Lofts Flashcards
Lofts. What is an indication of no interior columns?
frontage of 25ft or less
Lofts. What is the indication of full sidewalk vaults?
Large piece of granite stone covering the sidewalk to the curb line.
Lofts. What are Quoins?
Gives the FF visual contrast to discern exp 2+4 AND width of the building.
Lofts. Do freight elevators have Fireman Service?
Will passenger elevators have Fireman Service?
NO- may work in manual mode need a operator
PS not use during INITIAL ops may be used after IC approval for greater movement.
Lofts. Where do u normally find PASSENGER elevators?
PS elevator doors look like apt doors.
Normally within a vestibule near the front door.
PS some entered directly from the from the sidewalk.
Lofts. Tell me 3 things that serves the elevator shafts that face the street?
Identical to all other windows in the FRONT facade.
Sign “SHAFTWAY” required. Avoid placing ladders in these windows.
NO streams in these windows unless visible fire extending up.
Lofts. Cast iron columns stronger in _____ but weaker in _______.
PS. Wrought iron strong in BOTH
Lofts. What are the 2 inherent weak links in relation to cast iron columns?
Cast improperly.
Not thick enough for the load it supports.
Lofts. Cast iron columns are not designed to with stand, What type of load?
Lofts. How are cast iron columns put in place?
Bolted to ground may lead to connections with too much play.
Lofts. Columns that are properly cast will be able to take a great amount of _______ stress.
Lofts. Will columns shatter when exposed to fire when cooled by a hoseline?
PS will if IMPROPERLY CAST can contract disproportionately when cooled.
Lofts. Columns that are subjected to heat for a long period of time can?
Fracture and fail.
Lofts. Columns heated at _____ degrees will lose ______ % of its original strength.
loss is cumulative and never regained.
Lofts. What happens to iron fibers in columns when heated?
Can elongate.
If column can not move it WILL crack.
Lofts. Columns are used to support ______.
Lofts .T/F Columns MUST line up vertically.
this will create a cast iron shaft.
Lofts. Can the failure of 1 column collapse all columns.
Yes collapsing the building
Lofts. What is wrought iron used for?
Segmental arch floors over 20 ft.
PS will delaminate and rust at connections. Will elongate and lose strength when heated leading to collapse.
Mill Lofts are made of ______ construction - floors/roofs with ___ exterior load bearing walls.
Heavy timber
Mill Lofts. What are cast iron wall plates?
Walls with built in sockets for floor girders and floor joists.
Mill lofts. Where are the scuppers (drains) located?
At the roof and on EACH FLOOR at the base of the wall.
Mill Lofts. The flooring ran which direction?
Front to Rear, which is useful for a lost FF.
Mill lofts. Has stairs on exterior walls, What pattern do they come in?
Uniform-original construction.
Irregular-put in later to tie in to opposing walls due to age and deterioration.
Lofts. INITIAL hoseline shall be what size?
U can eventually use 1 3/4.
PS 2 lines up stairs after that use another way.
Lofts. ___ ceilings and large ______ areas can mask high heat conditions.
PS last FF on line monitors conditions also another FF monitors at interior entrance.
Lofts. Where does 2nd line go?
It may augment 1st line on fire floor if not needed go above.
Lofts. When can the 2nd line go above?
1st line making progress and capable of handling fire floor.
Lofts. For advanced fires use?
Deckgun and use UNTIL no visible fire.
Lofts. Who can order the use of a deckpipe?
IC this includes the 1st arriving engine officer.
In lofts where is the potential for backdraft?
Intermediate floors where vertical vent is not possible. This may require to start stream a few steps down and immediately discharge water to break up the gases. SHOULD be coordinated with ext vent.
Lofts. Segmental arch floors will ______?
Spall violently. Use reach of stream.
Lofts. Large areas automatic sprinklers can be supplied by?
City mains, gravity tanks and pressure tanks.
PS. SMALL area may NOT have siamese and may be lacking a direct connection to city main sole supply gravity and/or pressure tank.
Which type of loft building has only one type of interior stair?
Lofts. Cellar and sub cellar. The sprinkler system should be supplied by ?
What about lower/upper floors.
1st if staffing and conditions permit.
2nd supply line shall be supplied to feed system.
It does not say who ensures it for cellar/sub cellar.
LOWER floor fires 3rd ensures it but 1st+2nd could stretch if staffing and conditions permit.
Lofts. After 2 lines are stretched up to upper floor fires, What should u consider?
High-Rise Nozzle
Lofts. Residential treat as _____?
Non- residential treat as _____?
HI-RI Office ( initial line 2 1/2 so u can eventually use 1 3/4)
Lofts. What floor is the 1st ladder and 2nd ladder responsible for?
1st-fire floor
2nd-floor above. could end up on fire fl if dimensions make it impractical
What is a negative for ladders at loft buildings?
crowned cobble stone streets are found in these areas.
PS improper positioning and tormentor placement have collapsed vaulted side walks.
T/F Pediments over windows in loft buildings should be avoided for ladder placement?
must be
Cast-Iron lofts may have up to ____ doorways fronting the street?
T/F In lofts multi-lock commercial steel doors within interior stairs were removed when converted to residential.
the doors remained
PS floor landings are often small
Lofts. Units should/must delay opening the fire fl door if it were to expose occupants or units until __________.
charged line is in place
Lofts. The 2nd ladder officer must notify who when going above?
Officers on fire floor
Lofts. Indiscriminate overhauling on the underside of segmental arch floors can cause a ________ collapse.
Mill and cast iron lofts, If the 1st ladder can not make it to sub/cellar who do u contact?
IC and 2nd ladder company
!st ladder will stay with 1st hose on the floor above and do search,extension and provide vent. 2nd ladder will provide alt means.
Lofts. LCC after ladder duties should take on which task?
opening up sidewalk access points in FRONT of building.
PS 2nd due LCC if not needed in front can go to the rear to help OV.
Lofts. The 1st OV at sub/cellar fires might have to use an alternate means and communicate what info to the IC?
Required manpower and equipment. The 2nd OV should be aware of specialized tools for the rear
Lofts. Roof FF choices to the roof?
PS it does not say priority order
Adjoining Building
Fire Escape
Lofts. Vert vent over _______ being used for attack SHOULD be coordinated with _____ and _____.
straight run stairs
Inside team and Engine company Officers
PS notice it does not say ladder officer we see that also with problem with window gates, inside team!
Lofts. After roof duties are complete what does the roof FF do?
VES upper floors. Communicate their intent.
Lofts. At lower floor fires the 2nd ladder should communicate what type of stairs to the IC?
straight run stairs
PS for upper floor fires 1st ladder will communicate this info.
Lofts. If 2nd LCC is not needed in the front they shall contact their boss. What is a possible subsequent assignment?
assist the OV in the rear
PS 1st due LCC would open access points in the sidewalk in FRONT of building.
Lofts. T/F The OV always goes to the rear?
except for assisting the LCC for a immediate life hazard in the front. 2nd OV will reinforce the rear position.
Lofts. For top floor fires who will bring the saw to the roof?
2nd due roof
Lofts horizontal vent of fire apt is controlled by Ladder Officer all other vent is controlled by _____?
What is crucial in fireproof NON- residential lofts?
Air Management.
PS same hazards as HI-RI Office.
Large UN-compartmented areas make it difficult
Lofts. Location of ICP will be ?
PS keep in mind radiant heat because it can span long distances.
proximity of the building.
PS may have to use Post Radio
Lofts. How can u provide vent to sub/cellar fires?
PS rear entrances may provide better access to sub-cellars.
Remove deadlights or remove metal frame over sidewalk vault.Opening up of synthetic walls. This can be a access point for cellar pipes etc.
PS this is labor intensive
Lofts. Adjoining buildings may be interconnected at sub-grade level.
Lofts. What is a grave danger to FF and occupants?
Falling shards of glass.
Do Cast iron lofts have a potential to collapse?
Yes they pose a catastrophic collapse potential if front and rear supporting GIRDERS are compromised
PS front facade cast iron plating can also collapse.
If structural stability of a gravity tank is in doubt, What should u do?
Drain tank and divert water off the roof into a drain pipe or opening a standpipe outlet on a lower floor.
What is a drawback of using LCS at loft buildings?
If a brick wall is held together by sand lime mortar.
Avoid striking columns with LCS the floor can collapse with the failure of 1 column
Loft. What piece of info is especially important to denote in CIDS?
multiple street fronts
Lofts info from Jimmy D slide and also engine/ladder ops.
6.1 to the end.
I did not do construction
Gravity tanks could contain up to _____ gallons.
What type of load is this?
Live- Loads