2.6 Vaccinations Flashcards
Is mild acute illness a contraindication to vaccination
even with fever, URTI, OM
What are contraindications to vaccination
- moderate to severe illness (esp GI and rotarix)
- measles (any varicella containing vax)
- active TB (MMR + varicella)
- wheezing (live influenza)
- hx anaphylactic reaction to vaccine
Is a history of febrile seizures a contraindication to vaccination
no- kids are no more at risk of developing seizures with vaccination
Which two vaccinations support casual relationship to the development of GBS
- influenza
- tetanus containing vaccinations
What is hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode (HHE) after immunization
sudden onset hypotonia+hyporesponsiveness + pallor/cyanosis following vaccination in first 2 years of life
thought to be a pain response
Is a history of hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode a contraindication to future vaccination
no- risk of recurrence low
Is a history of high pitches presistent crying following immunization a contraindication to future vaccination
no- thought to be pain response
What is oculorespiratory syndrome
bila conjunctivitis + one or more:
cough, wheeze, chest tightness, SOB, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, sore throat
with or without facial edema wiithin 24 hours of flu shot
transient - resolves after 48 hours
no contraindication to future vaccination
FYI- big locals, limb edema, syncope, severe site reaction are not contraindications to vaccination
Are egg allergies a contraindication to vaccination even if the vaccination contains egg
Is being on anticoagulation a contraindication to vaccination
Which immunization is contraindicated in infants with hx of GI intussusception or uncorrected malformation of GI tract