Haz Mat 12 Flashcards
Do tech decons perform mass gross decon?
Haz mat 12 Minimum staffing levels: Cpc ladders- Decon engines: Soc support ladders: HMTU's:
Cpc ladders: no minimum staffing
Decon engines: officer and 3 fire fighters
Soc support ladders: officer and 3 firefighters
HMTU’s: officer and 4 tech 2 fire fighters
Decon engine fire fighters are trained in donning and doffing of what levels of CPC suits?
All levels
Using meters to check effectiveness of decon process is known as?
Decon frisking
Can decon engines perform more than one type of decon procedure at an incident?
No only one
Do decon engines have their own support vehicle?
No. The equipment needed to perform the decon operations is carried on the SOC support ladders vehicle
Tech decon task force
The intent is to assign these units from an intact battalion consisting of what?
A Soc support ladder
It’s associated decon engine
And the administrative batt chief
Tech decon task force
How will the task force be identified?
By the battalion number
Can task forces assembled for special events consist of units from different task forces?
For chemical attack in a subway with numerous ambulatory and non ambulatory patients how many decon task forces should be called immediately?
At least 4
What are tech decon forces intended to do?
Tech decon forces are intended to perform technical decon which is more thorough than mass gross decon that may be performed by units utilization the aqua master or turbo master fog nozzle on master streams or hand lines
Whenever protected FDNY members are contaminated with asbestos what should be done?
They should be isolated in the safe refuge area and later put through private shower tents
If patients and responders wearing CPC both require tech decon! can 1 tech decon task force perform both tasks?
Are decon engine personnel intended to be used for rescue purposes?
No. Decon engine personnel are not intended to be used for rescue purposes
Which units can perform emergency gross decon?
Any unit
Can decon engine personnel perform mitigation?
Can a tech decon task force leader be an officer?
A tech decon leader must be a batt chief and he can supervise 2 different tech decon stations at the same time
Can the member performing site set-up for tech decon do it in work duty uniform?
Do decon engines have their own support vehicles?
If a report of smoke in a building and upon investigation units discover an acid spill on the second floor can the decon engine be relieved of their first alarm assignment to deal with the spill?
Yes, the IC will make the decision. Another engine should be special called to replace them