Ladders 3 Flashcards
T/F all horizontal ventilation tactics whether ventilation for extinguishment or ventilation for search, require communication with, and coordination by, the ladder company officer operating inside the fire area to be vented?
What are the stages of modern content fire behavior?
Ventilation limited
Early decay
A more rapid and intense 2nd growth if additional oxygen is admitted
Ventilation induced flashover transitioning to fully developed
What is a known life hazard?
A victim can be seen by the rescuer
A victim can be heard by the rescuer
A member has information from a credible source or person at the scene indicating the location of the life hazard
In all incidents of such individual action, the IC (can be an officer) shall forward a report detailing the full particulars to the chief of operations.
What is the 1st roof FFs tactic when he arrives on the roof?
His first tactic is to conduct a roof size up
While the roof fire fighter is performing roof size up and upon hearing what radio transmission can he perform vertical ventilation?
Door control on the fire FLOOR or
A CHARGED hose line is advancing into the fire APARTMENT (not building)
He shall perform vertical ventilation unless addressing a known life hazard then reach in and probe the immediate area of the bullhead if TENABLE
What does the roof FF do if the officer does not want roof FF to perform vertical vent?
Roof FF forces bulkhead door, reaches in and probes immediate area, then immediately closes and controls door
TL first to arrive- NO FRONT FIRE ESCAPE
LCC- where is he
OV- where is he
Officer may request what FF to perform outside vent?
LCC- Pedestal
OV- basket FF
Officer may request roof ff to perform outside vent from fire escape AFTER preliminary roof vent. Only roof ff can perform venting not a member from the inside.
When venting for extinguishment the OV must hear what radio transmissions?
Start water, followed by engine is applying water to the fire and then still request and receive approval from the ladder officer and this only means the vent can take place in the immediate fire area
When venting for search does the ladder officer have to be notified for all search team entry?
Yes, this means both standard and known life hazard entry, the officer may disapprove a search entry to limit negative impact of ventilation
When venting for search what is the priority order?
Clear out the window
Reassess the conditions
Reach in and probe the immediate area
Then, the priority action is to isolate the area by closing a door.
If a victim is found transmit a 1045, including your location and planned exit route
When must the AERIAL ladder LCC remain on the turntable?
When members enter building by AERIAL LADDER
Are in a precarious position (floor over heavy fire, roof of building with heavy fire)
T/F 1st LCC may team up and go above VIA:
Aerial ladder
Portable ladder
Fire escape
Not fire escape, never operate in a manner that will in any way impede their return to the pedestal
This question is on every test TOP FLOOR FIRE 1st OV- 1st ROOF 2nd OV 2nd roof 2nd can 2nd LCC
1st OV- to the roof with saw and halligan,
Tries to descend to fire escape, if unable to descend, COORDINATE vent of fire apartment, THEN ASSIST rood ff
1st roof- to the roof with halligan, 6’ halligan hook and LSR, responsible to cut roof
2nd OV- to the fire escape- reaching this position from below below, if fire apartment already vented, vent ADJOINING apt as ordered
2nd roof- to the roof with saw and 6’ halligan hook
2nd can- two 6’ hooks in lieu of can
2nd LCC- front of building- if not needed their then he goes to the roof
If their is a fire in the dumb waiter what parts of the building should be checked?
Top floor
And cellar ASAP
If fire is reported in the dumwaiter shaft what should the roof FF do?
Vent dumb waiter bulkhead
If their is no appreciable smoke from dumb waiter this may be an indicator of what?
An obstruction in the shaft below, don’t place any part of your body in shaft. Dumb waiter bulkhead previously removed and tared over May cause possible rapid extension into Cockcroft
If their is a fire in the air light or dumb waiter shaft, where should the first hose line be stretched?
To the NEAREST point where water can be applied, sufficient line for upper floors.
If their is a fire in a room in the vicinity of the shaft, what is the priority for extinguishment?
1) control room fire
2) then operate up shaft to extinguish fire and cool shaft
3) then remaining fire in room
Where can air and light shafts be found?
Between buildings
Between apts
Within apts
In most cases the draft in shaft will delay what kind of extension into apts
Lateral extension
Who can operate in exposed buildings at an air and light shaft fire?
2nd LCC, OV, ROOF can operate in exposed building if not needed in fire building
During roll call the company officer shall inform members of the following?
Hazardous conditions
Safety issues
Street closings
Department orders and other pertinent info affecting the unit
T/F in OLT their is always stairs to the cellar?
False, may have been removed if building has been renovated
What kind of fire stopping is in OLT?
Limited fire stopping
Note: the presence of EEW will further increase heat, gases and smoke conditions possibly leading to a flashover or backdraft.
T/F the first ladder company to arrive at an OLT fire is responsible for roof ventilation and a physical check from ground level of the rear and sides of the building?
False. Roof ventilation and a visual check of rear and sides from this level
All ladder companies shall have raiding list posted conspicuously on the apparatus floor, who posts it?
The operational plan found in ladders 3 is designed for OLT and should not be used for New law tenements?
False is equally effective and should be used for NLT
Define a light fire situation?
A fire which can be extinguished with the operation of one hand line and or hand extinguishers or those that can be readily extinguished without resorting to extinguishing agents
T/F a medium fire situation is a fire which may be extinguished with the stretching of two hand lines?
False operation of two hand lines
Who ensures that entry doors at street level are chocked open?
First ladder officer
Who does the 1st ladder officer notify of the location of the fire apartment and when you enter to search for the location of the fire?
The IC and engine officer
The 1st ladder officer must ensure door control at the fire area entrance. He must communicate the location of the fire, fire condition or difficulty finding the fire to who?
Engine officer or IC
Does the 1st ladder officer determine the location of the hose line and any delays with the stretch?
When an emergency roll call is being conducted, company officers will account for FFs of their company that are?
Within voice or hearing without using HT
T/F the chauffeur of a TL should not operate in a manner that will in any way impede their return to the pedestal and cause a delay in positioning or repositioning the aerial for rescue or removal?
False. Aerial ladder
If the location of the fire apartment is not obvious from the exterior, the OV should communicate with who?
Their officer
What is the order for accessing the roof?
Adjoining building
Aerial ladder
Rear fire escape
If the bulk head door cannot be closed and controlled for any reason who should the roof FF notify?
Immediately notify the ladder officer inside the fire area to be searched
What should the roof FF do as soon as they reach the roof?
Confirm their way off the roof
What is considered vertical ventilation?
Opening bulkhead door, skylight, or scuttle and roof level skylights
T/F the roof FF is responsible for utilization of the saw to vent the clock loft and the top floor, this may require the roof FF to perform his initial duties after using the saw?
False, use the saw after completing initial duties
Where should the 1st roof FF report after assignment is completed or when relieved by the 2nd due roof?
Report back to their company officer on the fire floor
Bulk head doors are almost always self closing to keep door open what should the roof FF do?
Either remove the upper hinge or block door open
T/F If a building has a scuttle cover, remove the scuttle cover. This will be difficult because the scuttle cover will be nailed down, have several coatings of tar at the seams and or secured by hooks, chains, etc, on the inside of the cover.
False. This may be difficult because the scuttle cover may be nailed down.
T/F Heavy smoke and high heat issuing from the bulkhead doorway or scuttle would obviously require further ventilation such as removal of the skylight. Opening a bulkhead door or scuttle cover will always give a true indicator of the interior fire conditions
False will not always give a true indicator of interior conditions, the door to the fire apt may not be opened.
T/F if fire conditions are obviously heavy, immediate venting of the skylight prior to the removal of the scuttle cover to relieve the interior would be justified
Prior to proceeding above the fire,the second arriving officer must ensure he notifies who before proceeding above?
The officers on the fire floor
When operating on the floors above the fire members should force how many doors to provide an area of refuge?
Force one or more doors on each floor
Before proceeding above the officer must size up conditions on the fire floor. The following should be considered:
A) severity and location of the fire
B) line placement and availability of water
C) control of fire apt door
D) consider an area of refuge after going above
D) consider an area of refuge before going above
If difficulty is encountered opening the bulkhead door, vent the bulkhead skylight first. Units operating below shall be warned how?
By HT prior to breaking glass. Then pause after breaking first pane to warn members
When protective wire screens cover skylights,insert the tool where to remove glass?
Beneath screen to remove glass
T/F to ensure an unobstructed outlet for shafts, probe all shafts with a hook to detect possible presence of a glazed sash or other covering and remove it.
False, all shafts except dumb waiter shafts
T/F After removing roof level skylights or scuttle covers, do not open returns in fear of drawing fire to unexposed areas of the roof?
False, returns can be opened into the Cockcroft to gain knowledge of conditions or to ventilate.
Ps. Row frame brownstone type you can open returns in exposures
When the roof FF is teamed up he can VEIS the floors above the fire using the rear fire escape. He should pay particular attention to what parts of the building?
Top floor especially the public hallways
Should a FF be caught in the public hallway while moving from the rear to front apartment when the door to the fire apartment is opened what should he do?
Drop to the floor and slide or roll to the nearest wall.
If necessary the officer may request what FF to perform outside ventilation of the fire apartment from the fire escape after completion of their preliminary duties.
Roof ff
Who shall direct and control horizontal ventilation on all floors above the fire floor?
2nd ladder, they shall also cause a through search on all floors above and ensure the rear and sides of the building are checked.
The second due roof should contact the first due roof to determine what?
Their method of accessing the roof
Problems encountered if any
Need for assistance
Need to seek alternative route
At a top floor fire how many ladder company fire fighters will be deployed in a critical top floor fire?
6 firefighters, 2 officers and 4 firefighters
At a top floor fire what tools is the second roof FF bringing?
Power saw and a hook, assist first roof with venting roof.
T/F For a top floor fire, The second OV will make his way up the fire escape to the fire apartment and request permission from his officer before venting the fire apartment?
False he must request permission from the first ladder officer, if the first OV has already vented the fire apartment , bent the adjoins apartment as ordered.
When a membrane roof is encountered, who must be notified?
The IC because the volatile of the roof material may request a line
Dumb waiter shafts may extend from where to where?
Basement to above the roof
For a dumb waiter fire, all units must be immediately notified. If fire is reported in the dumb waiter shaft, does the roof FF need permission from his officer before venting it?
No just vent it
T/F before walking or moving on a roof when visibility is poor, or heavy smoke conditions exists, firefighters should crouch to a kneeling position. Members should probe the roof surface by either swinging a tool or arm in the direction of movement?
False tool or leg
T/F when momentarily blinded by smoke or darkness, and there is immediate danger to the FF, it may be best for the member to remain in place until visibility is restored?
False, and their is no immediate danger to the FF, it may be best to remain in place until visibility is restored.
Are metal gates always on the room side of the window?
In an extreme emergency you can climb onto or off a bulkhead or similar type structure at a spot near or next to an open shaft?
No never
To gain access to the roof of a bulkhead, position a halligan as a stop parallel to the bottom of a removed bulkhead door, with the door placed at what angel to the roof?
30-45 degrees
Acro- doc is in L30 Seamus wishes he was in L45
If any doubt regarding where you are getting off a bulkhead, what should you do?
Drop an object, a tool if necessary and listen for the sound of it hitting the roof surface
When pushing down the ceiling from the roof with the hook what should be done with the hook?
He verse the hook because BX wires may snag the hook
OLT- when a building as four windows per and no front fire escape, it indicates how many apartments per floor?
2 rail road flats with a rear fire escape
When a building has 4 windows per floor and no front fire escape, does this always indicate two railroad flats with a rear fire escape?
No, this does not necessarily apply to a corner building.
OLT- when the building has 4 windows per floor floor and a front fire escape, it usually indicates how many apartments?
3 or 4 apartments per floor with another fire escape in the rear
OLT- the absence of what is a major concern and should be relayed immediately?
A rear fire escape
Apartments numbered 1N and 1S and 2N and 2S, would generally mean what?
2 apartments per floor
T/F four doors on each floor indicates 4 apartments per floor?
Four doors on each floor does not necessarily indicate 4 apartments per floor
Most railroad flats have the kitchen in what part of the apartment?
In the rear so that normal entrance door will be the rear door
T/F Smoke may be seen issuing from the cornice upon arrival, this is an indicator that fire is in the cockloft and the cockloft should be opened?
False, without investigation this cannot be taken as positive evidence that their is actually fire in the cockloft. The only valid conclusion that can be drawn is that smoke and heat is entering the cockles and under no condition should the cornice be opened for smoke
If doubt about the existence of fire in the cornice or cockloft, what should you do to examine it?
It can be examined by opening the ceiling below or opening or opening the returns if present. This is quicker and easier than opening the roof
A rapid column of smoke, with particles or embers ascending to higher levels, visible over the roof top of the building frequently is an indicator that the fire is where?
In an open shaft
Large quantities of black smoke (burning tar) observed over the roof may be an indicator of what?
Of fire at or near the top of the building, namely top floor fire, cockloft fire, stair bulkhead fire or a fire on the roof
T/F When determining where to place roof cuts, use the sense of touch at the base of soil or waste pipes?
Where is the first place you should search upon entering at apt?
The area in the vicinity of the entrance door, and behind the door should be searched for possible victims. After a quick search of this area the room or apt search can begin
If primary or secondary search is delayed or not completed for any reason, the _______ shall be notified?
T/F EEW may intensify the extension of heat, smoke and gases to the upper floors via pipe recesses and or improperly fire stopped vertical arteries?
On the fire floor, after opening the door, the inside team may find conditions too severe to enter before the engine company has their line charged and prepared to advance. In this instance they should probe the area with what?
A hand or tool, then close the door being carefull not to lock the door
If the 1st OV cannot make entry into the fire apt, he should probe the immediate area with what and then do what?
Probe the immediate area with a hand, foot or tool. If the adjoins apt is charged with heat or smoke, the OV should notify his officer before making entry when teamed up.
T/F The OV attempting to perform search from the fire escape must notify his officer before any venting is attempted for a suspected life hazard. This notification is not required for a known life hazard?
False. Must notify officer if performing any venting for search
Who is responsible for maintaining control of the fire apartment and insuring units operating above the fir floor are made aware of any conditions affecting their safety?
The engine and ladder officers operating on the fire floor.
Prior to proceeding above the fire, the second arriving officer should ensure the he notifies who of his intensional so that those operating above can be warned of any situation necessitating withdrawal?
The officers on the fire floor
While on the floor above, If you cannot gain entry into a safe area and the attack line is in position and ready to advance, you must immediately go where?
Immediately return to the fire floor before the door to the fire area is opened.
Cribs might be indicated by by narrow tapered legs, will they have wheels?
Narrow legs close together in a kitchen my indicate what?
A high chair
Will a high chair have wheels?
It doesn’t say that they do
T/F a locked bathroom door is usually an indication that no one is inside?
False people are inside
EEWs will cause high heat build up where?
Fire apartment and floor above
T/F EEWs will cause rapid extension?
The OV must listen for what two radio transmissions in order to PREPARE to vent?
The notification from the engine officer to the engine chauffeur to start water
The notification from the engine officer to the IC that they are applying water on the fire.
This is an indicator to prepare to vent, he must still communicate and receive permission from the ladder officer.
T/F both members of the search team must be able to contact a HT equipped member of the safety team outside of the IDLH atmosphere?
False. At least 1 of the members
Which of the following is NOT a known life hazard?
A) a victim can be seen by the rescuer
B) a victim can be heard by the rescuer
C) a member has information from a credible source or a person at the scene indicating the location of the life hazard
D) the dispatcher informers them on their arrival “reports of people trapped”
D- is incorrect must be at the scene
T/F the ladder officer shall be notified when a search team enters from the exterior to conduct a standard search but he does not have to be notified for a known life hazard?
False. He shall be notified for both
T/F A member entering for search from an exterior window should know that after clearing out the window the reassessing the smoke and heat, the probing the immediate area, the priority action is to begin conducting the search?
False. Isolate the room the conduct the search
When venting from the fire escape, look for discoloration of the glass which is usually what color?
Generally brownish from heat
Cut #1 is how many feet
Cut number 3 is how many feet?
6 feet
What cut is the knock out cut?
Cut #2
On a peaked roof it’s cut number 4
Remover 7-9-8 knock out 2nd cut
T/F when fire is burning in a top floor apt it is not efficient to wait until the fire is knocked down before examining the cockloft. An early inspection hole can be made by going to a room adjacent to the fire (in the same or adjoining apt) and opening an oberservation hole in that ceiling. It is good practice while waiting for the charged hose line to ventilate all windows in the apt?
True. This was a question on the last LT test
When going through a partition wall and using a tool what is the order of preference?
Halligan, hook then an axe
When going through a partition wall a hole should be pinched at what heigh or level?
Punch a hole slightly below waist level
T/F When going through a partition wall you should open up the opposite side of the wall at the same time as you open up the near side of the wall?
False keep poised side of wall intact until near side is completely removed
When going through a partition wall what maneuvers can members perform?
Swim or reduced profile
T/F in tenements you will find steel I beams and steel I columns
False H columns
Will you find steel in OLT?
Yes in renovated OLT
A member operating on the roof of a building for a lower floor fire that detects heat at the base of a soil pipe should do what?
Cut an inspection hole
T/F When a boxed out protrusion exists on a wall contains a steel column that was involved in fire, then the entire length of this void will have to be examined?
True. Particularly the highest point the cockloft will have to be examined
After the fire has been knocked down it is the responsibility of whic officer to determine if the fire has extended?
First ladder
T/F their may be no sub flooring in NLT?
False OLT
If you are the second ladder officer operating on the floor above at an OLT fire should you call for a line if a smoke condition is found at the apartment entrance?
You would if high heat only at ceiling level, a crackling sound heard in the apt or a fiery glow seen through the smoke
If a wall is too hot to keep your hand on it, it should be opened up where?
Make an opening above the hot spot.
T/F To make small probing holes in the ceiling, use the handle or the point of the hook?
T/F When cutting the floor with an axe, cuts should be made to expose the entire bay and it’s joists, as well 1 adjoining bay?
False two adjoining bays
Cutting with a saw will be most efficient, if cutting with an axe cut at a _______ degree and on a __________?
60 degree and on a bias
In warm or hot weather the IC may permit the removal of ___________ to reduce the debilitating effects of excessive perspiration?
Bunker coat
It is dangerous for more than how many members to use tools at the same time in a small area, such as rooms in OLTs?
More than one or two members
Holes in roofs will be much larger, what shall be used to cover these dangerous spots?
A roof door or short ladder
Regarding the throwing of material into shafts, material may only be thrown into what kind of shaft?
A wide open shaft
When opening up a ceiling in a bathroom where should you stand?
Stand outside the bathroom?
Can you remove floor joists or roof joist if complete extinguishment can not be accomplished in any other manner?
Can lintels be removed if they are deeply charged?
No never
Can wooden structural members be removed if they are deeply scorched?
No must be deeply charred