Rowframes (except line placement) Flashcards
_________ stories
_________ wide
_________ deep
2-5 stories
20’-30’ wide
40’-60’ deep
Brownstone type # of windows________
OLT type # of windows __________
brownstone type 3 window front ( no F.E)
OLT type 4 window front ( rear F.E.)
Rowframes are made of what style construction?
Braced frame
Balloon Frame
PS interior similar to tenements and brownstones
Rowframe. Where is fire extension going to be on the exterior of these buildings
fire unseen in air space formed from the furring strips between veneer&outer sheathing
Rowframe size of cockloft?
1’ on height to tall enough to stand in.
T/F Rowframes air/light shafts are found in most of these buildings?
ones of LONGER length
Rowframe. Where is the scuttle usually found?
near the skylight over the stairs
PS many have a retail store on the 1st fl.
T/F Rowframe cellar ceilings are confined to 1 building?
sometimes run MORE THAN 1 building with o separation.
PS this will endanger 2 OR MORE buildings
What is a salient feature?
Common Cockloft
Rowframe Major Defects?
Lack of fire stopping
large quantity of combustible material
Rowframe. Major Factor?
T/F Rowframes. Rear walls can pull away and collapse in 1 section in the yard?
Rowframes. When the collapse of side walls is especially a concern?
Buildings in a row removed/demolished.
also corner buildings standing alone
Even when the walls are braced
T/F Rowframes. When a fire burns out the 1st fl there is a serious danger of collapse especially corner buildings& buildings standing alone?
ENTIRE 1st fl
PS I know it is cunty
Rowframe 1st ladder general responsibilities?
PS check fl above if 2nd ladder delayed.
ops on fire floor roof vent visual check of sides/rear FROM ROOF all horizontal and INITIAL vertical vent check rear
Rowframe 2nd ladder general responsibilities?
VEIS all floors above fire check for extension Confirm roof vent Check/rear and sides PS top fl fire check exposures split company
Rowframes Who checks for extension?
2nd due truck
Rowframes. Top fl fire brownstone type. Where does 1 and 2 due inside teams go?
1st goes to top fl
2nd goes to exposures 2&4
Rowframes. Top fl fire OLT type. Where does 1st and 2nd due inside teams go?
1st goes fire apt
2nd goes adjoining apt in the same building
Rowframes. Who shall prevent the the front door from closing?
1st member Block door from closing.
Fully chocked when hoselines, stretched through
PS officer ensures doors are chocked open
T/F Brick veneer and stucco and collapse in sections or complete unit?
Rowframe. Who maintains control of the door to the fire area?
1st due ladder officer.
PS he also controls ALL HORIZONTAL VENT
Rowframe. When does the primary search start for the 1 due ladder officer?
from the seat of the fire
Rowframe. 1st due ladder officer who does he tell of the fire location & any unusual layout?
Engine Officer
Rowframe. 1st due Forcible Entry FF. What tools?
Axe/ Halligan
Rabbit tool
Rowframe. Who does the IMMEDIATE search?
Who does search?
1st due irons
1st due can
Rowframe. !st due LCC tools?
Tools he deems necessary
Rowframe. LCC of ________ shall not impede return to pedestal.
PS must notify Officer if leaving primary position
Rowframe. LCC must notify who if unable to position apparatus for complete coverage?
Only variation for known life hazard
Rowframe. LCC 3 window front. What is he to do?
Aerial to roof
WAIT for size up IF LSR go help
NO LSR place ladder TOP FL
Rowframe. LCC 3 window front. When is top fl. VEIS mandatory?
fire denies use of interior stairs
no rear F.E.
Only variations aerial/port rescue in FRONT or LSR
Rowframe. LCC 3 window. When would vent to the top floor be delayed?
fire lapping from lower to upper fl.
Wait till darkened down
Rowframe. LCC 4 window. Does he wait for roof size up?
Rowframe. LCC 4 window. AS we know he does not wait for roof size up where does he go with aerial?
Fire apt if fire on 3rd fl or above.
PS if fire on 1st or 2nd VEIS with portables
Rowframe. LCC 4 windows after VEIS of the fire apt. complete. Where do u position aerial?
Rowframe. Partitions that separate apts. are not fire stopped between __________ &__________. Resulting in heavy smoke in an apt NOT directly over fire apt.
ceiling of ONE fl and underside of floor above.
ON test day do not fall for 1st fl. big difference
Rowframe. OV 4 window. What tools does he take?
6’ hook
Halligan Tool
Rowframe. OV top fl fire. What tools?
saw Halligan tool Flashlight HT NO HOOK
Rowframe OV 4 windows. Where does he VEIS from?
Fire Escape if present (if unable to descend tell offi)
roof. THEN u assist in roof vent
Rowframe. OV 4 windows. Rear rescue needed and no Fire Escape. Who do u notify?
Officer AND IC
PS if can be done with portables tell IC
size of ladder
best route
Rowframe. OV has to make decision of stay in rear or go to roof based on what?
ACRO : LIES LOCATION of fire fire/smoke in IMMEDIATE vicinity of victim EMOTIONAL state of victim SEVERITY of fire
Rowframe. OV, If unable to enter and team up from the rear. What is next step?
Return to front team up with LCC for top fl VEIS
Rowframe. The OV knows it is important to notify who of a rear Fire Escape?
PS same for brownstones
Rowframe. Roofman tools?
Halligan 6' Halligan Hook Light HT LSR
Rowframe. Priority order for Roofman access to roof?
2nd Aerial
Adjoining Building (Not the Immediate Building)
Rowframe. The roofman’s 1st action when he gets to the roof?
check rear, courts and shafts
PS same for brownstones
Rowframe. 1st due roof. U have trapped occupants, Who do u notify?
Officer, must be acknowledged
IF LSR required call LCC for assistance also have him reposition ladder for tie off if necessary
Rowframe. The roofman has no occupants trapped, Who does he notify?
then notify the officer you are in position to vent
Rowframe. Initial vertical vent must directed by who?
Ladder Company Officer
Initial vert includes bulkheads, skylights, scuttles
T/F Rowframe. Vent windows to upper floors as directed by 1st due officer?
PS use utility CORD.
by the officer responsible for that floor
When can u descend a scuttle ladder?
Fire Under Control
Rowframe. Roofman. Who do u notify that u are leaving the roof?
Your Officer
descend the aerial team up with LCC and VEIS top FL. No aerial be guided by company officer
Rowframe. roofman. While waiting for the saw,What shall he do?
open returns
Vent top fl windows directed by officer
Rowframe. Who actually utilizes the saw?
1st due roof AFTER completing initial duties
Rowframe. Who is responsible for checking for fire extension?
2nd ladder
Rowframe 2nd ladder general duties?
floors above fire fl
check for fire ext
check rear and sides
reinforce laddering
Rowframe 2nd truck. Fires on top fl in brownstone type?
split company examine exposures for ext.
Inside team should operate in most severely exposed.
PS officer can assign LCC to exposure
Rowframe. 2nd due truck. OLT Type. Inside team top fl fire goes where?
Top fl. of fire building in adjoining apt.
PS if LCC is not needed for laddering assign him to exposure
Rowframe. What must be given serious consideration in relation to fire extension?
Common Interior Shafts
Often covered at roof level
Rowframe. 2nd due. inside team top fl fire. 3 window front. Canman takes what tools?
two 6’ft hooks in lieu of can.
Go to exposure may have to skip exposures
T/F Rowframe. Top fl fires u can pull ceilings once a line is in place?
charged line
Rowframe. 2nd due. top fl fire. 3 window front. LCC is not needed for laddering or outside ops. Where does he go?
into exposure as directed by officer. VEIS top fl and examine cockloft.
Rowframe. 2nd OV Top fl fire tools?
Brownstone Type
6’ hook
Halligan Tool
Rowframe. 2nd OV Top Fl Fire. If not needed in front, What is the next step?
Brownstone Type
rear F.E .Per Lad 3. VEIS TOP fl.
NO F.E. tam up with LCC for exposure OR
goto roof
Rowframe. Who ensures ventilation is complete?
2nd OV
Rowframe. 2nd roof, Top FL. fire. What tools?
Brownstone Type
6’ Halligan hook
PS if possible cut so at least 2 rooms vented. Afer initial cut start enlarging cut
1st OV saw&halligan
Rowframe. 2nd due roof Top FL. fire, Brownstone type. Do u make examination holes?
in returns of EXPOSURES avoid
those remote from fire
PS report results ti officer& IC
Rowframe. 2nd Inside team, top fl fire OLT. Where do they go?
Top FL of fire building adjacent
apartment for VEIS. Check cockloft
Rowframe. 2nd LCC, top fl fire OLT. Where does he go?
Position apparatus.
If not needed, goto exposure
as directed by officer.
Rowframe. 2nd OV, Top FL fire. Where does he go?
VEIS top fl
Rowframe. 2nd due Roof, Top FL fire,OLT Type. What tools?
6’ Halligan Hook
PS 1st OV brings saw and halligan
Rowframe. 2nd Roof, OLT type, Top FL. After initial holes are cut and opened, What is next?
Start enlarging hole and make examination holeS
in returns of EXPOSURES. Avoid those remote from fire. Results to IC& Officer.
Rowframe. 1st ladder TL. LCC and OV shall go where?
LCC-Remain at pedestal.
OV- Basket
Rowframe. 1st ladder is a TL. The OV when TL is USED FOR ROOF ACCESS, What tools are in the basket?
Rowframe 1st ladder is TL. Brownstone Type. Does the OV wait for roof size up and what is proper placement of TL.
WAIT for size up.
Roof-Fire FL-Top FL in that order
PS OLT Type Wait for size up
Roof-Fire FL
Rowframe. 1st ladder is TL. How does Roofman get to the roof?
1st aerial
Adjoining (not Immediate)
PS life haz will negate TL basket roof access
Rowframe. 1st ladder is TL, Brownstone type. Roofman after completion of roof duties, What?
Top Fl VEIS with O.V.
Rowframe. 1st ladder is TL, OLT. Roofman after roof duties what is his next step?
vent fire apt from fire escape with 2nd roof or another FF
Rowframe 2nd ladder to arrive and TL on the scene 1st due. The TL LCC will be on pedestal so 2nd LCC does what?
Examine Exposures
assist with roof ops
team up