporal Maxillary Facial ascending pharyngeal Superior thyroid