Evolution 33-33a-34 Flashcards
Member notifies the 1st due ladder company officer that the target window has been identified and is preparing the blanket for deployment. T or f
F. The member notifies the ic. 3.2.2. Ko member notifies ladder officer
Testing showed an immediate ______ % decrease in tempatures and significant reduction in flame production when the fire window blanket was properly deployed.
- -2.2
Firefighters should never remove the window on the floor above to deploy the fwb. T or f
F. Only if neccesary. 3.3.3
Ic shall designate a spotter to monitor the deployment of the fire window blanket. What shall he get from the battalion vehicle to aid in his duties?
Binoculars. 4.2
Just before the fwb is deployed the ic will make a ht announcement asking the units to do what?
Report any adverse conditions caused by the blanket being out in place. 4.4
How many windows can the fwb blanket cover?
Testing showed an immediate ____% decrease in temperature and significant flame reduction when the ko curtain is deployed.
- Ev34-1.2
The ko curtain will only be deployed by the orders of the ic. T or f
the ic. Ev34 1.2.2
What are the 2 conditions when u should deploy the ko curtain?
- A window in fire apt fails and wind is blowing the fire into the apt continuously or intermittently
- Size up indicates the deployment of curtain prior to window failure will prevent a wind driven fire.
When a ff is done sizing up the wind conditions on the floor above, who does he relay his findings to?
The officers on the fire floor and the ic. Ev34 3.2.1
What are the tools that the deployment firefighter brings with him?
Ko curtain, hydra ram, halligan. Ev34 4.1
What tools do you need for fire window blanket deployment?
Fwb, 2 sets of fe equipment, 2 six foot hooks. Ev 33 1
The deployment ff must have their face piece on and full ppe donned when deploying the ko curtain . T or f.
T. Ev 34 5.2
The deployment window will be chosen by \_\_\_\_\_\_. A. ic B. spotter C. Deployment ff D. 2nd due lc officer
Deployment ff. ev 34. 5.3
When the receiving and deploying ff’s are in position and ready, who do they notify that the ko curtain is in position and ready?
2nd due ladder officer. Ev 34. 5.7
If the ko curtain will be subject to flame exposure for an extended period of time, what might the ic consider doing?
Consider deploying a second ko or fwb to cover the 1st. Ev 34 5.12