Rourke Baby Record - Nutrition 9-12 months Flashcards
What develops during this period that allows for biting and chewing of chopped foods and finger foods
lateral movements of tongue which allows food to be moved to teeth
By 12 months how should the infant be feeding themselves
- holding foods between thumb and forefinger
- using jaw and tongue to bite and mash a variety of textures
What should be ongoing in terms of primary feeding
breast feeding
or formula feeding
When can milk be introduced
9-12 months
What type of milk should be introduced at 9-12 months
homo milk
Offer pasteurized, unsweetened homogenized (3.25% M.F.) cow’s milk.
Pasteurized, full-fat goat’s milk enriched with folic acid and vitamin D can be
an alternative to cow’s milk.
What is the max amount of milk an infant of this age should be drinking per day
Consider multiple milk sources (e.g.
breastmilk, infant formula, cow’s milk) when providing guidance
For families who cannot or do not want to provide cows milk what should be continued
continue with
breastmilk or a soy-based infant formula until 2 years of age
What liquid should be avoided at this age
water is ok
How should water and milk be offered (what type of cup)
open cup
What age should allergenic foods be given by?
before 1 year old
peanut butter, cooked egg, wheat
continue with iron rich foods, 3 meals, 1-2 snacks, go by infant hunger cues, include infant in family meals, various textures
Red flags
same red flags as 6-9 months
- Does not consume iron-rich foods at least 2 times per day.
8 - By 9 months, lumpy textures and finger foods have not been introduced or
consumed.8 - Consumes > 750 mL (24 oz) of cow’s or goat’s milk a day.8
- Consumes homemade formula, skim or partly skimmed (e.g., 2%, 1% M.F.)
cow’s or goat’s milk, plant-based beverages (e.g., soy, oat, almond), as a main
milk source or infant formula not approved by Health Canada.
8 - By 12 months, common allergenic foods have not been introduced (e.g.,
peanuts, eggs).18 - Consumes raw or unpasteurized milk or milk products or unpasteurized juice.8
- Consumes fruit juice, fruit drinks/punch, sports drinks, pop or beverages
containing artificial sweeteners or caffeine (coffee, tea, hot chocolate).6,8 - Unsupervised during feedings.8
- Feedings are forced, restricted or infant is pressured or praised to eat.8
- Food selection and intake is restricted due to food allergy/intolerance, food
dislikes or family’s eating pattern. - Worries about not